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What is the most creative, yet legal, version of Russian Roulette you have done or can think of?

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Is it legal to play russian roulette in central europe?

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Is playing Russian Roulette legal?

If no, why exactly?
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If you are at a party playing Russian Roulette and someone it considered suicide from a legal stand point?

Just curious to what the cops could actually do?
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THE TIMES (Full Article) - Jordan Peterson on his depression, drug dependency and Russian rehab hell

THE TIMES (Full Article) - Jordan Peterson on his depression, drug dependency and Russian rehab hell

Jordan Peterson on his depression, drug dependency and Russian rehab hell

The superstar psychologist, scourge of snowflakes, and his daughter, Mikhaila, explain how he unravelled — and their bizarre journey to find a cure
📷 Jordan Peterson
Interview by Decca Aitkenhead
Saturday January 30 2021, 6.00pm GMT, The Sunday Times

I thought this was going to be a normal interview with Jordan Peterson. After speaking with him at length, and with his daughter for even longer, I no longer have any idea what it is. I don’t know if this is a story about drug dependency, or doctors, or Peterson family dynamics — or a parable about toxic masculinity. Whatever else it is, it’s very strange.
Peterson, a clinical psychologist, is a conservative superstar of the culture wars. Born and raised in Alberta by a librarian and a teacher, he spent the first three decades of his career in relative academic obscurity, churning out papers and maintaining a small clinical practice. All that changed in 2016 when he challenged, on free-speech grounds, a new Canadian law he argued would legally compel him to use transgender people’s preferred pronouns. Practically overnight the Toronto professor became a YouTube sensation, posting videos and lectures attacking identity politics and political correctness, and dispensing bracing advice about how to be a real man. His 2018 self-help bestseller, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, has made him arguably the world’s most famous — and certainly its most controversial — public intellectual.
For three tumultuous years wherever Peterson went uproar and adoration followed. His explosive confrontation with Cathy Newman on Channel 4 News in 2018 resulted in the network calling in security experts after some of his supporters posted abuse and threats online. To the millions of young men who idolise him, the erudite, unflappable 58-year-old is a kind of fantasy father figure. Life is tough, he warns them; they need to stop whining, tidy their room, stand up straight and deal with it. He accuses the “neo-Marxist radical left” of trying to “feminise” men, and defends traditional masculine dominance. According to Peterson men represent “order”. To his critics he represents the respectable face of reactionary misogyny, and a dangerous gateway drug to online alt-right radicalisation.
📷 Jordan Peterson and his daughter, Mikhaila - SHALAN & PAUL FOR THE SUNDAY TIMES MAGAZINE
If his rise to fame was dramatic, what has happened since he disappeared from public view 18 months ago sounds fantastical — in his daughter’s words it is “like a horror movie”. A movie in which her father gets hooked on benzodiazepines, becomes suicidal, is hospitalised for his own safety and then diagnosed with schizophrenia. Against his doctors’ advice she flies him to Russia to be placed in an induced coma. He emerges delirious, unable to walk, and ricochets from one rehab centre to another, ending up in a Serbian clinic where he contracts Covid-19. Back home in Canada at last, from where he speaks to me earlier this month, he breaks down in floods of tears and has to leave the room. When I ask if he feels angry with himself for taking benzodiazepines, his daughter jumps in, arms waving — “Hold on, hold on!” — and tries to bring the interview to a close.
📷 Russian roulette: Jordan and Mikhaila in Moscow, where he tried an unorthodox form of drugs detox@MIKHAILAPETERSON / INSTAGRAM
If this was a movie, its director would unquestionably be the 28-year-old Mikhaila Peterson, CEO of her father’s company. She and her Russian husband appear to have assumed full charge of his affairs, so before I am allowed to speak to him I must first talk to her. Unrecognisable from the ordinary-looking brunette from photos just a few years ago, Mikhaila today is a glossy, pouting Barbie blonde, and talks with the zealous, spiky conviction of a President Trump press spokeswoman.
According to her website she has suffered from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder, since early childhood, which necessitated a hip and ankle replacement at 17. Other symptoms — chronic fatigue, depression, OCD, nose bleeds, restless legs, brain fog, itchy skin, the list goes on — forced her to drop out of university, “and it finally occurred to me that whatever was happening was likely going to end in my death, and rather soon. After almost 20 years, the medical community still had no answers for me.” So she decided to cure herself.
In 2015 Mikhaila began to experiment with food elimination. Starting with gluten, she removed one food group after another from her diet, until for the past three years she has eaten literally nothing but red meat — almost exclusively beef — and salt. This has, she claims, cured everything. She now makes podcasts and blogs about her “lion diet”.
Needless to say the medical profession does not endorse this diet. Nevertheless, in 2018 her father adopted it and within months declared it had cured his depression, anxiety, psoriasis, snoring, gingivitis, gastric reflux, even the floaters in his right eye. He stopped taking the SSRI antidepressants that he had been on for 14 years. He was, he proclaimed, “intellectually at my best”.
📷 Delivering a lecture in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on his 12 Rules for Life book tour in 2018 REX
Like every medical autodidact I’ve ever met, Mikhaila rattles off pharmacological jargon at 100 miles an hour, sweeping from one outlandish tale to another with breathless melodrama that becomes increasingly exhausting to follow. She wants to give me the “nitty-gritty nasty details” of the past 18 months herself, “because Dad is still not fully recovered, and he’s still extremely prone to anxiety, so any recounting of the story knocks him out for a couple of days”. After 80 minutes on Zoom, the one thing of which I’m certain is that, were I as close to death as she assures me her father repeatedly was, this is not the person I would entrust with saving my life.
The problems all began, according to Mikhaila, in October 2016. By then she, her husband and her father were consuming only meat and greens — the full lion diet would come later — and ate a stew that contained apple cider, to which all three had a violent “sodium metabisulphite response. It was really awful — but it hit him hardest. He couldn’t stand up without blacking out. He had this impending sense of doom. He wasn’t sleeping.” Peterson himself has said he didn’t sleep for 25 days, a claim that has been widely disputed, given that the longest period of sleeplessness recorded is 11 days. Mikhaila brushes this away impatiently. “He was in really bad shape, right.”
Peterson had plenty of reasons to be unsettled. His book 12 Rules would be coming out a year later; his job at the University of Toronto was in jeopardy due to the transgender pronoun controversy. “So that was incredibly stressful,” Mikhaila agrees. “And then just going from not being known to being known was stressful. But our entire family agrees, the main problem here was this weird health thing.” They consulted doctors, “who didn’t really know what was going on”, until the family GP prescribed “a really low dose of benzodiazepine”, the family of sedative drugs that includes Valium. It seemed to help. “And we were, like, OK, whatever.”
📷 Peterson’s wife, Tammy, was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney cancer in early 2019DANIEL HAMBURY / STELLA PICTURES
By early 2019 Peterson was a household name, his book a global bestseller, when disaster struck. His wife of 30 years, Tammy, was diagnosed with kidney cancer. “We did a whole bunch of research and it was this extremely rare cancer that is extremely deadly.” Tammy suffered all kinds of surgical complications, and Peterson spent months at her hospital bedside, terrified she would die. That summer his doctor raised his benzodiazepine dose, but instead of soothing him it seemed only to make matters worse. “Dad started to get super-weird. It manifested as extreme anxiety, and suicidality.”
On another psychiatrist’s advice he quit the drug and started taking ketamine, but cold turkey sent him into benzodiazepine withdrawal. Another psychiatrist, a family friend, told him to resume the benzodiazepine and check into a rehab clinic to help wean him back off it slowly. After six weeks in rehab in Connecticut he was in a worse state than ever, still on the benzodiazepine plus now additional drugs, unable to stop pacing or writhing with agitation. Frightened he would kill himself, Peterson transferred to a public hospital in Toronto in November, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
The hospital wanted to treat him with electroconvulsive therapy, but Mikhaila and her family were having none of it. “It’s not like we’re uneducated in these things, right?” she says. “We kept telling them, no, the problem was his medication. But they wouldn’t listen to us. So we started calling rehab clinics around the world. We rang 57 of them. And this one place in Russia was, like, ‘Yeah, we do detox.’ So we thought, what do we do? It’s got to be dangerous because no one else will do it. But my family agreed, let’s give it a shot.”
The Toronto doctors “were not OK with it. We had to sign papers taking responsibility for whatever happened. And they were annoyed about it enough that they wouldn’t give us his discharge papers. Which is not even legal, right? It was a complete mess.”
In January last year, with the help of her husband, a nurse and a security guard, Mikhaila put Peterson on a private plane to Moscow. The clinic there was more familiar with detoxing patients from opiates than benzodiazepines; they took one look at Peterson and said he’d been deliberately poisoned. “And I was, like, no, it’s the meds!” To complicate matters further, the clinic intubated him for undiagnosed pneumonia. Did she feel her father was in safe hands? “Well, my husband was translating everything, which was terrifying. But the clinic looked really modern. It didn’t look sketchy.”
The medics administered propofol, the drug that killed Michael Jackson, to induce an eight-day coma, during which they “did something called plasmapheresis, which takes your blood and cleans it. Benzodiazepines have such a long half-life, there’s a theory that maybe some of the withdrawal is because you still have benzodiazepines in you. So the plasmapheresis got rid of everything.”
When Peterson regained consciousness, it became clear that they were not out of the woods yet. “He was catatonic. Really, really bad. And then he was delirious. He thought my husband was his old roommate. Oh, it was horrible.” Did she panic? “Yeah! I lost a whole bunch of hair. I’ve never been that stressed in my entire life. We’d brought Dad here and it was, like, what did the detox do? Was it too hard on his brain? I thought, I’m f***ed if this goes badly. The entire world is going to blame me, because who brings somebody to detox from these medications in Russia? It’s, like, this is really bad.”
Peterson was transferred to a public hospital near Moscow, “for people with severe head trauma, basically. It was like a Soviet-era hospital from a movie. But it was full of really — thank God — really, really, really, really skilled doctors. So I went the next day, and Dad was back!”
The doctors had put him on new drugs; he was alert. By now it was February and Peterson had no memory of anything since mid-December. He had even forgotten how to type. Over eight days he learnt to walk again, and was then transferred to another clinic to convalesce. In late February his family flew him to Florida, rented a house in Palm Beach, hired nurses and thought he would recover. But ten days later all the old symptoms came back. Unable to stop moving, in pain, Peterson was suicidal again. “And I was, like, what is going on?”
Mikhaila contacted a clinic in Serbia — “this, like, top-of-the-world private hospital” — and flew her father to Belgrade, where he was diagnosed with akathisia, a condition of restlessness classically linked to benzodiazepine withdrawal. Finally Mikhaila had found doctors who corroborated her own theory. They prescribed further sedatives and antidepressants and an opiate; her father seemed “stoned” but “at least started to relax”. Father and daughter released a podcast, updating fans on his recovery. And then Serbia went into lockdown, so she moved into her father’s clinic with her husband, their nanny and three-year-old daughter — and all five of them promptly contracted Covid.
By now my head is spinning. The blizzard of obscure pharmaceutical terminology keeps on coming, as Mikhaila reels off the names of more antibiotics and antidepressants and antipsychotics prescribed to her father, recounting her objections to this one and that one until it all becomes a blur.
The long and the short of it is that late last year Peterson flew home to Canada. His akathisia — the intense agitation and restlessness that makes him suicidal — has improved significantly but not disappeared. No one can understand why it still plagues him. He still isn’t free of meds. Having gone through several more doctors in Toronto, Mikhaila is currently corresponding online with “thousands” of akathisia sufferers, who are “telling me what worked for them”.
📷 Christmas Day, 2020, in Toronto. Clockwise from left: Jordan, Mikhaila and husband Andrey, Julian (Jordan’s son) with son Elliott and wife Jillian, Tammy with granddaughter Scarlett ---- ELLIANA ALLON
Has she ever, I wonder, felt perceived by the medical profession as the problem? “Completely, yes. Hundred per cent. I’ve been problematic for a while.” She starts to laugh. “I’m pretty pushy when I think something is wrong.” She doesn’t have any actual medical training, though, I point out. Doesn’t she worry about the responsibility she has assumed for her father’s treatment? “But because of my experience of being ill, I’ve done a lot of research. There’s this trust people have of doctors that I don’t have. Because doctors are just people, right?”
This opinion is not uncommon in North America, where surprising numbers regard YouTube as a viable substitute for medical school. Whatever your opinion of Peterson, however, his scrupulous deference to scientific data is indisputable. His public image is defined by scholarly precision; “There’s no evidence for that,” is practically his catchphrase.
I am dying to ask him why he submitted to this medical circus, orchestrated by his daughter against his doctor’s orders, when we speak the following day. But at the end of this long and often bewildering account from his daughter, I still can’t tell if her father will be cogent or incoherent. I don’t know what to expect. And Mikhaila will, of course, be monitoring our conversation.
Peterson is as impeccably groomed, composed and meticulously courteous as ever when he appears on Zoom a day later. He looks gaunt and pale, though, and I’m struck by an overwhelming sense of his vulnerability.
As the professor is famously data-driven, I ask what medical evidence was so compelling that it persuaded him to detox in Moscow. He looks slightly blank. “I don’t remember anything. From December 16 of 2019 to February 5, 2020,” he says, “I don’t remember anything at all.” He reassures me that he did, nonetheless, consent to being treated in Moscow, so again I ask why.
“Well, I went to the best treatment clinic in North America. And all they did was make it worse. So we were out of options. The judgment of my family was that I was likely going to die in Toronto.” Why would he put his life in the hands of his family and not the medical profession? “I had put myself in the hands of the medical profession. And the consequence of that was that I was going to die,” he repeats blankly. “So it wasn’t that [the evidence from Moscow] was compelling. It was that we were out of other options.”
I’m curious about the extent to which his mental health was troubling him in the months and years leading up to the crisis. On his book tour he’d delivered a different lecture each night at 160 cities in 200 days, addressing crowds of many thousands. Feted as a psychological authority in possession of all the answers — busy dispensing advice to fans about their mental health — how worried was he about his own? “Well, I don’t think it’s a mental health issue. I think it’s a physical health issue. I have an autoimmune disorder of some sort, and much depression is autoimmune in nature.”
Now I’m confused all over again. Throughout all his medical ordeals there wasn’t ever a formal diagnosis of an autoimmune disorder, was there? “Yeah, there was,” Mikhaila jumps in. “In Russia and in Serbia. Fibromyalgia.” That isn’t an autoimmune condition, is it? “I mean,” Peterson says vaguely, “these sort of autoimmune conditions aren’t very well understood — and fibromyalgia is a good example of that. It’s terra incognita.”
Then he starts talking instead about post-traumatic stress disorder. “One of the markers for post-traumatic stress disorder is derealisation. Like when the things around you don’t seem real. And I was in a constant state of derealisation from October 2016 till …” — he checks the day’s date with a mirthless chuckle — “January 12th of 2021.”
Being Jordan Peterson, he explains, has involved five years of untold pressure. “I was at the epicentre of this incredible controversy, and there were journalists around me constantly, and students demonstrating. It’s really emotionally hard to be attacked publicly like that. And that happened to me continually for, like, three years.” In 2017, 200 of his colleagues “signed a petition at the University of Toronto to have me removed from my tenured position. And my faculty association forwarded that to the administration without even notifying me.” When he gave a talk at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, “protesters were banging on the windows. It was like a zombie attack. They arrested a woman who was carrying a garotte, for God’s sake! And I was harassed directly after the demonstration by a small coterie of insane protesters who were in my face for two blocks, three blocks, yelling and screaming.”
Was it frightening? “I guess I’d have to say yes, definitely. I was concerned for my family. I was concerned for my reputation. I was concerned for my occupation. And other things were happening. The Canadian equivalent of the Inland Revenue service was after me, making my life miserable, for something they admitted was a mistake three months later, but they were just torturing me to death. The college of psychologists that I belonged to was after me because one of my clients had put forth a whole sequence of specious allegations. So that was extraordinarily stressful.”
He was — and remains — intensely frustrated that journalists keep casting his work as “fundamentally political”. “I really don’t like upsetting people,” he says. “I’m a clinical psychologist, it’s in my nature to help people. I’m not interested in generating controversy. I’ve been trying to help people [understand] that they need a profound meaning in their life because their lives are difficult.”
His fans’ enthusiasm for his tough-love message quite unravels him. “The response has been continually amazing. I don’t know what to make of it. What should I think of the fact that I have 600 million views on YouTube?” He certainly thinks about it a lot; he references his viewing figures repeatedly, with a kind of awestruck wonder. “So it’s the scale of exposure that’s — well, I mean, it’s not unparalleled, because there is no shortage of famous people, but it’s certainly unparalleled for me! I mean, when all this hit me I was already 55 or something. I’d laboured under relative obscurity. But now I’ve had this incredible view into the suffering of thousands and thousands of people, and I can’t go out without people coming up to me. And they’re usually quite emotional, and I’m …” His voice trembles, then cracks.
“You don’t have conversations like that, that often, outside of the clinical sphere. So part of what’s overwhelming to me is how it’s direct evidence of how little encouragement so many people get.” His face crumples into tears. “They’re starving …” He breaks down. “Sorry,” he sobs, “I haven’t done an interview for a long time.” He gets up to leave and returns a minute later carrying a towel to dry his eyes.
“And things just fell apart insanely with [his wife] Tammy. Every day was life and death and crisis for five months. The doctors said, ‘Well, she’s contracted this cancer that’s so rare there’s virtually no literature on it, and the one-year fatality rate is 100 per cent.’ So endless nights sleeping on the floor in emergency, and continual surgical complications.” He looks shellshocked. “So I took the benzodiazepines.”
Those drugs are notoriously addictive, I point out; he had surely heard enough horror stories about housewives hooked on Valium in the 1960s to be wary? “No, I really didn’t give it a second thought. They were prescribed and I just took them.”
Maybe they really were the cause of all his problems. The more he talks, though, the more I wonder whether toxic masculinity might have been a culprit, too. His family history of depression might tell us something about the price to be paid for his bootstrap philosophy; that when life became excruciatingly stressful, Peterson’s stand up, man up, suck it up mentality didn’t work. At the very point when the most famous public intellectual on the planet was preaching a regime of order and self-discipline, he was privately in chaos. Parallels with Donald Trump come to mind; another unhappy man closed off from his emotions, projecting strong man mythology while hunkered down in a bunker with his family against the world.
Peterson’s critics will undoubtedly point out that he built an entire intellectual philosophy upon the principle that life is all about pain and suffering; that the strong, manly response is to square one’s shoulders and battle through it, not to take drugs to numb the pain. “No, I’ve never said that. Look, if you’re a viable clinician you encourage people to take psychiatric medication when it’s appropriate. What I really encourage in people is to understand that it isn’t useful to allow your suffering to make you resentful. And, believe me, I’ve had plenty of temptation to become resentful about what’s happened to me in the last two years.”
When I watched the podcast he made last June with Mikhaila in Belgrade, I tell him, I thought he looked angry, and wondered who or what he was angry with. “Well, pain will make you angry.” Is any part of Peterson angry with himself for taking benzodiazepines? He hesitates. “I wouldn’t say angry. But it’s not like I failed to see the irony. That was another thing that continues to make it difficult to stomach. You know, should I have known better? Possibly.”
Mikhaila interrupts sharply. “Well …” but he continues. “I mean, I did do my thesis on alcoholism.” She raises her voice and waves her arms. “This is — hold up, hold up! You had a side-effect from a medication. Should you have known better that benzodiazepines can cause akathisia in people who take SSRIs?” “No,” Peterson defers. Enunciating each word, she spells out: “This. Wasn’t. A. Benzodiazepine. Dependency. Problem. This was an akathisia side-effect from psych meds.” Her father nods. “Right. Yes, that’s right.” Mikhaila checks the time. “We have to wrap up.” He glances up. “I’m doing OK, by the way.” “Yeah, yeah, I know. But still.” Is he absolutely sure, I try once more, that what he experienced wasn’t an understandable response to intolerable stress? “There’s no way akathisia is that,” Mikhaila snaps.
Peterson’s wife is making a miraculous recovery from cancer. His greatest source of stress right now is “fear that the akathisia will come back. It’s unbearable. And there’s always this sense that you could stop it, if you just exercised enough willpower. So it’s humiliating as well.” Does it generate a self-punishing voice in his head, accusing him of being weak? “Yes, definitely.” He worries that akathisia must look like weakness to everyone else too. “It’s certainly how it appears. Grotesque, for sure.”
He suffered akathisia for 26 days in November, and five in December — “and those episodes would last five to seven hours.” So far in January he has suffered none, “but I can feel it lurking”. Every morning he takes a 90-minute sauna, scrubs himself in the shower for 20 minutes, walks for between two and four hours, “and then I can begin to have something resembling a productive day”.
One thing that has not changed is his politics. Asked about the storming of the Capitol in Washington, he clicks back into more familiar, self-assured Peterson mode. “I thought that the continual pushing on the radical leftist front would wake up the sleeping right. I saw it coming five years ago. And you can put it at Trump’s feet, but it’s not helpful. I mean, obviously he was the immediate catalyst for the horrible events that enveloped Washington — and perhaps it’ll all die down when Trump disappears. But I doubt it.” Should Trump be impeached? “I think he should be ignored.”
Incredibly, throughout all of this he has managed to write another book — Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life — the sequel to his self-help bestseller. I ask how he feels about the prospect of its publication this spring. “Well, I’m ambivalent about it because I can’t judge the book properly. I didn’t write it under optimal circumstances, to say the least, so I can’t make an adequate judgment of its quality.”
Why didn’t he postpone the book until he was better?
“I can tell you why I did it. How I could do it. It was easy. Because the alternative was worse.” He’d lost a year to Tammy being ill, then a year to his own illness. “If I would have lost the book, I wouldn’t have had anything left.” I tell him I’m amazed he managed it, and he looks pleased.
“If you would have seen me, believe me, it would have been more amazing. When I recorded the audio book in November I was akathisic almost the entire time.” His voice raises and fills with pride. “I would go to the studio virtually convulsing in the car. I was moving just frenetically, and then I’d get upstairs into the studio and force myself to not move for two hours.
“If you would have asked me to lay odds on the probability that I would live to finish the recording, I would have bet you ten to one that I wouldn’t have. But I did the recording. And it was the same with the book. Because not to would have been worse. So, to the degree that I can explain how I was able to manage it, I’m not going to talk about willpower or courage, I’m going to talk about the lesser of two evils.”
Except, of course, that he has ended up framing his story in terms of his willpower and courage.
Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life by Jordan B Peterson is published on March 2 (Allen Lane £25)
submitted by theweeknd0nly to JordanPeterson [link] [comments]

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submitted by felty777 to auxlycannabis [link] [comments]

The Observers (Part 4) Smoke and Mirrors. Ones and Zeroes.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The emails are still coming in. Here's the next part of the strange voyage of the magic tour bus.
I'm holding out hope that one of these will tell me something about what happened to my cousin Carrie. Please don't judge her too harshly based on this post. She's not usually like this. At least she wasn't before.
Anyways here goes...
The Observers - First Draft
May 2020
As the forest disappears in the distance behind us, I try to build up the courage to talk to Garrett again. Like I said before, asking tough questions is the hardest part of being a reporter.
But I have a feeling, and I want to follow up on it. Need to follow up on it.
Ramone sees me squirming in my seat like a little kid, as I debate whether to go through with it.
Ramone: You need to take a dump or something, boss?
Nassir: I wish. There’s something not sitting right with me. And it’s not those MREs he’s been feeding us. This doesn’t all add up.
I stand up and start moving. Making my way past the deathly sweet stink of the dead woman, I take a seat across the aisle from Garrett and Carrie. Ramone follows behind, skirting around the dead woman as widely as possible.
Nassir: There's one thing I don't understand about all of this.
Garrett: Just one?
Nassir: Okay, one major thing. A bunch of other stuff too obviously but here it is: If we're basing all of this on the famous Schrodinger’s cat experiment, only reversed, doesn't that mean the bus would need some deadly hazard inside like the decaying isotope in the original experiment? How is this working if there isn't a 50/50 chance of death upon entering the bus? I mean that's the whole point right?
Garrett whispers something to Carrie and I feel my heart skip a beat. Why do I feel so utterly full of dread?
Garrett: Well. The thing is…
He stumbles over his words and I realize this is the first time since I met him that he doesn't appear overly confident and disarming with his speech. He pauses and seems to be having trouble figuring out what to say.
Garrett: Okay, don't get mad. I mean I'm sure you're going to be but just remember it's done now and you’re both ok so no harm done, right?
Nassir: I still don't understand. What are you talking about?
Garrett: Well, like you said yourself, the experiment doesn't work unless you're 50/50. Dead or alive.
Nassir: You're saying this bus actually is a Schrodinger’s box? A 50/50 game of Russian roulette?
Garrett: I’m saying you’re alive. But there was a chance – a fifty percent chance – you would have died when that door closed back in the garage. There’s a mechanism built into the bus. It would have been quick and painless, I assure you.
Nassir: That’s attempted murder!
Garrett: Hardly. I told you the risks before we got on the bus. You agreed to everything. You waived all rights to pursue legal action following this, just so you’re aware.
Nassir: I don’t care what the hell that contract said, you’re bringing us back right now! This is insane!
Ramone is yelling at him as well and when Garrett turns around and tells him to sit down and shut up, Ramone loses it. He lunges at Garrett and attacks him.
I see Ted and Wayne have appeared seemingly from thin air, and understand why Garrett was taking so long to explain everything. It was his way of giving them time to approach quietly from behind us.
Wayne grabs me from behind and Ted goes to pull Ramone away from Garrett before he can hurt him, but it’s too late. Ramone slips away and I can see his hands are going for the CEO’s neck. But instead of choking the man, he falls tumbling forward off balance.
Garrett’s body flickers and comes into focus again, with Ramone’s arms through his neck as if he were a phantom.
Suddenly I understand. The son of a bitch isn’t there at all. He’s just a projection.
His image is an extremely well-rendered hologram. Probably ever since we stepped onto the bus, or even before that. This is just a digital body double. A very well-rendered one. I hadn’t been able to detect the difference this entire time.
I look at Carrie in disbelief. Clearly Ted and Wayne are real, which explains why they winced when the bus door closed back in the garage. They knew that it was possible they could die in that second. But I wasn’t sure about her. Was she just a hologram as well?
She touched my arm as if she had read my mind. Unlike her boss, she was there for real.
Carrie: I’m here. We’re in this together, okay?
I’m still in shock and for a few seconds unable to speak. The fact that Garrett has tricked us into coming here under false pretenses and that we nearly died is almost too much to contemplate. All I want to do is go back home.
Nassir: The hell we are! You knew what the risks were. You knew what you were signing up for. We didn’t even have time to read those damn contracts, and you both knew it!
Carrie: I’m sorry. But what’s done is done. Let’s finish out this trip and go back. The article you write about this and the photos that your colleague is taking will make you rich and famous, I can guarantee it.
Nassir: You think we care about that!? We just want to go home! We’ve had enough of this freak show. Your boss almost got us killed and we’re not going to just forget about that like it didn’t happen.
Her face suddenly becomes cold and I realize she is not on our side at all. We are merely observers on this experiment and she tells us that a second later.
Carrie: You are not to disrupt this endeavour, understand? Once we return home you will be able to contact whatever law enforcement you wish and can press whatever charges you like. Good luck finding something in the penal code that covers this, though. That’s all I’m saying.
Ted and Wayne drag us back to the rear of the bus, and beneath the veil I can see the woman in black smiling with her rotten teeth and worm companions poking from the holes in her face where dimples would be.
Woman in black: I told you he wasn’t who he said he was. Smoke and mirrors. Ones and zeroes.
The fact that her disturbing features are partially hidden by her black veil make them somehow even more terrifying. I feel my heartbeat quicken with fear every time I look in her direction.
After dragging us against our will to the back of the bus, the two men separate us and put us in the window seats on either side of the aisle. Ted, whose face I find more and more obnoxious with each passing second, is blocking me into my seat now at the back of the bus as I type up these notes.
Time is passing steadily and I see we have been driving all day. The sky is beginning to darken and far off in the distance I see a phenomenon in the sky like you would see on earth above a large city at night, when approaching from a distance. It reminds me of the glow you sometimes see reflected in the clouds when driving towards a metropolis on the highway, only this “glow” is in reverse, like a giant bruise on the already dark sky above.
Judging by the size of the glowing reflection in the clouds, it would appear that the city (if that is what it is) we are approaching is quite massive.
After several more hours riding in awkward silence, the vague outlines of shadowy buildings come into view. The city stretches out in front of us like Manhattan, impressive and looming. Driving towards it takes forever as it gradually comes into focus.
The world around us is dark, but we are plunged into total blackness as the town envelops us.
Garrett: Night-vision.
Suddenly the windows of the bus are illuminated with different shades of green, and we can see figures lining the road on either side of us.
They are standing in two perfect rows on either side, like a welcoming parade. The shapes of them are perfectly spaced apart, their faces blank and observing us with no emotion as we drive through their midst.
Up ahead, I see the tallest building of them all at the center of the shadow city.
Giant letters are illuminated in green through the night vision technology. The building has a huge sign which blinks on and off, beckoning us closer. It is a skyscraper larger than any I have ever seen before.
The blinking sign mocks me as I stare at it, and Garrett turns around and smiles when he sees the expression on my face.
“Proteon Corporation” – it reads.
Garrett: Told you we made contact.
submitted by Jgrupe to nosleep [link] [comments]

Russian Roulette should be allowed in Casinos

Suspend if you will your immediate disbelief regarding the legal and safety hurdles involving this, and imagine Russian Roulette in Casinos as a commonplace, accepted game of chance enjoyed by a specific, adventurous breed of gambler.
First and foremost- Money, baby...
There is dough to be made, and in unprecedented sums. The Casino sees all profit from this, and so does the winner. Basically, the Casino acts as a setting for the game, and ensures the rules are properly followed. That's it. They don't "match chips" or put up their own money in these games. They supply revolvers and assurance that the game isn't rigged. 5 dudes die, 1 lives, profit splits 50/50 between Casino and winner.
The other benefit is gene pool strengthening. Yes, it'll be an insignificant number when simply compared to yearly world mortality statistics, but the fact is this: sick people with tainted blood are willingly taking themselves out of the genetic equation. A positive baby step, but one that future generations will in some way ultimately benefit from.
Allow Russian Roulette in the Casinos.
submitted by MyLatestInvention to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

A brief history

I’ve hesitated to write this post on fentanyl for awhile now for a few reasons. For starters, I didn’t want to seem to be abjuring responsibility for the events that led to my prison sentence. What happened was tragic, and I admittedly played a role in what transpired, however well-intentioned and unthinking.
If I’m being honest, in a world where this post gained traction, I fear that the following criticism of certain powerful entities would be harm my employment prospects 5 years from now than my criminal history.
Firstly, some eye-opening stats (as best as I can recall): deaths due to opiod (esp. fentanyl) overdoses number 50,000+ every year, or the total number of U.S. casualties in the Vietnam War. The opiod epidemic has affected every strata of society; unlike previous drug epidemics (e.g. crack), one socioeconomic class or ethnicity hasnt suffered alone. No one has been immune.
During the Bush/Obama years, for the first time ever in this country, the life expectancy for an entire ethnic group declined; in an unenviable bit of white privilege, whites committed slow-motion suicide via drugs and drink for the first part of the 21st century. (The situation for the white working class was exceptionally dire). They were also committing suicide-suicide at higher rates than ever.
As anyone deep into the drug world during the 2010s can attest, opioid deaths, particularly due to fentanyl overdoses, were a ubiquitous feature of the scene. I knew of half a dozen or so victims (friends of friends, etc.) before I even started dabbling in opiates. When I progressed to dope, it was like every single user I knew had OD’ed at least once from a fentanyl-laced pack. Even more shocking (in retrospect), no one batted an eye at this fatal fact, myself included; we jus kinda shrugged and accepted it as part of the bargain.
When I think of its unprecedented nature and staggering reach throughout society, the tragedy of fentanyl overdose deaths has become a (counter)cultural watermark for life in 2010s America, just like the acid trip and the expansion of consciousness was in the 60s.
The ongoing fentanyl epidemic in the U.S. is really a story in two parts.
The introduction of oxycontin domestically thru Purdue Pharma’s stunning duplicity is a commonly accepted origin point. But I think such a diagnosis is too facile. The American ruling class is truly the responsible party. They’ve relentlessly shat on citizens by enacting policies catering to special interests and global corporations, squandered the advantages of being the lone superpower during the past 30 years far quicker than anyone imagined.
The second part of this story tells of a foreign adversary far more bloodthirsty than any cartel: communist China.
But first, the cultural and political upheavals that that made the the U.S. populace susceptible to China’s predations.
Odd for a democracy, the American ruling class is largely composed of privileged individuals who loathe their constituents. Since the 90s, terrible trade deals, offshoring, globalisation, automation, and mass immigration resulted in a stagnant economy, (for the bottom 50%, it was moribund). There was little to no real wage growth for anyone not a corporate exec, and income inequality accelerated. (Trends that have reversed over the last 4 years.)
Americans then had their kids shipped overseas to fight wars in countries they never heard of; some came home maimed, many were shellshocked by their experience, and worse they didnt even know why. This convergence of events created for the existential dread Americans felt for the future; for the first time, they believed their kids would have a tougher life than they did. In a society that de-emphasized traditional structures like religion, they desperately needed emotional relief, courtesy of Big Pharma.
Egregious overprescribing remained common for most of the 2000s, and not jus painkillers, though. Every negative emotion suddenly found a pharmaceutical remedy. A case of the blues was reinterpreted as clinical depression. Kids with short-attention spans (I.e. kids) and lazy students were given low-grade meth. Anyone that went thru a hard breakup had a bottle of xannies to ameliorate anxiety. It’s crazy how easy it was to get a script for any narcotic in these halcyon days.
The sudden spike in overdose deaths from oxycontin (particularly the 80mg instant release formula) brought a slew of lawsuits and increased scrutiny, which caused the feds to overcorrect in prescribing guidelines. Law-abiding Americans who were denied their pain meds after years of use suddenly found themselves in the throes of withdrawal, strung out like any dope sick junkie.
They tried to get relief any way they could find it. For many, pills on the black market were much too expensive to maintain the habit they had developed under medical supervision. So they turned to the cheaper alternative: heroin.
However, it’s nearly impossible to overstate how deadly China’s intervention in this supply chain has been. A heroin epidemic is much different than an opiod epidemic. The margin between an active dose and a lethal one, already slim for heroin, is basically nonexistent for fentanyl. Meaning, the dose required to get high is nearly identical to the minimum dose that’ll kill you.
Fentanyl is not new, and for a long time, it was marketed and known as China White, which it still is. In fact, I think it’s at the center of the criminal enterprise in that famous Bruce Lee movie. But new technologies and recent policy have granted China a de facto monoply on fentanyl; the dark web has made widespread distribution both feasible and profitable. It’d be more accurate to say China invented the modern fentanyl market.
Fentanyl is not jus responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths; it’s also made the dope game much more lucrative for any enterprising, unscrupulous dealer without cartel connections.
Browsing any darknet market reveals scores of wholesale fent vendors based in China, selling small quantities of a gram to large ones of a kilo. (Any other vendor of the opiod and its analogues are just middle-men between the Asian wholesalers and American buyers: they simply put a huge markup– like 200%–on the wholesale price in exchange for faster, more reliable, and trackable shipping options.)
Considering their draconian drug policy and surveillance state, this Chinese monopoly hasnt resulted due to the ambition of enterprising criminal cartels; it’s tacitly supported by the Chinese government and encouraged by the CCP’s hostility towards the West. Unlike, say, Colombian cocaine, the production of fentanyl does not rely upon local plantlife, and requires highly sophisticated laboratories.
In fact, (per wikipedia), fentanyl is nearly impossible to manufacture in an illicit lab because it’s a notoriously difficult compound to synthesize. In comparison, the production of LSD is easier by multiple factors.
The implication being: Chinese fentanyl production occurs in government- or government-sanctioned labs. In fact, until the last trade negotiation with the U.S., fentanyl was legal to manufacture in China, designated a commercial product, instead of a narcotic. If I remember right, it was this specific term to the new trade agreement that the Chinese reneged on, which provoked the U.S. during negotiations.
In what is now a familiar pattern to anyone paying attention this past year, the Chinese government prohibited the sale of fentanyl domestically, while exporting death abroad. Chinese companies manufactured fentanyl, carfentanil, and other analogues with the tacit approval of the government, who classified it as some kind of consumer product rather than a pharmaceutical or narcotic. They then accessed a foreign customer base via dark web markets and sold it by the kilo thru these and other murky, illicit channels that utilized cryptocurrency for anonymity.
In short, the Chinese Communist Party is waging a sort of chemical warfare on the West by making readily available the most potent opiods known to man for pennies on the dollar.
A few years ago, you could find a kilo of fent going for a couple grand on the dark web, which is the kind of deal unscrupulous dealers salivate over. They could hit that 10 times over with cut and be left with a product still stronger than most street heroin, in a quantity with a street value of over a half million dollars.
If the U.S. were doing this to another country, there’d be social justice mobs condemning it as proof positive of our moral deficiency as a racist and imperialist society.
And yet…on it goes, year after year, 50,000 dead, and it barely gets mentioned on a national stage. I think Trump is the first politician to have actually said the word “fentanyl” aloud, let alone within the context of China.
What’s especially disconcerting is China’s brazen approach to this modern kind of chemical warfare. Theyre completely unapologetic about it; the legality of manufacturing fent is their worst kept secret. Their superpower aspirations find an outlet in causing cultural chaos in their main political rival.
But since dealers in the U.S. are the ones hitting their product with fentanyl, and American junkies love the potency, our leaders just shrug and never mention what’s happening.
I suspect this is partly China’s revenge upon the Anglo world for the Opium Wars a century or two ago. Britain’s unscrupulous business practices lead to widespread opium use among native Chinese, the country was essentially in thrall to the drug; it’s estimated this episode set China back generations.
But this has got me wondering, has the U.S. already ceded dominance to China? When the smoke clears from the pandemic and we can assess the facts soberly, will countries already value an alliance with China more than the U.S., which they see as a civilization in terminal decline?
And when I consider my own role in this epidemic, more as an unthinking actor drowned by a cultural tidal wave, I try to remember how I even reached that point to be in that position. America has a bad habit of imprisoning its drug users; it’d probably be more productive to ask what lead them to use drugs so destructively.
That person in my PSI seems foreign to me now, but both Jeff and me were afforded the upbringing of the upper-middle class. With all that privilege, why’d we risk it for a Russian Roulette of a high? Perhaps more damning, what sort of society have we produced where a sizeable proportion of us have already considered the risk worth it, risking death in exchange for an hour or two of worry-free, pain free euphoria?
submitted by inmateconvict to addiction [link] [comments]

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A brief history of the fentanyl epidemic

I’ve hesitated to write this post on fentanyl for awhile now for a few reasons. For starters, I didn’t want to seem to be abjuring responsibility for the events that led to my prison sentence. What happened was tragic, and I admittedly played a role in what transpired, however well-intentioned and unthinking.
If I’m being honest, in a world where this post gained traction, I fear that the following criticism of certain powerful entities would be harm my employment prospects 5 years from now than my criminal history.
Firstly, some eye-opening stats (as best as I can recall): deaths due to opiod (esp. fentanyl) overdoses number 50,000+ every year, or the total number of U.S. casualties in the Vietnam War. The opiod epidemic has affected every strata of society; unlike previous drug epidemics (e.g. crack), one socioeconomic class or ethnicity hasnt suffered alone. No one has been immune.
During the Bush/Obama years, for the first time ever in this country, the life expectancy for an entire ethnic group declined; in an unenviable bit of white privilege, whites committed slow-motion suicide via drugs and drink for the first part of the 21st century. (The situation for the white working class was exceptionally dire). They were also committing suicide-suicide at higher rates than ever.
As anyone deep into the drug world during the 2010s can attest, opioid deaths, particularly due to fentanyl overdoses, were a ubiquitous feature of the scene. I knew of half a dozen or so victims (friends of friends, etc.) before I even started dabbling in opiates. When I progressed to dope, it was like every single user I knew had OD’ed at least once from a fentanyl-laced pack. Even more shocking (in retrospect), no one batted an eye at this fatal fact, myself included; we jus kinda shrugged and accepted it as part of the bargain.
When I think of its unprecedented nature and staggering reach throughout society, the tragedy of fentanyl overdose deaths has become a (counter)cultural watermark for life in 2010s America, just like the acid trip and the expansion of consciousness was in the 60s.
The ongoing fentanyl epidemic in the U.S. is really a story in two parts.
The introduction of oxycontin domestically thru Purdue Pharma’s stunning duplicity is a commonly accepted origin point. But I think such a diagnosis is too facile. The American ruling class is truly the responsible party. They’ve relentlessly shat on citizens by enacting policies catering to special interests and global corporations, squandered the advantages of being the lone superpower during the past 30 years far quicker than anyone imagined.
The second part of this story tells of a foreign adversary far more bloodthirsty than any cartel: communist China.
But first, the cultural and political upheavals that that made the the U.S. populace susceptible to China’s predations.
Odd for a democracy, the American ruling class is largely composed of privileged individuals who loathe their constituents. Since the 90s, terrible trade deals, offshoring, globalisation, automation, and mass immigration resulted in a stagnant economy, (for the bottom 50%, it was moribund). There was little to no real wage growth for anyone not a corporate exec, and income inequality accelerated. (Trends that have reversed over the last 4 years.)
Americans then had their kids shipped overseas to fight wars in countries they never heard of; some came home maimed, many were shellshocked by their experience, and worse they didnt even know why. This convergence of events created for the existential dread Americans felt for the future; for the first time, they believed their kids would have a tougher life than they did. In a society that de-emphasized traditional structures like religion, they desperately needed emotional relief, courtesy of Big Pharma.
Egregious overprescribing remained common for most of the 2000s, and not jus painkillers, though. Every negative emotion suddenly found a pharmaceutical remedy. A case of the blues was reinterpreted as clinical depression. Kids with short-attention spans (I.e. kids) and lazy students were given low-grade meth. Anyone that went thru a hard breakup had a bottle of xannies to ameliorate anxiety. It’s crazy how easy it was to get a script for any narcotic in these halcyon days.
The sudden spike in overdose deaths from oxycontin (particularly the 80mg instant release formula) brought a slew of lawsuits and increased scrutiny, which caused the feds to overcorrect in prescribing guidelines. Law-abiding Americans who were denied their pain meds after years of use suddenly found themselves in the throes of withdrawal, strung out like any dope sick junkie.
They tried to get relief any way they could find it. For many, pills on the black market were much too expensive to maintain the habit they had developed under medical supervision. So they turned to the cheaper alternative: heroin.
However, it’s nearly impossible to overstate how deadly China’s intervention in this supply chain has been. A heroin epidemic is much different than an opiod epidemic. The margin between an active dose and a lethal one, already slim for heroin, is basically nonexistent for fentanyl. Meaning, the dose required to get high is nearly identical to the minimum dose that’ll kill you.
Fentanyl is not new, and for a long time, it was marketed and known as China White, which it still is. In fact, I think it’s at the center of the criminal enterprise in that famous Bruce Lee movie. But new technologies and recent policy have granted China a de facto monoply on fentanyl; the dark web has made widespread distribution both feasible and profitable. It’d be more accurate to say China invented the modern fentanyl market.
Fentanyl is not jus responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths; it’s also made the dope game much more lucrative for any enterprising, unscrupulous dealer without cartel connections.
Browsing any darknet market reveals scores of wholesale fent vendors based in China, selling small quantities of a gram to large ones of a kilo. (Any other vendor of the opiod and its analogues are just middle-men between the Asian wholesalers and American buyers: they simply put a huge markup– like 200%–on the wholesale price in exchange for faster, more reliable, and trackable shipping options.)
Considering their draconian drug policy and surveillance state, this Chinese monopoly hasnt resulted due to the ambition of enterprising criminal cartels; it’s tacitly supported by the Chinese government and encouraged by the CCP’s hostility towards the West. Unlike, say, Colombian cocaine, the production of fentanyl does not rely upon local plantlife, and requires highly sophisticated laboratories.
In fact, (per wikipedia), fentanyl is nearly impossible to manufacture in an illicit lab because it’s a notoriously difficult compound to synthesize. In comparison, the production of LSD is easier by multiple factors.
The implication being: Chinese fentanyl production occurs in government- or government-sanctioned labs. In fact, until the last trade negotiation with the U.S., fentanyl was legal to manufacture in China, designated a commercial product, instead of a narcotic. If I remember right, it was this specific term to the new trade agreement that the Chinese reneged on, which provoked the U.S. during negotiations.
In what is now a familiar pattern to anyone paying attention this past year, the Chinese government prohibited the sale of fentanyl domestically, while exporting death abroad. Chinese companies manufactured fentanyl, carfentanil, and other analogues with the tacit approval of the government, who classified it as some kind of consumer product rather than a pharmaceutical or narcotic. They then accessed a foreign customer base via dark web markets and sold it by the kilo thru these and other murky, illicit channels that utilized cryptocurrency for anonymity.
In short, the Chinese Communist Party is waging a sort of chemical warfare on the West by making readily available the most potent opiods known to man for pennies on the dollar.
A few years ago, you could find a kilo of fent going for a couple grand on the dark web, which is the kind of deal unscrupulous dealers salivate over. They could hit that 10 times over with cut and be left with a product still stronger than most street heroin, in a quantity with a street value of over a half million dollars.
If the U.S. were doing this to another country, there’d be social justice mobs condemning it as proof positive of our moral deficiency as a racist and imperialist society.
And yet…on it goes, year after year, 50,000 dead, and it barely gets mentioned on a national stage. I think Trump is the first politician to have actually said the word “fentanyl” aloud, let alone within the context of China.
What’s especially disconcerting is China’s brazen approach to this modern kind of chemical warfare. Theyre completely unapologetic about it; the legality of manufacturing fent is their worst kept secret. Their superpower aspirations find an outlet in causing cultural chaos in their main political rival.
But since dealers in the U.S. are the ones hitting their product with fentanyl, and American junkies love the potency, our leaders just shrug and never mention what’s happening.
I suspect this is partly China’s revenge upon the Anglo world for the Opium Wars a century or two ago. Britain’s unscrupulous business practices lead to widespread opium use among native Chinese, the country was essentially in thrall to the drug; it’s estimated this episode set China back generations.
But this has got me wondering, has the U.S. already ceded dominance to China? When the smoke clears from the pandemic and we can assess the facts soberly, will countries already value an alliance with China more than the U.S., which they see as a civilization in terminal decline?
And when I consider my own role in this epidemic, more as an unthinking actor drowned by a cultural tidal wave, I try to remember how I even reached that point to be in that position. America has a bad habit of imprisoning its drug users; it’d probably be more productive to ask what lead them to use drugs so destructively.
That person in my PSI seems foreign to me now, but both Jeff and me were afforded the upbringing of the upper-middle class. With all that privilege, why’d we risk it for a Russian Roulette of a high? Perhaps more damning, what sort of society have we produced where a sizeable proportion of us have already considered the risk worth it, risking death in exchange for an hour or two of worry-free, pain free euphoria?
submitted by inmateconvict to opiates [link] [comments]

So if my "friend" gave me a sensual back adjustment and accidentally snapped my neck, would that be death by misadventure?

Purely Hypothetical of course, I've had risky relationships and have heard horror stories of slight mishaps and someone dies from asphyxiation or trauma and it's found to be death by misadventure. Is a mistake pursuing La Petite Mortus a genuinely harmless legal justification? I've even heard Russian Roulette is oftentimes found to be death by misadventure with a particularly infamous couple's 10 year marriage ending with the game for a kinky night.
submitted by Deus-system-failed to legaladviceofftopic [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: popheadscirclejerk top posts from 2019-12-31 to 2020-12-29 13:01 PDT

Period: 363.99 days
Submissions Comments
Total 1000 24996
Rate (per day) 2.75 68.05
Unique Redditors 409 3347
Combined Score 617087 988789

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 35322 points, 56 submissions: iCaohaiyo
    1. everybody say thank you to carly and lorde (1529 points, 37 comments)
    2. i dont make the rules (1066 points, 18 comments)
    3. [FRESH] Donald J. Trump - Sour Candy (1043 points, 60 comments)
    4. like mother like son 😍🥰 (1032 points, 2 comments)
    5. male artists "reinventing" themselves: (1030 points, 26 comments)
    6. taylor swift paying for her fan's conversion therapy 🥰 shes such a generous queen 😍😍😍 (1000 points, 17 comments)
    7. the cheap paintbrush that came with with the $2 watercolor palette i bought when i use it one (1) time: (959 points, 24 comments)
    8. me listening to the mn’s part of a collab between a pop girl and some boring mle artist (956 points, 92 comments)
    9. we- (926 points, 10 comments)
    10. me applying to harvard with a 1.2 gpa: (924 points, 18 comments)
  2. 20814 points, 26 submissions: totallynot14_
    1. Me after reading a single Pitchfork review about an artist I've never heard of before (1550 points, 32 comments)
    2. oh my god (1397 points, 18 comments)
    3. We stan pop girls breaking records 👏👏👏 (1321 points, 14 comments)
    4. Me at 11:59 PM on April 16th, 2020 (1304 points, 29 comments)
    5. Pitchfork when they see a white woman playing the guitar (1171 points, 29 comments)
    6. we have suffered enough (1131 points, 45 comments)
    7. The hardest working 18 year old in the industry, when will your fave write an entire song in two months (926 points, 61 comments)
    8. [LYRIC VIDEO] Taylor Swift - You Need To Calm Down (880 points, 42 comments)
    9. [THROWBACK] HAIM - Women in Music Pt. II (873 points, 26 comments)
    10. [LYRIC VIDEO] Ariana Grande - Positions (871 points, 19 comments)
  3. 20106 points, 30 submissions: WifiFee
    1. [REVIEW] Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia (1844 points, 44 comments)
    2. In Lady Gaga's "Alice", she sings "My name isn't Alice." This is a subtle reference to the fact that Lady Gaga's name is not Alice. (1721 points, 50 comments)
    3. thank you Kim (892 points, 8 comments)
    4. A Misunderstanding (883 points, 24 comments)
    5. Major Multi-Billion Dollar Record Labels on Blackout Tuesday Ignoring All the Donation Links (810 points, 4 comments)
    6. calling all physicians of phcj <3 (810 points, 43 comments)
    7. ENOUGH! (799 points, 52 comments)
    8. the shawnification of Shawn Mendes (782 points, 10 comments)
    9. #vote (745 points, 48 comments)
    10. I'm rollin' with the LGBT (736 points, 24 comments)
  4. 12808 points, 23 submissions: KLJohnnes
    1. folklore alternative cover #8 (939 points, 38 comments)
    2. Ariana getting ready for Positions (865 points, 28 comments)
    3. Lana Del Rey when she sees a cop (854 points, 30 comments)
    4. popheads census (683 points, 56 comments)
    5. popheads diverse musical taste (682 points, 13 comments)
    6. Chloe X Halle draggin. (650 points, 8 comments)
    7. popheads in every Black Is King thread (650 points, 33 comments)
    8. Betty is sapphic (627 points, 16 comments)
    9. The gays trying to come up with a joke (627 points, 41 comments)
    10. Chile (622 points, 31 comments)
  5. 10115 points, 16 submissions: mahina_pea_men_dude
    1. FLOP (1438 points, 63 comments)
    2. K-POP stans using their power for the greater good (1256 points, 56 comments)
    3. TFW you don't actually give a shit about the main sub and you're only here because the stan twitter brand of humor is irrationally funny to you and you want to emulate it without having to go to twtter and having to interact with actual crazy stans and be part of their doxing attempts (1139 points, 57 comments)
    4. Oh my (878 points, 12 comments)
    5. please don't flop you flopping flop (835 points, 27 comments)
    6. Me every time for JK Rowling opens her mouth (599 points, 18 comments)
    7. I- (530 points, 12 comments)
    8. popheads gym (519 points, 25 comments)
    9. [BREAKING NEWS] Nick Minaj is planning a collab with Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, all of the Alt-Right, Halsey and Charles Manson, saying that this is a test to see how much the Barbz will put up with to give her another number 1 (517 points, 38 comments)
    10. Charli XCX after seeing Umru confirm in his Instagram that she leaks her own music (452 points, 11 comments)
  6. 10082 points, 17 submissions: ImADudeDuh
    1. When you get only 2 nominations, have never won a Grammy before, have “fucking” in your album title, weren’t booked to perform, your album didn’t have popular impact or sales, and you still get a whole subreddit of twinks to delude themselves into think you had a chance at the biggest award in music (1074 points, 52 comments)
    2. Lana then vs. Lana now (1019 points, 45 comments)
    3. She must be stopped (801 points, 31 comments)
    4. Lady Gaga comes out as an incel (780 points, 21 comments)
    5. popheadscirclejerk mods reading on the history of Balkan politics to educate themselves on what comments need to be removed from the sub (738 points, 15 comments)
    6. The heterosexual god heard us dragging Liam Payne’s album with 3 #1’s and said “karma’s a bitch” 😭😭😭 (692 points, 50 comments)
    7. [LEAKED] New Ariana Grande collab Lana Del Rey (670 points, 18 comments)
    8. Girls and gays... we're being CONDITIONED by the FAKE NEWS MEDIA (643 points, 13 comments)
    9. So what have we learned today? (562 points, 40 comments)
    10. something something selena gomez (474 points, 13 comments)
  7. 9085 points, 14 submissions: frogaranaman
    1. pop girls when they get their first top 10 single be like (1254 points, 47 comments)
    2. white gays whenever Anthony Fantano doesn't give an album they love an 8 or above (1032 points, 50 comments)
    3. low effort Twitter screenshot (843 points, 92 comments)
    4. here is a video of Lil Nas X at the Grammy after party disinterestedly throwing ones onto two strippers on beat to his hit single "Panini" while Lizzo is dancing in the background (834 points, 39 comments)
    5. gays trying to come up with a marketing scheme when their fav's singles flop (754 points, 25 comments)
    6. Pitchfork gives Halsey's latest album Manic an average review; Halsey, in response, asks for the collapse of the One World Trade (742 points, 61 comments)
    7. bottom text (602 points, 8 comments)
    8. seeing "Say So" go top 10 but then realizing that it becomes Dr Luke's first writing credit top 10 in almost half a decade (592 points, 31 comments)
    9. popheads announces their official tour bus (583 points, 30 comments)
    10. the way Ariana talks to her fans is so sweet 🥺🖤 (568 points, 16 comments)
  8. 8280 points, 12 submissions: Antonis_8
    1. All women ❤️ (1754 points, 68 comments)
    2. AJayll after being bullied by little monsters for 2 weeks straight (836 points, 62 comments)
    3. @edsheeran when (773 points, 25 comments)
    4. Popheads annual meetup (678 points, 64 comments)
    5. young money in the house 🤩💅 (659 points, 35 comments)
    6. katycats really are starving huh (634 points, 40 comments)
    7. do you think she'll pay us too?? (610 points, 15 comments)
    8. Sucker stans don't @ me (576 points, 17 comments)
    9. Yuh (510 points, 5 comments)
    10. BTS releasing more remixes whenever they fall in the charts (470 points, 22 comments)
  9. 7516 points, 11 submissions: brendanrouthRETURNS
    1. Lana Del Rey announces new personal YouTube channel (1181 points, 81 comments)
    2. Fuck those other bitches, 9 upvoted and this becomes a Cascada subreddit (stream Everytime We Touch) (1000 points, 40 comments)
    3. 9 upvotes and this becomes a Tony Bennett subreddit (765 points, 32 comments)
    4. Happy 10 year anniversary to the invention of homosexuality (765 points, 16 comments)
    5. Exclusive interview with Lana Del Rey (759 points, 18 comments)
    6. gays calling any mainstream uptempo pop music disco pt. 69 (744 points, 35 comments)
    7. Answer: the eradication of heterosexuality (593 points, 12 comments)
    8. Halsey confirmed 100x more relevant than Shitney (496 points, 25 comments)
    9. Barbz giving up their life savings to buy extra copies of the song with the Skittles Pedo (493 points, 57 comments)
    10. Nobody: ... Harry Styles’ wardrobe: (382 points, 8 comments)
  10. 7052 points, 13 submissions: Gomstre
    1. Should Katy postpone her pregnancy? (959 points, 41 comments)
    2. [FRESH VIDEO] Lady Gaga - Stupid Love (Director's Cut) (783 points, 29 comments)
    3. UK legalizes same-sex marriage (2020, colorized) (750 points, 13 comments)
    4. When you force yourself to go out even though you'd rather stay home and watch Netflix (637 points, 22 comments)
    5. Even Camila's coffee was too black for her (614 points, 15 comments)
    6. Lyrics to Coronavirus' upcoming single leaked (610 points, 24 comments)
    7. Found a song I wrote for my "girlfriend" when I was in 6th grade, LOL (476 points, 39 comments)
    8. Marina announces the "InBetweenJobs Tour", admitting not having enough money for pants (439 points, 25 comments)
    9. They're on a roll (437 points, 16 comments)
    10. My Google Assistant is homophobic (385 points, 16 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. NSSMM (20479 points, 242 comments)
  2. certified_rat (15623 points, 422 comments)
  3. totallynot14_ (13351 points, 161 comments)
  4. iCaohaiyo (11963 points, 178 comments)
  5. streamjuice (9560 points, 154 comments)
  6. ReallyCreative (8285 points, 91 comments)
  7. maxisgold (8242 points, 183 comments)
  8. throwaway2kn (7765 points, 170 comments)
  9. KLJohnnes (7632 points, 128 comments)
  10. gggayppporn (6837 points, 124 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. no gay is safe by deleted (2420 points, 91 comments)
  2. Breaking news: Swifties discover what an album is by brenda_official (2319 points, 76 comments)
  3. [REVIEW] Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia by WifiFee (1844 points, 44 comments)
  4. lol by arianasgrenade (1824 points, 42 comments)
  5. this is how we cancel Lana by deleted (1789 points, 27 comments)
  6. All women ❤️ by Antonis_8 (1754 points, 68 comments)
  7. In Lady Gaga's "Alice", she sings "My name isn't Alice." This is a subtle reference to the fact that Lady Gaga's name is not Alice. by WifiFee (1721 points, 50 comments)
  8. She is canceled by buttrimming (1616 points, 16 comments)
  9. Bye. by bishimsavage (1602 points, 55 comments)
  10. Me after reading a single Pitchfork review about an artist I've never heard of before by totallynot14_ (1550 points, 32 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 591 points: Gomstre's comment in Found a song I wrote for my "girlfriend" when I was in 6th grade, LOL
  2. 563 points: fckallcopsevenyou's comment in no gay is safe
  3. 545 points: DragFan93's comment in Arianators had school
  4. 528 points: totallynot14_'s comment in Breaking news: Swifties discover what an album is
  5. 516 points: racloves's comment in All women too! 😍
  6. 491 points: Starinight69's comment in if dua lipa doesn’t debut #1 I’m literally going to kill myself
  7. 491 points: clppng1's comment in Russian Roulette
  8. 491 points: zadooi's comment in gays: can't do math // also gays:
  9. 490 points: iCaohaiyo's comment in All women ❤️
  10. 489 points: rumblearena's comment in dua when she goes from writing boys will be boys, a song about feminism, to collabing with dababy, someone who had literally beaten women in public
Generated with BBoe's Subreddit Stats
submitted by subreddit_stats to subreddit_stats [link] [comments]

Update & random stuff being MGTOW and dating (oxymoron, I know)

TL;DR at the end.
Not for the guys who think MGTOW is ignoring all women 100%, I respect you and have 0 problem with it, thats just not where I am at right now and my WAY is this for now.
Update on the "MGTOW except dating" after almost 4 years. I'm 50, she's 47, we both look young 30s.
Still zero shit tests. We enjoy each others company. See each other every weekend (100 miles apart).
I was previously and unknowingly codependent, probably sabotaging my own relationships my entire life with average women, and likely speeding up disaster from trash women I had dated. I always went out of my way for who I was with, and was angered and felt jilted when they didnt return the favor in kind or put no thought into anything like Xmas or a Birthday. The principle of a woman not bothering to do anything for me when I did so much for them REALLY pissed me off. I do admit I was trying to make them do shit for me by doing it for them. A real pussy move but I had no idea how ANY of this worked (see the book "No More Mr Nice Guy" by Dr Glover for great insight on how to NOT fuck this up like so many men do)
We both make 6 figures in the midwest, thats a very decent income. She makes more than me because I like my free time and to hell with the overtime.
She is a traditionalist yet she is working in a white collar IT management position. She is NOT from the USA despite being a citizen for 15+ years here, from South America and had an intact Catholic family, if that gives you any background. We both have boundaries and I tell her no without any problems. She can handle most her own shit anyways, just needs advice on how things work in the USA though (legal issues, money management- as with day trading, we both do that)
I work nights so she lets me sleep whenever I want without a single complaint. If I want to fuck off on my phone or play video games at home instead of calling her, she's OK with that (but we talk a lot anyways, and I enjoy it). I cook breakfast and make coffee every morning I visit her, and she cooks all else and cleans everything, and sends me home with 4-5 meals for work every week. She pays for groceries most of the time, too. If we go out I pay or it's 50/50. We often split an entree because we hate leftovers and she can't eat a lot anyways, so the cost is not even a half hours pay for me.
My mother died a few weeks ago and my girlfriend was supportive as fuck and didnt make anything about herself like my ex did when I lost another relative. What a relief.
ANYWAYS...I was dreading our living situation when this happened;
Now what I'd thought was going to fuck up everything; I rent 1 side of a big duplex, she owns her apartment. I have all my "man shit" and 4 cars in my place. I have nowhere to put this shit otherwise and the owner of my building was in a rush to sell it (court order to close the estate of his father). So I bought the entire duplex to avoid selling all my shit and getting rid of an old musclecar and my street race car and literally a house full of computer shit and unlimited projects 90% finished. I'd be FUCKED if I had to move.
Her reaction? Not what I'd expected. A typical woman that I have dated would have thrown a shitfit and accused me of "delaying" a life with her by buying the place I am renting. Not this woman; she thinks it's great and did the math in her head, knows instead of my $1300 rent, the other occupants are paying this and my loan is $1100 a month with taxes. She thinks its fucking GREAT.
I know most of you hate the idea of an "Unicorn" but jesus christ...does she love me THAT much that she accepts all this, or do you think she just tolerates it for love? Her ex husband was a complete fucking asshole in every sense of the word (And has NPD, really affected her negatively) and I am respectful to her because she's earned it in my eyes.
She knows all about MGTOW (from me) and agrees with how so many women are shit and do shit things to get what they want, she's listened to many Youtube MGTOW posts from Joker and Paul Elam and agrees with me. She said they've helped make her understand herself more, that men have needs and arent pussies by having them. She DOES say (and so do I) that if either of us change our minds, we wont play games and just leave. Cheating is automatic end. She has no plans to live on my income at all, and has a nice nest egg herself. Her family is loaded (by South American standards and own many upper middle class rental properties) and pays her own way.

I love the hell out of this woman, but if it all ends without notice, I'll be fine. I dont mind being alone and I will not have to adjust much. "Loving yourself" is not some "totally gay psychobabble" that I used to call it. It means you respect and care for yourself, YOU are NUMBER ONE on Earth and know your time is limited here, and you have no time to waste with toxic people or doing anything you dont want to. You take care of yourself and know how to effectively.

I truly believe if you are MENTALLY HEALTHY, not a beta cuck or codependent or an empath nor have any trauma (or had therapy to fix all this) you can be perfectly fine alone, or even date if you want. If a woman cannot hurt you, you have nothing to lose. Kick her to the curb at the FIRST sign of shit.
If you arent married and dont have kids then your assets are protected. Even if you DO something nuts like get married (it is far different for old people who have their own money, that minimizes shit like marrying a broke woman when you have a pension and retirement fund and property, etc), it always is not Russian Roulette. Still, NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN.
TL:DR I am 50, dating a woman 3.5 years younger, total unicorn, makes more money than me, cooks and cleans and pays her own way. Always positive and happy. First woman I've trusted besides my mother. I can do whatever I want except cheat. She is OK with MGTOW and agrees with the theories. Not upset we arent married "yet" and I bought my own house this month, no negativity from her over it. I keep waiting for shit to hit the fan, but nothing is wrong. I'm happy with her but if it ends, no big deal, I wont date again ever and I'll be fine. You can probably do it to, if that's your "way" you want to go. Just be careful and prepare.
submitted by Powerful_Pudding3403 to MGTOW2 [link] [comments]

I had children while having undiagnosed and untreated (no meds, no psychotherapy) ADHD, bipolar 2, and borderline personality disorder. *I* shouldn’t have had children. Let me tell you about my experience.

I saw someone in a thread mention they don’t know if they should have children as it would mean having to give up their meds during pregnancy.
Likely for a year or so while breastfeeding too.
So I felt as though I should put this out there for anyone who might be sitting on the fence and need a perspective from someone who isn’t saying “just do it! You’ll be fine! You’ll figure it out!”
Disclaimer: My life is no longer like this. I am no longer like this.
I was a single mother for my first, and in a common-law with my second but broke up and got back together many times. So much instability.
I am now medicated and in treatment and my relationship with my children is so significantly more positive and loving that it was.
I am not longer abusive, and my teen has forgiven me and we have a very solid relationship.
I realize that the things I’ve said here may provoke anger in you, but please chose not to harass me.
As you may have felt for yourself simply because you live with adhd; there is nobody in the world who hates me more than I do, and having these disorders forces me to relive every horrible thing I have ever said or done to my spouse, extended family, complete strangers, and especially my children.
Somehow (not long before diagnosis and meds) I woke up one day and could feel all of the pain I had caused to everyone I could remember causing pain to, especially my children and spouse.
I was suddenly given the ability to feel empathy for everyone and see things from their perspective.
The results of this are many days where I am paralyzed by depression and receiving self-flagellation for things I cannot forgive myself for. This continues to this day.
So any punishment you could wish upon me has already crossed my mind and it’s taken a lot of psychotherapy to help me be accept the idea that those punishments aren’t necessary, given who I am now and how hard I have worked to get here.
On with it...
I have kids and let me tell you, it’s been rough.
I didn’t realize I’m the type who shouldn’t have kids until after I’d had them and I couldn’t cope (post-partum that morphed into something much darker and stayed around for so much longer) but this of course was before I was diagnosed.
I spent the majority of my teen’s early life as a shitty, inattentive, neglectful and abusive mother and didn’t start to pull my shit together until a few years ago when I demanded myself to do so (again, while not diagnosed, not medicated, nothing).
Only this year (at 36 years old) was I diagnosed with Bi-polar 2, adhd, and borderline personality disorder. My teen is now 15, and my youngest is 6.
I spent so much of my teen’s life being angry at myself for being a horrible mother, not being able to pull my shit together, and just not being interested enough in my kid.
“What the ever living fuck is wrong with me!?” I could see I had problems but the rage and self-loathing I was consumed by wouldn’t let me see a way out
and being too afraid to admit to anyone what I was like and how I treated my child left me without a place to turn for fear of losing my child
(whom I did love so much I couldn’t breath while hysterically crying over how I had just hurt him and not knowing why I couldn’t stop myself)
I couldn’t bear the idea of the social flogging I would receive, and the potential of entering the legal system.
I had already attempted suicide once in my life because I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me, and the consistent bullying I endured for never being good enough to have friends who didn’t use me, not being smart enough in school, and acting recklessly was too much to bear.
I couldn’t bear the idea that my child might end up in the foster care system which would be a game of Russian roulette on the type of family they were placed with.
When I demanded I pull my shit together it was fucking hard.
I was still up and down (again, unmedicated).
I couldn’t figure out when I would be ok, and when I wouldn’t be.
when I couldn’t get anything done or be emotionally available to my kid I ended up being wracked with guilt and such an intense self-loathing that I spent days depressed (when not hypomanic or excited by adhd) ruminating over the monster and parent I was.
I was just barely keeping it together after I demanded myself to, and it was exhausting to say the least.
After exhausting myself for a fews years trying to be a better parent without any professional help (didn’t know how to get it) and then finally getting diagnosed and medicated six months ago, things have gotten exponentially better.
I am stable emotionally, but the adhd and borderline personality disorder still trip me up so that dinner wont be made, dishes wont be done, laundry will pile up, and I can’t bring myself to spend time with my kids.
I thank God everyday for blessing me with a spouse who, even having adhd themselves (our thoughts as they fit the bill more than I do) and having far calmer and laid back personality, can pick up where I leave off so our kids aren’t neglected.
I tried to join the PTA twice and to commit myself to volunteering in and out of school to show my kids I loved them, and for something to do. I couldn’t stick to it and got bored so easily.
The ONLY clue I had when I was younger (well before kids) that should have made me realize I wasn’t fit to have kids was knowing how much I loathed baby-sitting and having to spend time with my young cousins and siblings as a teen, but I’d been told over and over again “you might not like other peoples kids, but you will always like and love your own”.
Yes, I love and like their personalities, but there isn’t one day that doesn’t go by where I think to myself that I shouldn’t have had children, at least for their sake.
This has a lot to do with how adhd makes me selfish by hyper-focusing on things that I shouldn’t be and getting bored so quickly.
I’m not even being close to being the type of parent who wants to take the kids to the park or coach soccer, or go to Christmas concerts.
Too often I just want to have the ability to hide and be left alone for as long as I want to be.
To be honest, looking back on my life once the diagnosis came in and the psychiatrist showed me how it all fit, I realized that choosing to have kids was one of the most reckless things I did in my life and is a direct result of the recklessness the adhd and the other two mental health issues I have are well known for.
I was unmarried and decided I wanted to have the first one because I liked the attention my cousin got from being pregnant with her own.
The second was the same.
I have a step-child whom I don’t connect with at all and it’s been years that I’ve been in their life.
I don’t like them and don’t enjoy being around them but I have an unwavering belief that all children deserve to be respected and cared for, so I do it as best I can.
If I had known that having these disorders would make my personality so that I cannot connect with kids that are not my own, I wouldn’t have gotten involved with my now spouse (has their own issues, but an incredibly wonderful person who treats me well and I work myself to exhaustion trying to do the same).
Of course those of us with ADHD etc are all different.
Our own versions of adhd and other disorders as well as our personalities will never be exactly the same as the next person.
BUT, had I been diagnosed years ago and been given the information about all three disorders and how they affect our actions, behaviours, and decisions
AND I’d have had the therapy I needed to really know myself and how much of a struggle life would be if I had to give up my meds in order to have children, I would actively have chosen not to have them.
It would have been (and was and still is!) too much work for me, and on top of that one of the symptoms of adhd is getting bored with things quickly.
This, I imagine, is one of the biggest reasons I couldn’t (and still sometimes can’t) bring myself to take care of them or myself properly all of the time. It’s a good thing they are older now.
I know what it’s like to have children while unmedicated and not in psychotherapy, and I would sooner wish a person to step on the pointy edge of a lego repeatedly in the day rather than having children and experiencing life the way I did, or their childhood the way my children have.
I am not longer a monster (I’ve been told I never was because none of it was “me”, all of it was my mental health disorders, though I often cannot accept that) but the lego idea drives the point home.
Now after having meds and psychotherapy, understanding some of my triggers and having figured out some coping methods, I know that even with treatment it can still sometimes be so unbelievably difficult to care for ourselves and others
OR to function normally all the time because our brains will still sometimes not respond to meds, and it means everything will be neglected even when we know we can’t and shouldn’t neglect it.
I only mean this as a cautionary tale. I’ve had my experience and I wouldn’t wish any woman to go through what I did, or for any child to have the rotten childhood I provided or to have the mother I was.
You may be unsurprised to know that my childhood was similar, and even though I swore I would be better than my own mother, her issues became my own (genetically passed down to me) but one didn’t talk about such things in her day, and not much research had been done for these disorders in children (especially girls), so I never stood a chance until now.
I wish you all the most beautiful and wonderful lives, whichever path you choose. Everyone on this earth deserves as much love and respect as the next person, and that’s all I want for anyone.
submitted by FidgetySkittle to ADHD [link] [comments]

Uncommon rare Sr and Legendary zombies for my set 5

Zombie cards
Jurassic imp 2/1 1 cost Before combat here do a bonus attack
Jurassic Bully 3/5 4 cost Untrickable Zombies can't be bounced
Super Rares
Jurassic Garg 5/6 6 cost Gargs have untrickable
Slight of hand 2 cost Draw a card Shuffle 2 copies of that card into your deck
T.rex.tamer 5 cost 4/4 Dino roar: a zombie gets +1+1 and does a bonus attack
Tomorrowtron-Futurtron 7 cost 5/5 When played do 5 damage for every other science zombie
Grinch zombie 2 cost 3/2 Recycle 2 cards in your hand for others in your deck
Baboon69 4/4 6 cost All your damage is bullseye Gravestone
Deranged zombie 5/4 5 cost Hunt Frenzy When hurt this gets +1+1
Wizard zombie 5 cost 3/6 End of turn a plant gets-2-2
Super rare
Doomsday 4 cost All plants get -1-1 If this destroys a plant do 2 damage to the plant hero
Revenger 3 cost 3/2 When destroyed plants here get -1-1, gain a Revenger
Apocalypse 3 cost All Plants get -1-1 for each plant
Ghastly Zombie 5 cost Grave 2/2 When played all plants get -1-1 When a plant loses stats this gets +1+1
Spare Parts 3/2 4 cost When destroyed gain a Spare parts , all zombies and all zombies in your hand get +1+1
Russian Roulette Zombie 3/2 3 cost All stat changes are reversed
Imp Cannon 3 cost Create 2 imps in random lanes
Seagull zombie 3/1 When this hurts the plant hero conjure a card that costs 3 or less 3 cost Amphibious
Super Rares
Keg-Head Zombie 3/5 4 cost When you play a zombie it becomes a Barrel Pirate Zombie
Assassin Zombie 3/4 Gravestone 4 cost Deadly When this destroys a plant it gets +1 attack
Laser Zombie 4/3 Strike through 4 cost Start of turn get +1 attack
TuskMaster10000BC 4/4 Gravestone 6 cost When revealed freeze all plants When a plant or zombie gets frozen this gets +1+1
Crazy Rares
Insane Zombie 5/1 4 cost When a plant is played here move it to a random lane
Bomb Storage 3 cost environment When a plant is played here do 2 damage to plants next door
Sniper zombie 2/5 4 cost Overshoot 1 Bullseye When this hurts the plant hero it gets +1 attack
Gambling Zombie 4/3 4 cost Bullseye When a zombie hurts the plant hero this gets either +1health or +1 attack
Unsteady hand 2 cost Do 5 damage Do 2 damage to the zombie hero
Prospectors Zombie 2/5 4 cost End of turn do 1 damage to all plants and zombies, if this ability destroys anything this gets +1+1
BOO! 2 cost A plant does a bonus attack Then Do 4 damage to that plant
4th Zombie 2/2 4 cost When played do 1 damage to everything When this destroys anything all zombies get +1+1
MechaCone 4 cost 3/3 All zombies have armoured 1
ShieldMech 4 cost 2/3 Zombies next door cannot be hurt
Healer Zombie 4 cost 2/6 End of turn heal all other zombies for 3
Glitter Zombie 5 cost 3/6 When played zombies in environments cannot be hurt this turn
Berserker 4 cost 3/5 Frenzy When the plant hero plays anything this gets +1 attack
Famine 4 cost All plants get -1 attack Destroy any plants with 0 attack
Bountiful feast 3 cost Zombies get +1+1 for every zombie
Skeleton Zombie 4/1 3 cost Armoured 1 Frenzy Zombie evolution: This gets +3 health and gets untrickable
Finally I've done it, I don't have to think of anymore Ideas I'm so happy i am finally free of this curse I'm going to celebrate by- wait what... I have to think of 3 heroes for each side! Oh ok I'm legally obliged to... Ok the heroes are almost done just need to think of a name
submitted by TheD0ggoGuy to PvZHeroes [link] [comments]

Mandatory reporter during covid

Imagine it’s 2018.
You hear from a student that says that at home, the family is playing Russian roulette.
We must report it to CPS.
You hear from a student that their parents insist to not wear bike helmets and go careening down ski slopes in the dry fall.
You see parents pickup their kids drunk and drive them home swerving.
We are held to high moral and legal standards to report anything that can endanger a child.
Yet, by that same standard, during Covid, we should be reporting about 1/2 of our families, 1/4-3/4 of our peers and admins for not following protocols rigidly about masks, distance, and travel.
I had a student tell me today that they went to visit an aunt over Thanksgiving. The aunt and her family tested positive for Covid 2 weeks ago. His dad insisted that they go, and not wear masks. He told his son to take off his mask in a household that tested positive for Covid.
I feel like I’m obligated to report the dad to CPS, but this seems somehow “debatable” because so much of our country and world is in denial of science, facts, and has turned this into a political issue.
What would I do if a student told me that 1/10th of their house was on fire, but dad insisted he stay in his room and didn’t call the fire department and is saying “it’s just 10% of our house. Stop being a wimp!”
submitted by foomachoo to Teachers [link] [comments]

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Russian Roulette 《Ink is going insane》 - YouTube Nightcore - Russian Roulette [1 Hour] [With Lyrics ... It's like playing Russian Roulette FOR REAL?! - YouTube Nightcore - Russian Roulette Russian roulette GLMV - YouTube Tungevaag, Raaban, Charlie Who? - Russian Roulette - YouTube We play Russian Roulette with ELECTRIC SHOCKS! - YouTube (UK) Public Information Film: Russian Roulette Russian Roulette Glmv - YouTube Nightcore - Russian Roulette - YouTube

It's probably very rarely done, and it'd be an underground betting thing where the winner gets the other persons cash/assets. It's horrible even imagining other possible outcomes though. I'm sure robbery and murder happens all the time with Russian Roulette At least in the United States, a number of people have been convicted of murder or manslaughter on account of their participation in a game of Russian Roulette where another participant died. level 2 1 point · 3 years ago The russian roulette clause previews that, in case of stalemate, one of the associates (or both) or in the norms in matter of legal withdrawal (articles 2437-ter and 2473 of civil code), as in those of conventional redemption (article 2437-sexies of civil code) People have been placing bets on Russian Roulette for over 150 years now; Is playing Russian Roulette legal? Gambling activities around the globe are regulated by authorities, but Russian Roulette is not an ordinary form of gambling. You can’t punish someone who played Russian Roulette if he is not alive anymore. Of course it is NOT LEGAL, at least in civilised and advanced societies which have Laws to protect citizens from harm, such as suicide which “Russian Roulette” ultimately is for the winner, or loser, but I guess that is relative to whom pulls the trigger last. 2.2K views · Answer requested by. Tamara Wilhite. also russian roulette does have to do with gambling, whether your risking your life or a bet on someone else's life it is all odds and betting. 0 0. Yes,it is cause' if you lose you die,in Russia its legal,but if you do it hear your a crack head. 0 0. Show more answers (2) Still have questions? Get your answers by asking now. Ask Question A Russian roulette clause for the resolution of a deadlock situation, usually in a 50:50 deadlocked joint venture where both parties are of broadly equal financial standing, whereby one party offers either to buy the shares of the other party or to sell its own shares to the other party (but not both) at a specified price. The party in receipt of the offer can either accept the offer or To avoid this, several strategies have been found, and one of these is the so-called “Russian Roulette Clause”. The Shareholders may agree that, in deadlock situations, the Russian Roulette clause comes into play, with the effect of redistributing the shares and, consequently, starting again the business activity. Today, Russian roulette is a thing of the movies, although it is doubtlessly played by some desperate fools. Legality. This one shouldn’t take too long to explain. You need only use logic to understand. Do you think Russian roulette would be legal? Of course it isn’t. Today, you are most likely going to be facing manslaughter charges if you Russian Roulette and Texas Shoot-Out Clauses Introduction The basis for the incorporation of a company or the establishment of a joint venture is a shared interest and a relationship of trust between the entity's shareholders.

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