Quorn Sausages: tasty, easy to cook AND healthy, too ...

is quorn sausages healthy

is quorn sausages healthy - win

25M/5'10", 108 lbs to 175 lbs - 67 lbs gain. Super skinny to muscular - 1 year 6 months of progress including insightful story

The day was Wednesday 2nd January 2019 - I purchased my first ever gym membership and attended the gym for the first time in my entire life, walking into this unknown with zero knowledge. Prior to this, I had been suffering from severe depression throughout my entire life for multiple reasons such as being bullied, being skinny, experiencing racism and all the rest of the insults that I had received. This almost lead me to try and commit suicide because I just thought life wasn't worth living, so basically the gym/nutrition has give me hope in my life. I had no ambition or drive in my life to want to become a better version of myself, but I won't bog you down too much with that as you're not here for that, right?
I work a full-time job for 40 hours per week, so I was always that person who thought I never had time for the gym because I worked a full-time job. I was infact mistaken, I just had to find the determination and dedication to put into the gym to make it work out for me, I had to find ways and solutions to be able to eat all the food I eat whilst working, and also attending the gym and getting a good nights sleep.
I decided that it was time to change everything, it was time to change how I viewed the world, how I viewed myself as a person and how I viewed my life. I wanted to make something of myself and I wanted to be the reason that many more people that are/have been in the same situation as me can also change themselves for the better and improve little tiny things in their lifestyles - I will be making my Instagram account dedicated to fitness, healthy nutrition, exercises and overall having a healthy lifestyle and keeping away from depression.
My Journey:
Weighing in at a staggering VERY unhealthy weight of 49kg (108 lbs). To put this into perspective, my BMI calculation was at the very end of the red zone, suggesting I was very underweight and baring in mind I don't have any eating disorders. The healthy weight for someone of my height started from 56.7kg (125 lbs).
I walked into the gym having absolutely zero exercise, nutrition or gym knowledge. I didn't have any friends who went to the gym, I didn't have any family who I knew went to the gym so all I had was myself and the internet. A personal trainer was out of the question to get me started because I couldn't afford it. I remember it was also a very intimidating experience for me as there was a lot of fairly muscular people working out, and it always felt like everyone was watching me, the usual gym beginners problems - of course no one was watching me, they were in the gym for the same reason as myself.
After my first ever workout, I had DOMs for at least 5 days afterwards and that put me off going back. Another thing that put me off was the amount of eating I was doing (the only knowledge I had was to eat as much as possible), I went from eating a packet of Doritos for my 8pm tea to eating about 2500 calories. The diet seemed much harder than going the actual gym itself because I wasn't use to eating so much food. I would probably eat 2500 calories spread out across 2-3 days before I went to the gym.
Fast forward to attending the gym for a whole month, and I started to see that the scales where going up, so whatever I was doing was working. This was when I was becoming serious about the gym and from that month onwards, I always set myself targets to reach for all my exercises.
Fast forward 2-3 months into my journey and it was a weird feeling, I started to become more comfortable in my own skin. I started to not care what people thought about me out in public or inside the gym. One major problem for me was my ego, I wanted to make it seem like I was lifting heavy weight for people to see rather than for my own personal benefit, which sacrificed my form on a lot of my exercises, but I eventually overcome this problem after 6 months of my journey.
My breakfast included the likes of sausages, egg, bacon, tomatoes and beans (I can't remember the exact macros as I never use to track my food). For my lunch, I would eat a massive bowl(I mean massive, to the point I kept gagging because I was so full) of egg fried rice. For my tea (dinner, whatever you refer to it as) I would eat cooked chicken thighs and I ate a lot of them, approx 800-1000 calories worth. For snacks throughout the day, I would prepare sandwiches with ham and turkey slices to eat. I also bought USN Anabolic Mass weight gainer about 3-4 months in and had 1 shake per day. I was eating approx. 2500 calores. I use to prepare my food the day before so I was able to eat them in work and then go to the gym in the evening.
6 months in, I started learning so much more about the gym, exercises and nutrition from all the time I put into researching. I changed my breakfast from a full English to Lasagne (I'm not kidding about this, I ate Lasagne for breakfast for at least another 7 months). Although Lasagne isn't that healthy, I found it was much better than eating sausage and bacon every day. About 1 month into eating Lasagne, I changed the beef mince to 2% fat turkey mince because that was healthier, so the only unhealthy thing about it at this point was the industrialised cream sauce and fatty cheese. For my snack, I use to eat a little salad box including Kiwifruit. Lunch, I had 200g (dry) pasta with Dolmio sauce. For another snack, I had 2 x pizza subs (not the healthiest). For my tea I had chicken thighs still.
Breakfast: 816.15 cal
Lunch: 1149 cal
Dinner: 855 cal
Shake: 564 cal
Total Calories: 3384.15
Protein: 267g
The exercise I have struggled most with has definitely been bench press. My ectomorph bodytype and long arms don't help in this exercise so it has definitely been a struggled to get it where it is today. I'm really striving for that 2 plate bench press though by the end of this year, at least.
Unfortunately I injured my right bicep after a few months of training and that meant I couldn't do arm workouts for approx. 6 months. I used the easy curl bar and sat down on the bench/stool provided. I must of been squeezing my hands too hard for my grip, whilst trying to straighten my arm out as much as possible with a heavy weight. I must of trapped something or tear something, but it took months to heal. I only just started training my arms towards the beginning of this year so I feel as if they're very underdeveloped at the moment. I also injuried my right knee area from doing deadlifts a few months in, I've put that down to the fact I wasn't very good with squats so my knee joint was very weak. It seemed to subside after a few weeks, but it's still comes back occasionally so I'm just careful with my weight.
I changed my diet up coming up to my 1 year gym anniversary. I cut out my pizza subs and chicken thighs and replaced them with Quorn products. They're meat-free processed foods, but I thought they were a little healthier at least.
After my first year, I completely changed my diet and now my diet is super healthy and contains as much unprocessed food as possible and easy digesting food.
New 2020 Diet:
Breakfast - Oat Protein Pancakes = 675.90 calories
Lunch - Roast vegetables with rice inc olive oil = 812.14 calories
Pre-workout Meal - Healthy Protein Smootie and a bowl of rice = 446.28 calories
Dinner - Turkey Mince 2% fat with a gravy type liquid = 410.60 calories
Macros per day:
Calories: 2344.92
Protein: 171.40g
Fat: 67.6g
Carbs: 202.65g
Sugar: 63.4g - mainly comes from the vegetables and fruit
Water: 3.5 Litre
Sleep: 8-9 hours
Food Cost £50-70 per week
Currently doing a 4-5 day workout week, although I know I need a new routine. Lockdown has currently stopped that!
Bench Press - 5 sets of 10 reps
Incline Bench Press - 5 sets of 10 reps
Barbell Shoulder Press - 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Side Lateral Raise - 4 sets of 10 reps
Delt Raise - 4 sets of 10 reps
Tricep Pushdown - 4 sets of 10 reps
Tricep Overhead - 4 sets of 10 reps
Deadlift - 5 sets of 6-8 reps
Pull Ups - 7 sets of 10 reps (weighted pull ups, overload with weight and finish remaining reps without weight)
Trap Raises - 7 sets of 10 reps
Standing Bicep Curl - 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
Incline Bicep Curl - 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
Squat - 5 sets of 10 reps
Leg Press - 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Calf Raise - 5-7 sets of 10 reps
Leg Curl - 3 sets of 10 reps
Ab Pull Ups - 3 sets of 15 reps
Ab Bench Sit Up - 3 sets of 15 reps
Bench Press - 3 sets of 10 reps
Incline Bench Press 5 sets of 10 reps
Barbell Shoulder Press - 5 sets of 10 reps
The rest as Monday
Deadlift - 5 sets of 6-8 reps
Barbell Bent Over Rows - 5 sets of 10 reps
Standing Bicep Curl - 5 sets of 10-12 reps
Incline Bicep Curl - 5 sets of 10-12 reps
Bench Dumbbell Preacher Curl 5 sets of 10 reps
Lift Progress:
Starting Point:
Bench Press - 20kg (44 lbs)
Squat - 25kg (55 lbs)
Deadlift - 35kg (77 lbs)
Overhead Press - Unknown as I don't ever remember doing it....
1 Rep Max Progress (No Belt):
Bench Press - 1x85kg (187.4 lbs)
Squat - 2x120kg (264.5 lbs)
Deadlift - 1x155kg (341.7 lbs)
Overhead Press - 1x50kg (110.2 lbs)
Progress Picture:
Results as of now:
I'm very happy with my progress and I'm happy I've achieved everything I have in just 1 year 6 months. I've gone from feeling/looking loose inside my x-small t-shirts to filling them out and now they actually look good on me for once. However, I now need medium t-shirts depending on the shop they're purchased from. Having this healthy lifestyle has definitely provided me with a better mindset. This is just the beginning for me and I probably won't stop working out until I drop dead!
Thanks for reading - hit me up if you need help.

EDIT: If you want me to provide a more in depth workout and meal plan, please let me know!
TLDR: Suffered from depression throughout all my childhood, being a teenager and into my 20s. Decided to do something about it and change myself. Starting weight of 49kg (108 lbs) of January 2019 to 79.5kg (175lbs) as of now. Wanted to post my journey to inspire others who have been in a similar situation, the same situation or whatever situation they're in that if the effort gets put into something, it can be achieved.
Comparison: https://imgur.com/mYcPw9a
submitted by adamfit to Fitness [link] [comments]

3 year old refuses to eat meat

My 3 year old has always eaten with the rest of the family- I make sure I don’t add salt when cooking for this exact reason.
Over the last 6/8 months she’s pretty much refused to eat any meat products other than maybe an occasional sausage if she asks or if I hide the meat in other food on her plate- although if she finds it there’s always tears. She says she feels sad to eat the animals so won’t- no one else in the family is vegetarian so it’s not something we have forced her into.
I’ve increased the amount of fish and quorn/ tofu I serve and she eats huge amounts of fruit and vegetables as well as full fat dairy products. She also has a childs daily multi vitamin and eats regular kid type of snacks with occasional sweets or ice cream.
I have taken her to the doctor to ensure she is a normal weight and height and that she’s not lacking any nutrients- basically to verify that the lack of meat in her diet isn’t harming her in any way. Doctor pronounced she’s completely healthy and she’s measuring tall and lean, but her weight is exactly where it should be in proportion to height. We had a chat about diet and what protein she actually needs and I feel reassured.
My issue is that nursery have begun to ask if we are imposing a vegetarian diet on her and making a point of giving me dietary leaflets. I’ve explained what her doctor said but they seem to comment on it all the time and I wondered if anyone else had experienced this or has any clever ways to stop them mentioning it?
It’s beginning to make me feel like a poor parent and as if I’m purposely depriving my child when I’m trying to ensure her needs are met without giving her any hang ups around eating by forcing her to eat meat.
submitted by Reecespie to toddlers [link] [comments]

Food Diary: a week in New Orleans

Household: 2 people
Pets: 1 cat, 1 dog
Average Grocery Spend: $400-600 ($100-150/week, bf and I alternate paying)
Usual grocery store: Whole Foods
Dietary restrictions: 1 pescatarian(me), 1 omnivore
Occupation: Research Associate/Lab Manager
Salary: ~$63,000 between one FT and one PT job
April 20th
7am - I’m going in to work today, so after getting dressed and putting on a minimal amount of makeup, I head downstairs. Breakfast is oatmeal with flax milk, protein powder, and topped with appleswith brown sugar and cinnamon that I sautéed yesterday. Cat gets a scoop, dog gets his scoops. I have some coffee (local beans!) and Health Ade grapefruit kombucha. This is my first time trying the grapefruit flavor and it’s pretty good.
12pm: lunchtime! Meal prepped from this weekend. Baked marinated chili lime tofu (basically TJ chili lime seasoning with some liquid aminos) with black beans, corn, lettuce, and salsa. I buy a Diet Coke to treat myself for having to come in to work today ($1.75). While our lab area is pretty isolated and I’m the only one here, the building is connected to the hospital and it spikes my anxiety having to come in and touch doorknobs, use a public restroom, etc.
3:30pm: I have pre workout (Truth brand - vegan) before I do some yoga and abs outside. I’m starving after my workout!
6:30pm: I make a pre-dinner salad because #health. Romaine, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, red onion, and Italian dressing. BF makes harissa meatballs with Beyond Meat ground “beef”. This has become one of our weekly staple dinners. (He found the recipe on Instagram and now just wings it so I don’t have it lol)
Btw, BF had a BBQ chicken pizza for lunch (yes, that means a whole pizza) and scrambled eggs with mushroom and onion for breakfast.
After we walk the dog, we settle in to watch a movie. I’m still hungry so I snack on some more baked tofu. Later, BF gets a chocolate craving and decides to make us chocolate protein mug cakes. They are...edible. I appreciate the effort.
April 21st
7:30am: zucchini scrambled eggs, plus strawberries and blackberries for dessert. BF makes a sweet potato banana mash with some leftover baked sweet potatoes. The dog gets to lick the bowl.
This morning we are grocery shopping. Since COVID-19 we have been trying to grocery shop during the weekdays to avoid crowds. We also started going to a grocery store outside of the city which is a little better stocked. We get a big haul and end up with a bill of $180, which includes a few extras like a bottle of wine, a veggie wash refill, and a giant kombucha growler.
9am - Back from the store. I make coffee, then do some work on my laptop.
10:45am: I stop to have a snack. I’m going in to the hospital today to process some samples and probably won’t have time to stop for lunch. I eat my other prepped tofu burrito bowl, even though it feels weird eating “lunch” this early.
2:30pm : Finally finished in the lab! I eat a Luna bar I packed and chug water.
3:30pm: make a snack of avocado toast with Dave’s Killer bread (seriously, killer).
6:45ish: Banza chickpea penne pasta and Gardein meatballs for me, turkey meatballs for BF. I top with some sautéed mushrooms, onions, and pesto, while BF adds a red sauce and mushrooms. Paired with a glass of Schug chardonnay for me (recommended at the store since we can’t go in to browse) and Bakers whiskey for BF. This is a staple low effort dinner in our house. I love the chickpea pasta because it makes pasta slightly more nutritious and > 30g protein!
April 22nd
7am: Avocado toast with fried egg and egg whites - my regular weekday breakfast. I break my yolk while folding it, so that’s not a great start to the day. Grapefruit kombucha and coffee come upstairs with me to the office. I am notorious for having 2-3 drinks at a time - in the mornings I will have coffee, kombucha, and water with breakfast.
12pm: Smorgasbord lunch! Leftover baked tofu, green and red bell peppers, and half a bagel with cream cheese. It works.
1pm: BF orders a 5lb bag of coffee beans from a local shop, and they drop it off on our porch an hour later! Amazing! We usually pick up a normal-size bag on the weekends as it’s next to our gym.
Dinner: Smoky tempeh tacos with mango salsa - I cook. Discovered this recipe recently and we love it! We try the chocolate mug cake for dessert again - I add stevia this time and some chocolate chips. Better.
April 23rd
7am: I eat sweet potato banana mash that BF made earlier this week, then head into work.
1pm: My boss orders us lunch from a local Mexican place as a thank you for coming in! It’s pretty good, but unfortunately my favorite place is closed indefinitely.
7pm: BF cooks dinner tonight: barramundi (on sale) with asparagus and air fried gnocchi in a lemon butter sauce. It’s delicious. We normally get salmon for dinner once a week, but I’ve been sick of it lately so we’ve been trying to branch out.
April 24th
7:30am: I’m not very hungry, so I just have coffee and a banana. I’m working in the lab again this morning so I bring a Luna bar with me.
1pm: finally finished in the lab! Oddly I did not start feeling hungry until we were done. BF picks me up and we stop to pick up brunch from one of our favorite local places! I have a vegan quesadilla and chai pancakes. BF gets his usual breakfast with eggs, sausage, potatoes, and pancakes and a coffee (he paid). I also chug water because I’ve only had ~500ml today since I was in the lab all morning!
Dinner: Tempeh peanut noodles - found this recipe a while ago and it is a regular in our rotation. We only use one serving of ramen noodles and cut it with zoodles to get some more veggies in. Delicious. This is one of the few Asian-inspired recipes that I really like, whereas BF could eat Asian food for every meal, so it’s a crowd pleaser.
April 25th
8am: Slept in a little today! I have my leftover pancake from yesterday for breakfast and It’s still pretty good. I also have some raspberries and some scrambled eggs that BF makes. B makes breakfast sandwiches with biscuits, Beyond Meat sausage patties, and scrambled eggs. This is his first time trying the sausage patties and they get a stamp of approval.
12:30pm: Leftover Mexican food from lunch the other day, plus some salad, and leftover tempeh from last night’s dinner! Trying to be better about food waste - we’re usually not too bad, but since we’ve been buying more food to eat at home, whenever we eat out everything gets thrown off track.
2pm: Afternoon snack aka bored in the house: some cheese (Gouda, midnight moon) and crackers (Triscuit thins). Also, an apple for health.
4pm: We go to the park to have a social distancing hang with a couple friends. I have 2 Ramona grapefruit wine spritzers that were in the back of our fridge from Mardi Gras. They are very sweet and low alcohol, but refreshing on this beautiful day.
6:30pm: I honestly have a kale Caesar salad (Whole Foods pre-bagged mix - it’s fantastic) and a protein shake for dinner. I am not very hungry, not craving anything, and am so tired of having to decide what’s for dinner.
April 26th
Up around 7am. Walk the dog, make coffee. Breakfast: half a bagel with vegan cream cheese and everything bagel seasoning. I also have a protein shake: Vega coconut almond powder and flax milk = >30g protein!
Today I meal prep for the week. Marinate tempeh in two different sauces: citrus ginger and smoky maple (from the thug kitchen cookbook). This helps to keep me from getting bored with the same meals for lunch every day. I let the tempeh marinate for about 2-3 hours then bake at 400 for 25 min. I cook quinoa then add kale to the bowls and some shredded carrots. I’ll use leftover marinade as the dressing.
Lunch: Dr. Praeger California veggie burger (I have been eating this for 10 years and it is still my favorite), cheese and crackers
7pm: BF makes tacos with filling made of Quorn grounds with some minced mushrooms, peppers, and onions added in. We usually use TVP but haven’t been able to find it anywhere (at least not for a reasonable price).
8:30pm - we make chocolate chip cookies (store-bought dough) for a snack and watch the final episode of Little Fires Everywhere.
Hey y’all - tried to get this one in under the wire! Today was a crazy day for me with work. I’ll try to update tomorrow with recipe links (all the tempeh recipes are 🔥) and some notes/reflections.
SO this is very atypical for us compared a normal week outside of isolation. This week I wasn't as good about prepping lunches as normal. Grocery shopping during the week has thrown me off. I'm also so tired of having to decide what to have for every meal every day! We usually eat out for a few meals on weekends and now we are cooking a lot more. We almost always have dinner at home during the week and both meal prep lunches. BF normally cooks but on the days I work from home I find that I typically have a lot more energy and motivation to cook.

Recipes: sweet potato banana breakfast bowls: https://www.healthy-liv.com/sweet-potato-breakfast-bowl/
smoky tempeh mango tacos: https://www.emilieeats.com/smoky-tempeh-tostadas-mango-cabbage-slaw/
peanut tempeh noodles: https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/peanutty-noodles-with-tempeh-crumbles
submitted by fuzzypinkgiraffe to FoodDiaries [link] [comments]

Weekly Grocery Saver 1/8 thru 1/14

This is a snippet of available grocery stores and their prices which seem to be good or better than average deals. They're not all generic brand. The goal is to show that quality products can be found at reasonable prices.
Each store will have their own in-store specials and if you want to add any product you see as a deal, comment away and I'll add it in below. Also note, some stores like Smith's will have regional pricing (so I discovered that not all deals are the same at every store. So far Albertsons seems to be the most consistent on all Vegas store prices.)
Listing products by category first. Categories would go: Meats (fresh/canned), Produce (fresh/canned), Breakfast/Grains/Pasta/Bread, Beverages, Frozen food/treats, Misc.


## Note possible regional store pricing. Ask for a price match. These prices are pulled from their Craig location.
## Hint: On the Mix&Match, your total quantity of items in your purchase just needs to meet a mininum item quantity and you will still receive the lower price for those items.
Store Special:
$10 meal deal - roasted ckn (srvs 2-3), salad kit 10-12oz, mashed potatoes 24oz, La Brea baguette
$2 more for garlic & herb roasted ckn (srvs 3-4)
---Meal Deal is regional, check your store---

T-Bone steak $4.97/lb
Bone-in pork shoulder butt roast 99c/lb
Eckrich smoked sausage 2x $5
SPAM $2.69 ea or $64.56/case Lt2case
Wright bacon 24oz $4.99 w dcpn (F/Sa)
Ckn whole/drum/thigh 88c/lb
Jumbo raw shrimp 21-25ct 2lbs bag $4.97/lb
Bumble Bee canned tuna 59c ea or $28.32/case Lt2case
Bumble Bee tuna pouches $1 ea or $12/case Lt2case

Lg Hass avocados 88c
Vine tomatoes 88c/lb
Kroger canned mandarin oranges 69c ea or $16.56/case Lt2case
Kroger canned fruit 99c ea or $23.76/case Lt2case
Kroger canned mushrooms 4oz 69c ea or $8.28/case Lt2case
Green Giant canned veggies 49c ea or $11.76/case
Rotel canned tomatoes 89c ea or $10.68/case Lt2case
Kroger canned tomatoes 59c ea or $14.16/case Lt2case
Kroger canned beans 49c ea or $5.88/case Lt2case
Simple Truth canned organic beans 79c ea or $9.48/case Lt2case
Fage greek yogurt 10x $10
Chobani 4pk $1.49 w dcpn (F/Sa)
Chobani non-dairy yogurt 4x $4 w dcpn
Kroger sour cream/cottage cheese $1.49 M&M6x
Post/Quaker cereal $1.49 M&M6x
Kroger PB 97c ea or $11.64/case Lt2case
Dave's Killer organic bread $3.99 w dcpn
Simple Truth artisan baguette $1.25 w dcpn
Rice-a-roni/Pasta Roni 88c ea or $10.56/case Lt2case
Knorr Sides 88c ea or $10.56/case Lt2case
American Beauty pasta 74c ea or $9/case Lt2case
Progresso soup 99c M&M6x
Campbell's Chunky soup $1 ea or $12/case Lt2case
Campbell's ckn noodle/tomato soup 69c ea or $33.12/case Lt2case
Kroger ckn noodle/tomato soup 59c ea or $14.16/case Lt2case
Campbell's cream soup 79c ea or $37.92/case Lt2case
Kroger cream soup 69c ea or $16.56/case Lt2case
Simple Truth organic broth 32oz $1.49 ea or $17.88/case Lt2case
Kroger can broth 49c $11.76/case Lt2case
Hormel chili $1 ea or $12/case Lt2case
Van Camp's Pork & Beans 49c ea or $11.76/case Lt2case
Dinty Moore beef stew $1.99 ea or $47.88/case Lt2case
Chef Boyardee pasta 68c ea or $16.32 case Lt2case
Maruchan ramen 15c ea or $3.60/case Lt2case
Maruchan instant lunch cups 25c ea or $3/case Lt2case
Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper 98c ea or $11.76/case Lt2case
Annie's mac & cheese 2x $2
Idahoan potatoes 88c ea or $10.56/case Lt2case
Kind/Think! bars 10x $10
Pepperidge Farm goldfish 30oz $3.99 w dcpn (F/Sa)
Lay's Family size chips $1.77 ea (3x)
Hunt's pasta sauce 24oz 89c ea or $10.68/case Lt2case
Kroger tomato sauce 8oz 25c ea or $6/case Lt2case
Kroger ketchup 24oz 88c ea or $14.08/case Lt2case
Hunt's snack pack pudding 4pk 89c ea or $10.68/case
Duncan Hines cake mix 99c ea or $11.88/case Lt2case
Kroger AP flour 5lbs $1.49 ea or $11.92/case Lt2case
Kroger veg oil 48oz $1.99 ea or $17.91/case Lt2case
Kroger evaporated milk 89c ea or $21.36/case Lt2case
Kroger specialty sugar 2lb 99c ea or $11.88/case Lt2case
Smidge & Spoon sugar $1.79 ea or $17.90/case Lt2case
Bakery angel food/sour cream cake $1.99 w dcpn (F/Sa)
Kroger distilled/purified water 1gal 75c ea or $3/case Lt2case
Langer's apple juice 64oz 97c ea or $7.76/case Lt2case
Powerade 59c 8x
VitaminwateRockstar 10x $10
Amy's entrees 30% off w dcpn (F/Sa)
Quorn meatless entree $2.99 M&M6x
Bird's Eye Steamfresh veggies 99c M&M6x
Simple Truth organic pizza $3.99 w dcpn
Tina's burritos 25c ea or $8/case Lt2case
Hefty storage bags 99c M&M6x
Palmolive dish detergent 99c M&M6x
Soft Soft 99c w dcpn (F/Sa)
Kleenex 99c M&M6x
Kroger Home Sense paper towals 10 rolls $9.99
Kroger Home Sense TP 30 rolls $9.99



*In-store hint:* Preload dcpns in their app.
Boneless NY steak $5/lb (F)
Ground beef 80% $2.97/lb
Wright bacon 24oz $5 (F)
Deli roasted turkey/ham/provolone/muenster cheese $5/lb (F)
Deli 8pc baked/fried ckn $5 (F)
Signature canned tuna 10x $10
Minneolas 99c/lb
Bartlett pears 99c/lb
Romaine/Red/Green lettuce 99c ea
Mini peeled carrots 16oz 99c ea
Natures sweet cherub tomatoes B1G1 ($2 ea)
Signature canned fruit cocktail/pineapple 10x $10
Signature canned mushrooms 10x $10
Hunt's canned tomatoes 99c Lt4x w dcpn or 10x $10
Ro*tel canned tomatoes 10x $10
Signature canned olives 10x $10
In-ad cpn $5 off produce with $20+ purchase
Chobani yogurt 88c ea First12x
Lucerne butter $2.49 Lt4 w dcpn
Kellogg's cereal/Pop tarts $1.67 ea 3x Lt2offer
Kraft mac&cheese 25c ea First4x Lt1offer w dcpn
Annie's mac&cheese 10x $10
Knorr pasta sides 10x $10
Signature instant potatoes 10x $10
Rice-a-Roni 10x $10
Signature taco shells 12ct 10x $10
Campbell's Chunky soup 99c Lt4x w dcpn
Chef Boyardee canned pasta 10x $10
Rosarita canned beans 10x $10
Bush's baked beans sm can 10x $10
Bush's canned beans 10x $10
Van Camp's pork and beans 10x $10
Ranch Style beans 10x $10
ZonePerfect/Larabar 10x $10
Pepperidge Farm goldfish 99c Lt4x w dcpn
Rinaldi pasta sauce 10x $10
Hunt's canned sauce 10x $10
Frito Lay multi pack $5 First4x (F)
Fritos/Cheetos/Hostess snack pk 3x $5 Lt1offer (F)
Pillsbury cake/brownie/frosting 10x $10
Snack Pack pudding 4ct 10x $10
Rice Krispy Treats $1.67 ea 3x Lt2offer
Ghirardelli chocolate bar 2x $5
Kinder bueno bar 10x $10
Black Forest gummies 10x $10
Red Vines Lg tub $5 (F)
Sour Punch twists tub $5 (F)
Nestle hot chocolate mix 10x $10
Trident 10x $10
Lifewtr 10x $10
Florida's Natural OJ 89oz $5 First4x (F)
Starbucks cafe grande beverage + any pastry $5 (F)
Coffee-mate $2.49 Lt4x w dcpn
Lipton Pure Leaf tea 99c Lt4x w dcpn
Powerade 32oz 68c Lt15x w dcpn
Sparkling Ice 17oz 99c 5x
Coke/Pepsi/7up 2Ltr 99c 5x
Coke 20pk $5 ea 2x Lt1offer (F)
Rockstar 99c Lt4x w dcpn
MtnDew KickStart 10x $10
Pabst blue ribbon 12pk/Hop Valley 6pk First4x $5 ea (F)
Marie Callendar's/Healthy Choice entrees $1.99 w dcpn
Birdseye Voila!/PF Chang's/Bertoli meals $5 (F)
Huggies snug & dry diapers 21-44ct $4.99 ea First2x w dcpn
Top Flight 1sub notebk 2x $1
Elmer's glue 10x $10
BIC crystal pens 10ct 10x $10
Top Flight paper 150ct 10x $10
Crayola pencils/crayons 10x $10

Smart & Final

In store hint: Each store does manager specials on products, look for them.
Blueberries 88c
Blackberries 88c
Hass avocadoes Lt12 49c ea
Hunt's canned tomatoes 8ct pkg $7.99 M&M4x
Kellogg's special K cereal $1.69 M&M4x
Progresso soup 99c M&M4x
Nature Valley granola bars 6-12ct $1.88 M&M4x
Pepperidge Farm goldfish 99c M&M4x
Cheez-it/Club crackers $1.88 M&M4x
Kettle brand chips $.99 M&M4x
Snyder's pretzels $1.99 M&M4x
Skinny Pop popcorn $1.99 M&M4x
Mother's/Keebler Cookies $1.88 M&M4x
Coffee-mate creamer 32oz $2.49 M&M4x
Powerade 8ct $2.99 M&M4x



Store usually has dbl ad Weds and Fri/Sat/Sun specials.
Deli thick sliced smoked bacon $3.99/lb
EZ peel jump shrimp 16/20ct $4.99/lb

Organic valencia OJs/grapefruit 4lb bag $2.98
Cuties 2lbs bag $1.98
Navel OJs 88c/lb
R.Y.O bell peppers 98c ea
Grape tomatoes pint 3x $5
Hothouse cucumbers 3x $5
Sprouts canned beans 99c
Muir Gren organic canned tomatoes 99c
Rolled/Quick/Steel cut oats bulk 79c/lb
Walnut halves & pieces bulk $3.99/lb
Mixed nuts w/o peanuts bulk $7.99/lb
Lundberg organic rice cakes 2x $5
Dark/Milk chocolate covered almonds bulk $3.99/lb
Gummi bears/worms bulk $1.99/lb
*Happy Baby/Plum Organics baby food pouches 5x $5

Whole Foods'

If you have Amazon Prime, check app for deals.
*Coming Soon/Maybe?*

La Bonita

Beef sirloin tip steak $2.99/lb
Ground beef 92% $2.99/lb
Deli bacon $2.99/lb
Ckn drum 2lbs $1
Boneless ckn breast 99c/lb (F/Sa/Su)
Deli cooked ckn wings $4.99/lb (F/Sa/Su)
Shrimp head on 30/40 $3.99/lb
Manzana sweetie apples 4lbs $1
Bananas 3lbs $1 (F/Sa/Su)
Mangos 3x $1 (F/Sa/Su)
Blueberries 99c
Cantaloupe 4lbs $1
Thai coconut 2x $3
Lg Hass avocados 5x $5 (F/Sa/Su)
Y.O. bell peppers 3x $1
Green cabbage 3lbs $1
Eggplant 2x $1
Cauliflower 2x $3
Bean sprouts 12oz 99c
Beets bunch 2lbs $1
Italian squash/Zucchini 2lbs $1
Jicama 4lbs $1
White yams 79c/lb
Russet potatoes 10lb bag 2x $5
Tomatillo 2lbs $1
Cilantro 3x $1
Brown onions 3lbs $1
Yellow peppers 2lbs $1
White/Wheat bolillo 4x $1
Juanitas hominy 110oz 2x $5
Sun Vista canned beans 99c
Gamesa Marias cookies 3x $5 (F/Sa/Su)
C&H sugar 4lbs $1.99
Pillsbury cake mix 99c
Kern's 99c
Individual soda 79c
Pepsi 12pk 3x $9
Melody napkins 180ct 99c


Store usually has Wed/Thur and Fri/Sat/Sun specials.
Beef chuck roll steak $2.99/lb
Beef short ribs plain/marinated $3.99/lb (F/Sa/Su)
Mixed beef meat $2.49/lb
Pork shank 99c/lb
Cacique chorizo 99c
Ckn drum 79c/lb
Whole cleaned tilapia $1.99/lb
Gala/Granny Smith apples 79c/lb
OJs 4lbs $1 (F/Sa/Su) or 2lbs $1
Bananas 3lbs $1 (F/Sa/Su) or 2lbs $1
Papaya 89c/lb
Limes 99c/lb
Plantains 2lbs $1
Green cabbage 2lbs $1
Carrots loose jumbo 69c/lb
Chayote 3x $1
Mexican squash 3x $1
Tomatillos 79c/lb
White onions 4lbs $1
Eggplant 79c/lb
Yams 2lbs $1
Boniato 69c/lb
Yucca 79c/lb
Cilantro 3x $1
Serrano/Jalapeno peppers 79c/lb
Queen Elephant long grain rice 4lbs $1.99
Maizada tostadas 8.8oz 99c
Goya pinto beans 99c
Limonazo lime juice 32oz 99c
Marinana's white vinegar 128oz $1.99
Powerade 8pk $3.99
Jarritos 1.5Ltr 99c (F/Sa/Su)
Springfield frzn veg 16oz 99c


Store usually has specific day specials.
Beef shoulder clod steak/roast $2.49/lb
Beef diced meat $2.49/lb
Bone-in beef shank $2.59/lb
Bone-in pork meat $1.39/lb
Bar-S jumbo franks 16oz 99c
Bar-S bologna 12oz 99c
Cacique chorizo 99c
Tilapia fillet $2.49/lb (F/Sa/Su)
Shrimp 36/40ct $4.99/lb
Shrimp head on 60/70ct $4.99
Whole catfish $3.99/lb
Octopus $3.99/lb
Bumblebee canned tuna 79c

Fuji apples 2lbs 99c
Honey tangerine 79c/lb
Papaya 2lbs 99c
Kiwi 3x 99c
Cantaloup 2lbs 99c
Limes 89c/lb
Lemons 79c/lb
Plantains 2lbs 99c
Sm Hass avocado 2x 99c
Spinach bunch 89c ea
Green cabbage 4lbs 99c (F/Sa/Su)
Broccoli/Cauliflower 89c/lb
Green bell pepper 3x 99c
Persian cucumber 99c/lb
Jicama 2lbs 99c
Mexican squash 79c/lb
Chayote squash 3x 99c
Roma tomatoes 79c/lb (F/Sa/Su)
Tomatillos 2lbs 99c
Red beets bunch 89c ea
Red potatoes 69c/lb
Russet potatoes 10lb bag 99c
Cilantro 5x 99c (F/Sa/Su)
Radish 5x 99c (F/Sa/Su)
Red onions 69c/lb
Brown onion 6lbs 99c
Jalapeno 89c/lb
Pasilla peppers 79c/lb
Yellow peppers 79c/lb
San Marcos canned whole jalapenos 89c

Chobani yogurt/flips/drinkable 99c
Cacique cheese/creams $2.49
Arroz jasmine long grain rice 5lbs $4.99
Juanita's hominy 110oz 2x $5
American Beauty pasta 89c
Armour lunchmakers 99c
Fritos/Cheetos $1.77 3x
Pompeian cooking oils in-ad $1 off cpn

Dasani 24pk $3.99
AZ tea 23oz 69c
Chobani drinkables 99c
Individual sodas 99c ea 5x
Pepsi/Jarritos 2/1.5Ltr 99c 5x
Squirt/7up 12pk 3x $9
Paper towels 1ct 99c
Aluminum foil 25ft 99c
Banded bowls 7in 79c

El Super

Boneless beef chuck steak/roast plain/marinated $3.29/lb
Boneless beef chopped $3.29/lb
Bone-in sirloin end pork chops/roast 99c/lb
Deli Bafar ham $1.97/lb (Sa/Su)
Hoffy ckn/meat franks 16oz 89c
Hoffy bacon 12oz $2.99
Shrimp 36-40ct $4.97/lb
Chicken of the Sea 89c

OJs 3lbs 99c
Sm Hass avocado 4x 9cc
Red/White onions 3lbs 99c
Pasilla peppers 2lbs 99c (Sa/Su)
Special Value canned corn 89c
Clemente canned whole jalapenos 89c
Selecto queso fresco 10oz $1.97 (Sa/Su)
Cacique cheese/cream 2x $5
Kellogg's cereal $1.49
Blue Ribbon rice 5lbs 2x $5
Masa for tortillas/tamales 69c/lb
Veggie masa for tamales $1.29/lb
Bakery bread teleras 3x 99c (Sa/Su)
Pagasa pasta 7oz 4x $1
Fritos/Cheetos $1.77
Val Vita tomato sauce 7oz 4x $1
D'Gari gelatins 89c
Jelley Brown gelatin cups 5x $1
Jelley Brown rice pudding 2x $1
Niagara water 24pk 5x $10
Yoplait smoothies 2x $1
7up/Squirt 12pk 3x $9
7up/Canada Dry/Squirt 2Ltr 99c 4x (Sa/Su)
Jarritos 11-12oz 79c
Rockstar 99c
Special Value frzn veggies 16oz 99c
Aluminum foil roasting pan 99c
Valusoft napkins 200ct 99c

Ranch 99

Pricing is good until 1/16

White shrimp head on 30/40ct $4.99/lb
Cali OJs 49c/lb
Clementines 3lbs bag $2.99
Liyuan organic roasted chestnut peeled 250gram $3.68
Sm bok choy 99c/lb
White radish 33c/lb
Kabocha 39c/lb
Anaheim pepper 99c/lb
Greenmax yam& multi-grain cereal $3.98
99 Jasmine rice 25lbs $18.98
Asian Taste calrose rice 15lb $8.98
Asian Taste sweet glutinous rice 900gram $2.98
Hanasia rice cake 16oz 2x $3
Asian Taste dried shrimp small 3.5oz $3.98
Ox & Palm canned corned beef 15oz $5.58
Flying Horse sweet chili sauce 32oz $1.98
IMEI cream wafers 2x $2.50
IMEI puff snacks $1.18
Asian Taste teabag jasmine/green 100ct $2.88
Kimbo thai tea 68c
Vita bottle tea 500mL 88c

168 market

*Delayed-Website weekly ad links are broken*
These are decent deals, but if you found a better deal while out there - share it and I'll add it to the list.
Saving trick: If a store runs out of a certain product that was on sale, ask for a rain check. You can use the rain check within 20 to 30 days and still get the discounted price on those items.
Added: Remaining grocery stores. 168 website isn't showing their weekly ads, links are broken. WholeFoods takes a long time, but will add it in as best as I can.
TL;DR - Food stuff.
submitted by Dezkin to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

3 best healthy dinner recipes for family to make

3 best healthy dinner recipes for family to make
3 best healthy dinner recipes for family to make:


1) Family meals: Chicken & veg casserole


knob of butter
1 onion, finely chopped
3 medium carrots, finely chopped
2 medium sticks celery, finely chopped
500g approx chicken thighs
2 fat garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp sweet smoked paprika
½ tsp ground cumin
1 tsp dried thyme
2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes
1 chicken stock cube
1 red or orange pepper, diced
1 x 400g can chickpeas, drained (optional)


1) Hеаt thе buttеr in a large hеаvу-bаѕеd pan. Add thе оniоn, саrrоt and сеlеrу аnd cook gеntlу until ѕоftеnеd.
2) Add the chicken thighѕ, garlic, spices and thуmе. Cооk ѕtirring until thе chicken is ораԛuе.
3) Pour in the tоmаtоеѕ, рluѕ оnе extra саn оf wаtеr оr enough to cover thе сhiсkеn аnd vegetables. Add thе stock and pepper. Bring tо a simmer аnd cook uncovered for 50 mins.
4) If uѕing, аdd the сhiсkреаѕ аnd cook fоr a furthеr fivе minѕ. Serve with riсе. For уоung children, brеаk the сhiсkеn into smaller pieces and ѕеrvе.

Watch this video

2) Chilli con Carne recipe

A 100g роrtiоn оf chilli hаѕ juѕt 101 саlоriеѕ, ѕо аn аvеrаgе serving will оnlу ѕеt уоu bасk around 200 саlоriеѕ. Pеrhарѕ if уоu'rе сооking this fоr thе fаmilу thоugh, leave оut thе red wine!.
This сhilli con carne rесiре is one of our favourite Mеxiсаn diѕhеѕ. It’ѕ grеаt fоr families аnd ѕtudеntѕ аѕ it’s сhеар, ԛuiсk аnd еаѕу tо mаkе аnd comes with a dеliсiоuѕ, ѕрiсу kiсk!
Thiѕ rесiре tаkеѕ 1hr аnd 40 minѕ to mаkе and iѕ well wоrth the wait. Sеrving 4 реорlе, this diѕh iѕ perfect if you’re сооking a fаmilу mеаl оr сооking for friends and fаmilу because it’ѕ niсе and filling – аnd there аrе also multiрlе ѕеrving орtiоnѕ dереnding оn whаt you fancy!
Sеrvе thiѕ сhilli соn саrnе with riсе, оn tор оf tortilla chips or wrарреd in soft tоrtillа wraps. Add guасаmоlе and ѕаlѕа for еvеn more flavour! Hоwеvеr уоu еnjоу your сhilli, this is сlаѕѕiс Mexican diѕh that еvеrуоnе will lоvе! Wе’vе gоt loads mоrе grеаt idеаѕ fоr minсе rесiреѕ here.


2tbsp olive oil
2 onions, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1kg (2 1/4lb) lean minced beef
2 glasses red wine
1 400g can red kidney beans
2 400g cans chopped tomatoes
1 green pepper, roughly chopped
3tbsp tomato purée
2 red chillies, thinly sliced, or 3-4 tsp dried chilli flakes
1tsp ground cumin
1tsp ground coriander
1 stick cinnamon
Dash of Worcestershire sauce
1 beef stock cube
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 large bunch coriander leaves, roughly chopped
Plain yogurt, sour cream or creme fraiche

watch this video

3) Weight Watchers Quorn sausage bake recipe

his family-sized Wеight Watchers Quorn ѕаuѕаgе bаkе сrеаtеd bу WW – the nеw Wеight Watchers, is the реrfесt орtiоn fоr vegetarians. This rесiре ѕеrvеѕ 4 реорlе аnd will tаkе оnlу 40 mins to cook. It’s a real сrоwd рlеаѕеr uѕing lоwеr fаt Quorn ѕаuѕаgеѕ inѕtеаd оf meat ѕаuѕаgеѕ, tinnеd сhорреd tomatoes fоr a riсh tоmаtо ѕаuсе аnd fаt-rеduсеd mature vеgеtаriаn cheese to mаkе it еvеn mоrе guilt-frее.
This sausage bаkе uses ѕраghеtti but уоu can uѕе all diffеrеnt varieties of pasta inсluding реnnе оr bоwѕ – thе сhоiсе iѕ уоurѕ! A роrtiоn оf thiѕ mоuth-wаtеring bаkе works оut at оnlу 10 SmаrtPоintѕ реr ѕеrving.


2tbsp olive oil
2 onions, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1kg (2 1/4lb) lean minced beef
2 glasses red wine
1 400g can red kidney beans
2 400g cans chopped tomatoes
1 green pepper, roughly chopped
3tbsp tomato purée
2 red chillies, thinly sliced, or 3-4 tsp dried chilli flakes
1tsp ground cumin
1tsp ground coriander
1 stick cinnamon
Dash of Worcestershire sauce
1 beef stock cube
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 large bunch coriander leaves, roughly chopped
Plain yogurt, sour cream or creme fraiche.

Watch this video

submitted by healistry to Healthy_Recipes [link] [comments]

3 best healthy dinner recipes for family to make:

3 best healthy dinner recipes for family to make:

1) Family meals: Chicken & veg casserole


knob of butter
1 onion, finely chopped
3 medium carrots, finely chopped
2 medium sticks celery, finely chopped
500g approx chicken thighs
2 fat garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp sweet smoked paprika
½ tsp ground cumin
1 tsp dried thyme
2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes
1 chicken stock cube
1 red or orange pepper, diced
1 x 400g can chickpeas, drained (optional)


  1. Hеаt thе buttеr in a large hеаvу-bаѕеd pan. Add thе оniоn, саrrоt and сеlеrу аnd cook gеntlу until ѕоftеnеd.
  2. Add the chicken thighѕ, garlic, spices and thуmе. Cооk ѕtirring until thе chicken is ораԛuе.
  3. Pour in the tоmаtоеѕ, рluѕ оnе extra саn оf wаtеr оr enough to cover thе сhiсkеn аnd vegetables. Add thе stock and pepper. Bring tо a simmer аnd cook uncovered for 50 mins.
  4. If uѕing, аdd the сhiсkреаѕ аnd cook fоr a furthеr fivе minѕ. Serve with riсе. For уоung children, brеаk the сhiсkеn into smaller pieces and ѕеrvе.

Watch this video

2) Chilli con Carne recipe

A 100g роrtiоn оf chilli hаѕ juѕt 101 саlоriеѕ, ѕо аn аvеrаgе serving will оnlу ѕеt уоu bасk around 200 саlоriеѕ. Pеrhарѕ if уоu'rе сооking this fоr thе fаmilу thоugh, leave оut thе red wine!.
This сhilli con carne rесiре is one of our favourite Mеxiсаn diѕhеѕ. It’ѕ grеаt fоr families аnd ѕtudеntѕ аѕ it’s сhеар, ԛuiсk аnd еаѕу tо mаkе аnd comes with a dеliсiоuѕ, ѕрiсу kiсk!
Thiѕ rесiре tаkеѕ 1hr аnd 40 minѕ to mаkе and iѕ well wоrth the wait. Sеrving 4 реорlе, this diѕh iѕ perfect if you’re сооking a fаmilу mеаl оr сооking for friends and fаmilу because it’ѕ niсе and filling – аnd there аrе also multiрlе ѕеrving орtiоnѕ dереnding оn whаt you fancy!
Sеrvе thiѕ сhilli соn саrnе with riсе, оn tор оf tortilla chips or wrарреd in soft tоrtillа wraps. Add guасаmоlе and ѕаlѕа for еvеn more flavour! Hоwеvеr уоu еnjоу your сhilli, this is сlаѕѕiс Mexican diѕh that еvеrуоnе will lоvе! Wе’vе gоt loads mоrе grеаt idеаѕ fоr minсе rесiреѕ here.


2tbsp olive oil
2 onions, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1kg (2 1/4lb) lean minced beef
2 glasses red wine
1 400g can red kidney beans
2 400g cans chopped tomatoes
1 green pepper, roughly chopped
3tbsp tomato purée
2 red chillies, thinly sliced, or 3-4 tsp dried chilli flakes
1tsp ground cumin
1tsp ground coriander
1 stick cinnamon
Dash of Worcestershire sauce
1 beef stock cube
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 large bunch coriander leaves, roughly chopped
Plain yogurt, sour cream or creme fraiche

watch this video

3) Weight Watchers Quorn sausage bake recipe

his family-sized Wеight Watchers Quorn ѕаuѕаgе bаkе сrеаtеd bу WW – the nеw Wеight Watchers, is the реrfесt орtiоn fоr vegetarians. This rесiре ѕеrvеѕ 4 реорlе аnd will tаkе оnlу 40 mins to cook. It’s a real сrоwd рlеаѕеr uѕing lоwеr fаt Quorn ѕаuѕаgеѕ inѕtеаd оf meat ѕаuѕаgеѕ, tinnеd сhорреd tomatoes fоr a riсh tоmаtо ѕаuсе аnd fаt-rеduсеd mature vеgеtаriаn cheese to mаkе it еvеn mоrе guilt-frее.
This sausage bаkе uses ѕраghеtti but уоu can uѕе all diffеrеnt varieties of pasta inсluding реnnе оr bоwѕ – thе сhоiсе iѕ уоurѕ! A роrtiоn оf thiѕ mоuth-wаtеring bаkе works оut at оnlу 10 SmаrtPоintѕ реr ѕеrving.


2tbsp olive oil
2 onions, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1kg (2 1/4lb) lean minced beef
2 glasses red wine
1 400g can red kidney beans
2 400g cans chopped tomatoes
1 green pepper, roughly chopped
3tbsp tomato purée
2 red chillies, thinly sliced, or 3-4 tsp dried chilli flakes
1tsp ground cumin
1tsp ground coriander
1 stick cinnamon
Dash of Worcestershire sauce
1 beef stock cube
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 large bunch coriander leaves, roughly chopped
Plain yogurt, sour cream or creme fraiche.

Watch this video

submitted by healistry to cookingforbeginners [link] [comments]

Weekly Grocery Saver 11/13 thru 11/19

This is a snippet of available grocery stores and their prices which seem to be good or better than average deals. They're not all generic brand. The goal is to show that quality products can be found at reasonable prices.
Each store will have their own in-store specials and if you want to add any product you see as a deal, comment away and I'll add it in below. Also note, some stores like Smith's will have regional pricing (so I discovered that not all deals are the same at every store. So far Albertsons seems to be the most consistent on all Vegas store prices.)
Listing products by category first. Categories would go: Meats (fresh/canned), Produce (fresh/canned), Breakfast/Grains/Pasta/Bread, Beverages, Frozen food/treats, Misc.


## Get a free grocery item every Friday through their app.
## Note possible regional store pricing. Ask for a price match. These prices are pulled from their Craig location.
## Hint: On the Mix&Match, your total quantity of items in your purchase just needs to meet a mininum item quantity and you will still receive the lower price for those items.
## NEWS: Stores now accept VISA credit cards again!

Ground beef 73% $2.49/lb
Boneless pork sirloin roast 99c/lb
Hillshire farm smoked sausage $2.49 (M&M10x)
Kroger frzn turkey 47c/lb w $25 purchase Lt2
Ckn drum/thigh 88c/lb
Lg cooked shrimp 26-30ct $5.99/lb 2lb bag w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)

Blackberries 99c
Navel OJs 4lbs bag $3.99
Mango 88c
Lg Hass avocados 88c
KrogeDole salad blends 2x $5
Vine tomatoes 88c/lb
Green beans 88c/lb
Acorn/Butternut/Spaghetti Squash 99c/lb
Green Giant canned veggies 49c (M&M10x)
Red Gold canned tomatoes (M&M10x)
Land O'Lakes buttespread $2.49 (M&M10x)
Post cereal 4x $5 or $1.99 (M&M10x) [Point out price discrepency, front page shows lower price]
Kellogg's cereal $1.49 (M&M10x)
American Beauty pasta 49c (M&M10x)
Campbell's cream soups 49c (M&M10x)
Progresso soup 99c (M&M10x)
Swanson canned broth 49c (M&M10x)
Hormel chili 99c (M&M10x)
Armour lunchmakers 88c
Betty Crocker fruit snacks $1.49 (M&M10x)
Tostitos/Ruffles chips $1.49 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)
Lay's chips $1.99 (2x)
Pringles 99c (M&M10x)
Swiss Miss cocoa 99c (M&M10x)
Betty Crocker cake/brownie mix 79c (M&M10x)
Marie Callendars dinnelarge pot pie $1.99 (M&M10x)
Healthy Choice entre/steamers $1.99 (M&M10x)
CPK pizza $3.99
Totino's party pizza 99c (M&M10x)
Marie Callender's fruit/cream pies $3.99 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)
Breyer's/Ben & Jerry's/Talenti ice cream $2.99 (M&M10x)
Dial liquid hand soap 10x $10
Always panty liners 20ct 10x $10
Huggies wipes 99c w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)
Non-stick cookie sheet 3pc $9.99 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)
iLive headphone/speaker $9.99 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)


*In-store hint:* Preload dcpns in their app.
Boneless london broil/top round roast $2.97/lb
Pork sirloin chops 97c/lb
Farmland bacon 12oz $2.99
Signature Farms frzn turkey 79c/lb
^^^Will match lowest advertised price of Smith's thru Nov 27th^^^
FREE turkey when you spend $150 w cpn Lt1offer
Deli pot pie $3.99
Gala/Granny Smith apples 99c/lb
Barlett pears 99c/lb
R.G. grapes 87c/lb
Nature Sweet cherubs tomatoes 2x $5
Acorn/Butternut/Sphaghetti squash 99c/lb
Red/Gold/Russet potatoes 99c/lb
Del Monte canned veggies 69c (M&M6x)
Chobani 99c (M&M6x)
Lucerne sour cream/cottage cheese 16oz $1.29 (M&M6x)
Lucerne cream cheese 8oz $1.29 (M&M6x)
Thomas' english muffins/bagels 74c w dcpn Lt1offer
Bakery muffins 4ct $2.99
Pure protein 10x $10
Thinkthin bar 10x $10
Open Nature bar 10x $10
Cheez-It/Premium saltines $1.88 ea (3x) Lt1offer
Doritos/Lay's Kettle/Cheetos/Fritos $1.77 ea (3x) Lt1offer
Pringles 99c (M&M6x)
Duncan Hines cake/brownie mix 99c (M&M6x)
Hershey's XL bars 99c (M&M6x)
Cadbury candy bar 99c (M&M6x)
Signature candy 10x $10
Kinder bueno 10x $10
Mars candy bars 79c
Powerade 32oz 68c (M&M6x)
Coffee-mate creamer 32oz $2.49 w dcpn Lt4x
Rockstar 99c (M&M6x)
Healthy Choice power bowls/steamers $2.49 (M&M6x)
PF Chang's bowls $2.49 (M&M6x)
Breyer's/Klondike/Popsicle $2.88 w dcpn Lt4x
Fiora paper towels $2.99 w dcpn
Signature brand products (household/first aid/aspirin/batteries/skin care/lip care/self care/holiday paper towels or napkins) all are 10x $10
Gillette foam shave cream 10x $10
Suave 10x $10
Bon Ami cleanser 10x $10
Hot Wheels 10x $10
Wet Ones small pack 10x $10
Colgate toothpaste 10x $10

Smart & Final

In store hint: Each store does manager specials on products, look for them.
Ground beef 73% $1.99/lb 5lb roll
Ckn half breasts/leg qtrs 88c/lb
Fuji apples 3lb bag $2.99
Mangos 2x $1
Iceburg lettuce 99c ea
First Street canned veggies 2x $1
Post cereal $1.79
Progresso soup 99c
C&H sugar 10lb $4.99
Coke 12pk 3x $9.99




Store usually has dbl ad Weds and Fri/Sat/Sun specials.
Swaggerty's Farms sausage rolls 2x $5

Hass avocadoes 2x $1
Cucumbers 48c/lb
Italian/Yellow squash 98c/lb
Sunset snacking tomatoes 2x $5
Yellow onions 48c/lb
Sprouts canned pumpkin 99c
Sprouts canned organic beans 99c
Sprouts organic quinoa/wild rice blend 2x $5
Better than Bouillon $3.99

Whole Foods'

If you have Amazon Prime, check app for deals.
NEWS: Prime members Amazon Fresh is free, you have to request an invitation for the program.
Creminelli sliced meats $1 off

Emmi kaltbach cave aged gruyere $21.49/lb
Cypress Grove midnight moon gouda cheese $19.49/lb
Kaasaggio originale gouda $13.49/lb
Lactalis le petit brie $11.99/lb
Sartori cheese rum runner bellavitano sartori $14.24/lb
Ile de france saint agur $13.79/lb
Mitica italian fontina val d'aosta cheese $13.99/lb
Herve Mons 1924 bleu $20.24/lb
Herve Mons camembert 8.8oz $7.49
Roth cheese pavino cheese $9.74/lb
Coeurdehevre organic chevre fleurie soft ripened goat cheese $6.99
Kerrygold dubliner cheese $3.79
Vermont creamery creme fraiche 8oz $4.49
Mi Rancho organic corn tortillas 8ct $2.29
Wholly Wholesome organic pie dough $5.99
Foodstirs cookie mix $4.49
Guittard baking chips $4.49
Miss Jones Baking Co frosting single serve vanilla/chocolate 79c
Field Roast roasts $11.99-$16.99
Quorn meatless roast $6.99
Blendtopia energy superfood smoothie blends $5.99
Wholly Wholesome apple pie $8.99
Wholly Wholesome GF pie shells $4.99
Truwhip $1.99
Humphry Slocombe ice cream $6.99


Store usually has Wed/Thur and Fri/Sat/Sun specials.
Store special: Mariana's tacos 99c ea (W/Th)
Beef steak $2.99/lb
Beef shank $1.99/lb (W/Th)
Ground beef 85% $2.99/lb (W/Th)
Pork neck bones 99c/lb
El Mexicano chorizo 99c
Ckn breast $1.29/lb
Ckn leg qtrs 59c/lb (F/Sa/Su) or 79c/lb
Whole tilapia $1.99/lb
Fuji/Gala apples 2lbs $1
OJs 5lbs $1 (F/Sa/Su) or 2lbs $1
Bananas 4lbs $1 (W/Th)* or 2lbs $1
Red grapes 99c/lb
Guavas $1.99/lb
Papaya 89c/lb
Cucumbers 6x $1 (F/Sa/Su) or 4x $1
Mexican squash 3lbs $1 (W/Th) or 2lbs $1
Jumbo carrots 59c/lb
Roma tomatoes 99c/lb
Yams 59c/lb
White onions 5lbs $1
Cilantro 3x $1
Habaneros $1.99/lb
Sugar cane 1lb bag 99c/lb (W/Th) or 2x $3
Brown sugar cones 2lbs $3
Hibiscus dry bulk $2.99/lb
Banana leaves 89c/lb
Mariana's queso fresco 10oz 2x $4
Queen Elephant long grain rice 4lbs 3x $5 (F/Sa/Su)
Mariana's prepared tamale dough 99c/lb
Native Harvest grapeseed oil 2Ltr $2.99 (W/Th)
Reynaldo's rice pudding 99c
Mariana's citrus punch/mango 1gal 99c
Powerade 32oz 69c
Al pastor tacos 99c (W/Th)


Store usually has specific day specials.
Beef shank bone-in $1.99/lb (Th)
Beef sirloin tip steak/meat diced $2.99/lb (Th)
Beef tongue $4.49/lb (Th)
Pork boneless stew meat $1.39/lb
Pork bone-in whole/half leg 99c/lb
Ckn drum plain/marinated 49c/lb (Th) or 99c/lb
Shrimp 41/50ct $4.69/lb
Bumble Bee tuna 79c
Gala apples 2lbs 99c
Granny Smith apples 99c/lb
Bananas 3lbs 99c (W)
Bosc pears 89c/lb
Papaya 2lbs 99c (W)* or 89c/lb
Pomegrante 99c ea
Pineapple 69c/lb
Guava 16oz pk 1x $3
Key limes 2lbs 99c
Plantains 79c/lb
XL Avocado 2x $3
Celery 2x 99c
Carrots 1lb bag 2x 99c
Red/Green cabbage 2lbs 99c
Radish 2x 99c
Cucumbers 5x 99c (W)
Chayote squash 2x 99c
Italian squash 69c/lb
Mexican squash 2lbs 99c/lb
Jicama 2lbs 99c
Tomatillo 2lbs 99c (F/Sa/Su)
Red onions 69c/lb
Yams 3lbs 99c (W) or 79c/lb
Russet potatoes 10lbs $1.99
Red potato 69c/lb
Whole/Bagged sugar cane $1.99
Jalapeno/Yellow pepper 89c/lb
San Marco canned whole jalapenos 99c

Los Altos/Noche Buena cheese/creams $1.99
Juanita's hominy 108oz 2x $5
Fritos/Cheetos $1.79
Zulka sugar 4lbs $1.79
Nestle table cream/sweetened condensed milk 99c
Carnation evaporated milk 99c
Chobani drinkable yogurt 99c
Coconut water w pulp 99c ea
Sunny D 64oz 99c
Casa Cardenas punch 128oz 99c
AZ tea 23oz 59c
Powerade 32oz 59c (15x)
Squirt 12pk $2.99
Individual sodas 99c ea (5x)
Taco Tuesday $1 ea
Bounty paper towels 99c ea
Banded bowls 9in 99c

La Bonita

Beef chuck roll steak plain/marinated $2.99/lb
Beef short plate $1.49/lb (Th)
Whole pork picnic 99c/lb (Th)
Pork stew meat $1.69/lb
Pork neck bones 89c/lb (Th)
Ckn drum 2lbs $1
Ckn thigh 99c/lb (Th)
Shrimp 26/30ct $3.99/lb
Whole tilapia $1.59/lb (W)
Red apples 4lbs $1
OJs 3lbs $1
Red grapes 99c/lb
Bosc pears 4lbs $1
Grapefruit 2lbs $1
Yellow mango 2x $1
Persimmon 2lbs $1
Limes 2lbs $1 (F/Sa/Su)
Sm avocado 5x $1 (W)
Persian cucumbers 3lbs $1
Carrots loose/bulk 2lbs $1
Kale 2x $1
Spinach bunch 2x $1 (W)
Bok choy/Nappa cabbage 2lbs $1
Green cabbage 3lbs $1
Chayote squash 3x $1
Yams 3lbs $1 (W)
Yucca 79c/lb
Cilantro 3x $1
Jicama 4lbs $1 (W)
Tomatillo 3lbs $1 (W)
Red/Russet potatoes 2lbs $1
Red onions 5lbs $1 (F/Sa/Su)
Pinto bean dry bulk 2lbs $1
La Costena canned whole jalapeno 99c
White/Wheat bolillo 4x $1
Pagasa pasta 4x $1
Bakery jelly roll cake slice 70c ea

Activia drinkable yogurt 68c
2Ltr sodas 89c
Individal soda 89c
These are decent deals, but if you found a better deal while out there - share it and I'll add it to the list.
NOTE: Will add remaining stores soon.
Saving trick: If a store runs out of a certain product that was on sale, ask for a rain check. You can use the rain check within 20 to 30 days and still get the discounted price on those items.
TL;DR - Food stuff.
submitted by Dezkin to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

Weekly Grocery Saver 12/4 thru 12/10

This is a snippet of available grocery stores and their prices which seem to be good or better than average deals. They're not all generic brand. The goal is to show that quality products can be found at reasonable prices.
Each store will have their own in-store specials and if you want to add any product you see as a deal, comment away and I'll add it in below. Also note, some stores like Smith's will have regional pricing (so I discovered that not all deals are the same at every store. So far Albertsons seems to be the most consistent on all Vegas store prices.)
Listing products by category first. Categories would go: Meats (fresh/canned), Produce (fresh/canned), Breakfast/Grains/Pasta/Bread, Beverages, Frozen food/treats, Misc.


## Note possible regional store pricing. Ask for a price match. These prices are pulled from their Craig location.
## Hint: On the Mix&Match, your total quantity of items in your purchase just needs to meet a mininum item quantity and you will still receive the lower price for those items.
Store Special:
$10 meal deal - roasted ckn (srvs 2-3), salad kit 10-12oz, mashed potatoes 24oz, La Brea baguette
$2 more for garlic & herb roasted ckn (srvs 3-4)

Bone-in pork shouldepicnic roast 99c/lb
Johnsonville brats/italian sausage $2.49 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)

Jalapenos 99c/lb
Philadelphia cream cheese 99c (M&M5x)
Cacique queso 10oz 2x $5 (M&M5x)
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter $1.99 (M&M5x)
General Mills/Chex cereal $1.79 (M&M5x)
Jif PB $1.49 (M&M5x)
Smucker's fruit spread $1.49 (M&M5x)
Ocean Spray craisins $1.49 (M&M5x)
Calbee harvest snaps snack 99c (M&M5x)
Nature Valley/Fiber One bars 5-8ct $1.99 (M&M5x)
Pop-Tarts $1.49 (M&M5x)
Keebler town house/club crackers $1.99 (M&M5x)
Simple Truth organic popcorn 99c (M&M5x)
Ruffles/Doritos $1.88 (M&M5x)
Cape Cod chips $1.99 (M&M5x)
Classico pasta sauce $1.49 (M&M5x)
Ken's salad dressing $1.49 (M&M5x)
Kraft Mayo $1.99 (M&M5x)
Wessen veg/canola oil 48oz $1.49 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)
Gold Medal flour 5lbs $1.49 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)
Maseca corn flour 4.4lbs 2x $5 (M&M5x)
Nestle toll house morsels $1.49 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)
Bakery cookies 16ct $1.99 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)
Pepperidge Farm cookies $1.99 (M&M5x)
Milk Duds/Reese's pieces theater box 88c
Snickers/Twix king size 10x $10
Kroger water 32pk $1.99 (M&M5x)
Juicy Juice 64oz 99c (M&M5x)
Martinelli's sparkling cider 25.4oz $1.99 (M&M5x)
International Delight coffee creamer 32oz $1.99 (M&M5x)
Coke/Pepsi/7up 2Ltr 99c 4x
Dr Pepper 20-24pk $4.77 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)
Steamfresh veggies 99c (M&M5x)
Jimmy Dean's breakfast sandwiches $3.99 (M&M5x)
Morningstar Farms meatless entree $2.99 (M&M5x)
Bertolli/PF Chang's/Birds Eye entrees $4.99 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)
Green Giant veggie tots/spirals $2.99 (M&M5x)
Kroger frzn potatoes $1.99
Freshetta/Newman's Own pizza $3.99 (M&M5x)
TGI Friday's apps $3.99 (M&M5x)
Marie Callender's fruit/cream pies $4.99
Gerber baby food 2ct 10x $10
Right Guard $1.99 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)
all Liquid laundry detergent $1.99 (M&M5x)
Tide Simply $1.99 (M&M5x)
Snuggle fabric softner $1.99 (M&M5x)
Swiffer 1x refill 3-16ct $2.99 w dcpn (F/Sa/Su)


*In-store hint:* Preload dcpns in their app.
Bone-in T-bone steak $4.97/lb
Ground beef 93% $3.47/lb
Pork loin ribs/st louis style ribs $1.97/lb
Ckn split breast/drum/thigh/leg qtrs/whole 97c/lb
Fuji/Red apples 99c/lb
Red.Green grapes 87c/lb
Blackberries 99c (check for possible recall due to Hep A outbreak)
Cauliflower 99c/lb
Cucumbers 2x $1
Green bell pepper 2x $1
Roma tomatoes 99c/lb
Lucerne cream cheese 99c w dcpn Lt4x Lt1offer
Lucerne chunk/shred/sliced cheese $1.77 w dcpn Lt4x
Lucerne butter $2.49 (M&M5x)
Signature PB/jam/jelly $1.49 (M&M5x)
General Mills cereal $1.88 3x Lt2offer
Quaker cereal $1.99 (M&M5x)
Progresso soup 99c (M&M5x)
Nature Valley bars $1.88 3x Lt2offer
Quaker granola bars/oatmeal squares $1.99 (M&M5x)
PowerCrunch/SaveLife/Open Nature/Kind bars 10x $10
Rana family sized pasta 20oz $3.99
Betty Crocker fruit snacks $1.88 3x Lt2offer
Chex Mix 99c (M&M5x)
Ritz $1.77 3x Lt1offer
Lay's kettle/Cheetos/Fritos $1.77 3x Lt1offer
Pringles 99c (M&M5x)
Chips Ahoy! $1.77 3x Lt1offer
Betty Crocker cake/brownie/frosting 99c 4x Lt1offer
Gold Medal flour 5lb 2x $4
Carnation evap milk 2x $4
Tic Tac/Peanut M&Ms/Trident/Orbit 10x $10
Black Forest gummies 10x $10
Signature apple/cranberry juice 64oz 99c (M&M5x)
Sunny D 64oz 99c (M&M5x)
International Delight coffee creamer 32oz $2.49 (M&M5x)
AZ tea 1gal $1.99 (M&M5x)
Coke/Pepsi/7up 2Ltr 99c 5x Lt1offer
Signature Select/Pictsweet/Green Giant frzn veggies 99c (M&M5x)
Eggo waffles $1.99 (M&M5x)
Marie Callender's/Healthy Choice entrees $1.99 (M&M5x)
Green Giant protein bowls $2.99 (M&M5x)
Red Baron pizza $2.99 (M&M5x)
Kleenex facial tissue 88c 4x Lt1offer
Swiffer refills Lt2x w dcpn $2.99 ea Lt1offer
Clorox wipes 70-75ct $3.99 w dcpn Lt3x Lt1offer
Signature holiday paper towels/napkins 10x $10
Holiday window gel clings 10x $10
Mini stockings 10x $10
Gift Card holder gift tins 10x $10
Signature pantiliners 22ct 10x $10
Signature nose spray 10x $10
Holiday socks 10x $10
Renuzit air freshner 10x $10
Speed Stick 10x $10
Signature cotton balls 70ct 10x $10
Signature pumice stone 10x $10
Signature light bulbs 10x $10
Signature batteries 10x $10
Signature tape 10x $10
Pepsodent/Close-up toothpaste 10x $10
Signature clear packing tape 10x $10
Signature hydrogen peroxide 10x $10
Signature rubbing alcohol 10x $10
Signature shave foam 10x $10
Signature lip balm 10x $10
Carmex 10x $10
Signature petrolleum jelly 10x $10
Signature epsom salt 10x $10
Signature dental flossers 10x $10
Signature nail polish remover 10x $10
Signature/Softsoap liquid hand soap 10x $10
Signature aspirin 10x $10
Signature bath poof 10x $10
Signature eye drops 10x $10
Wet Ones travel pk 10x $10
Signature dental floss 10x $10
Signature eyelash curlenail clippetweezers 10x $10
Hotweels 10x $10

Smart & Final

In store hint: Each store does manager specials on products, look for them.
Ckn drum/thigh/leg qtrs 79c/lb
Eggs 12ct 99c (M&M4x)
Navel OJs 49c/lb
First Street party size chips $1.99 (M&M4x)
Pepsi 12pk $2.99 (M&M4x)




Store usually has dbl ad Weds and Fri/Sat/Sun specials.
Deli bacon $3.99/lb (F/Sa/Su)
Colossal scallops $8.99/lb (F/Sa/Su)

Gala apples 88c/lb
Navel OJs 88c/lb
Cuties CA mandarins 2lb bag $1.98
Mangos 2x $1 (F/Sa/Su)
R.Y.O. bell peppers 88c ea
Hass avocados 3x $1 (F/Sa/Su)
Cauliflower 98c/lb
Eggplant 98c ea
Sunset snacking tomatoes 2x $5
Sprouts canned beans 99c
Kerrygold irish butter 2x $5
2yr aged white chedder cheese $3.99/lb (F/Sa/Su)
Daiya cheese/creams 2x $6
dang keto bars 5x $5
Kettle brand chips B1G2F (F/Sa/Su)
Skinny pop popcorn B1G2F (F/Sa/Su)
Gummi bears/worms bulk $1.99/lb
Organic Valley milk $2.99 (F/Sa/Su)
NOW Essential oils 50% off (F/Sa/Su)

Whole Foods'

If you have Amazon Prime, check app for deals.
NEWS: Prime members Amazon Fresh is free, you have to request an invitation for the program.
Ground beef 90% $4.99/lb
Country Natural ground beef 93% $5.99
Rao's single serve meat lasagna $4.99
duBreton organic ground pork 16oz $5.99
Creminelli sliced meats $1 off
Applegate uncured soppressata $4.49
La Quercia prosciutto $7.99
Rao's single serve ckn parmesan $4.99
Rao's family sized ckn parmesan $9.99
The Meatless Farm ground meat 14.1oz $4
Bar Harbor Foods chopped/cherrystone clams $3.69
Bellino filet of anchovies $4.49
Deli Kikka sushi crunchy sriracha salmon roll $12.49

Organic cucumber 99c ea
Deli Grow EEN chickpea wrap $6.49
Deli Grow EEN black bean quinoa wrap $6.49
Patagonia Provisions organic chili $6.99
Fage yogurt 35.3oz $4.99
Fage 6oz $1
Straus organic yogurt 32oz $6.49
Straus organic yogurt 16oz $2.99
Chobani yogurt $1
Icelandic yogurt $4.99
Emmi swiss raclette $17.99/lb
Cypress Grove truffle tremor $24.99/lb
Fromageries Papillon blue roquefort $22.99/lb
Kaasaggio robusto gouda $17.99/lb
Clarina 18mth gouda $21.99/lb
Herve Mons saint nuage cheese 6.3oz $12.49
Black Creek 3yr white cheddaer $9.99/lb
Fondue and More cheese box 14oz $8.79
Vermont Creamery mascarpone 8oz $4.99
Vermont Creamery double cream cremont $9.59
Chevoo italian blk truffle goat cheese 4oz $4.49
Violife just like parmesan 5.29oz $4.29
Violife vegan cheese slices/shreds $3.99
Violife vegan feta block $4.29
Miyoko's VeganMozz 8oz $6.99
Miyoko's vegan cheese wheels $7.99
Miyoko's vegan cream cheese $4.79
Bob's Red Mill whole grain muesli $7.99
Bob's Red Mill organic quick cook oats $6.99
Bob's Red Mill rolled oats 32oz $4.79
The Toasted Oat granola $4.79
Enjoy Life pancake/waffle mix 16oz $4.99
Mi Rancho organic corn tortillas 8ct $2.29
Food for Life sprouted corn tortillas $3.29
Wonderful shelled pistachios 12oz $13.99
Wonderful pistachios 16oz $8.99
La Forestiere whole roasted chestnuts $13.99
De Cecco lasagne no1 $3.99
De Cecco fusilli spinach pasta $2.49
Lotus Foods organic ramen 4pk $4.69
Hodo Soy noodles $4.99
Kite Hill plant based dips $3
Amy's organic cream/bisque/bean/curried soups $2.99
Bar Harbor Foods new england clam chowder $2.99
Thinkthin bars $1
That's It apple & blueberry fruit bar case $15
Vega protein bar 12pk $24
Made in Nature dried apricots $4.99
Made in Nature dried plums $3.29
Pickled Planet raw saurkraut $6.49
Mary's Gone Crackers organic GF $3.99
Carr's crackers $3.99
Pirate Brands white cheddar popcorn 6pk $5.99
Stacy's pita chips $2.50
Bearitos baked puffs $2
Kettle brand chips $2.50
Boulder Canyon Foods chips $2.50
Brad's organic kale/veggie chips $4.99
Wilde Brands chips $3
Artisan Tropic cassava strips $2.99
Mielbio organic italian honey mandarin raw & creamy $8.99
Madhava Foods organic unfiltered creamed/raw honey 22oz $9.99
Madhava Foods organic light/blue agave $6.79
Madhava Foods organic raw blue agave $3.99
Madhava Natural Sweetners $3.99
Gefen honey bear $4.69
Manuka Doctor bio active manuka honey 8.75oz $22.99
Shady maple farm organic maple syrup $11.99-$14.99
Mike's organic curry sauce $4.49
Seggiano pasta sauce $7.49
Lucini organic marinara sauce $6.99
Cava tzatziki sauce 8oz $3.99
Cava hummus 8oz $2.99
Cava hummus 16oz $5.49
Fini balsamic vinegar $13.79
Nonna Pia's balsamic reductions $6.79
The New Primal sauces $6.99
Grama's sauces $2.69
Darbo Conserves wild lingonberry sauce $5.49
Follow Your Heart vegenaise 16oz $4.29
Follow Your Heart soy-free vegenaise 16oz $5.29
Follow Your Heart grapeseed oil vegenaise $5.29
Coconut Secret coconut nectar $7.99
Cappello's GF cookie dough 12oz $11.99
Eat Pastry cookie dough $3.99
Cup4Cup GF multipurpose flour 3lbs $12.59
Bob's Red Mill super-fine almond flour 16oz/32oz $9.99/$17.99
Bob's Red Mill organic coconut flour 16oz $4.19
Ancient Harvest quinoa flakes 12oz $8.49
Jeff Nathan Creations GF panko flakes $7.49
Wholly Wholesome organic pie dough $5.99
Lily's baking chocolate chips 9oz $5.99
Medcasse 3 bourbon vanilla beans $15.99
Simply Organic turkey brining seasoning $6.99
Simply Organic organic almond extract $5.99
Simply Organic madagascar vanilla extract 4oz $16.49
Frontier Co-op organic vanilla extract 4oz $17.69
Frontier Co-op pumpkin pie spice $3.99
Frontier Co-op organic korintje cinnamon $4.49
Frontier Co-op paprika $3.99
Frontier Co-op star anise $3.29
Frontier Co-op saffron threads $11.59
Frontier Co-op ground cumin seed $3.69
Frontier Co-op cream of tartar $4.99
Frontier Co-op organic bac'uns veg bits $3.99
Swerve 12oz $6.99
Dr Bronner's organic coconut oil 30oz $17.49
Lucini EV olive oil 1Ltr $18.99
La Tourangelle toasted pumpkin seed oil $13.49
La Tourangelle roasted hazelnut oil $10.49
Soyatoo rice whipe $4.69
Dandies marshmallows $3.49
Lily's chocolate covered almonds $4.99
Lily's chocolate bar $3
Endangered Species chocolate bar $2.50
Maxine's Heavenly Cookies $3.50
Newman's Own creme/fruit filled cookies $4
Danisa butter cookies $6.99
Hail Merry chocolate almond butter tart 3oz $3.99
Project 7 organic chewy candies 2oz $1.49
Emmy's organic chocolate covered coconut cookie bites PB 3.5oz $3.99
Sweet Loren's GR cookie dough $4.49
WF Bakery pumpkin streusel cake $5.50
Pur gum $3.49
1907 Water 6pk $5.49
Fever Tree indian tonic wateginger beer $4.99
Waterloo sparkling water 12pk $4.99
Taste Nirvana coconut water w pulp 16.2oz $1.89
Goodbelly probiotic drink 1qt $2.50
Maple Hill organic kefir $3.99
Health-ade kombucha 16oz $3
Milkadamia $3.99
Illy coffee $10.99
Illy K cups $9.99
Groundwork Coffee whole bean $11.99
Mount Hagen organic instant coffee $9.99
Stumptown whole bean $12.99
So Delicious creamer $1.99
Odwalla single juice/smoothies $1.99
Uncle Matts organic OJ/grapefruit juice 52oz $5.99
Reed's ginger brew $5.29
Lakewood lemon juice 32oz $6.49
Lakewood lime juice 32oz $4.99
Lakewood organic pure beet/grape juice 32oz $6.19
Lakewood organic pure cherry/prune juice 32oz $7.49
Lakewood organic pomegranate w blueberry juice 32oz $3.50
Chameleon cold-brew w oat milk gingersnap 46oz $6.99
So Delicious holiday nog $2.49
Califia Farms holiday nog $5.69
Straus Family Creamery eggnog $6.49
365 holiday almond nog $2.99
Zevia 10pk $5.99
Quorn meatless roast $6.99
Gardein crispy tenders/beefless burgers/sliders/Chick'n/Crabless cakes/Turk'y/Blk bean burger $3.50
Dr Praeger's littles/hash browns/spinach/broccoli cakes $3.99
Amy's cheese pizza snacks $3.50
Amy's bowls $4.29
Amy's pot pies $2.99
Amy's vegan sausages $4.49
Kidfresh mac & cheese $2.99
Kidfresh ckn nuggets $3.79
Brazi Bites cheese bread $4.99
Mandia Ciboitaliano pizza $5.99
Sweet Earth pizza $5.99
Boomerangs savory pies $3
Michael Angelo's lasagna family size $7.99
Inner-eco smoothis pk $5.99
Wholly Wholesome pie dough $5.99
Wholly Wholesome apple pie $8.99
Wholly Wholesome cherry pie $10.59
Wholly Wholesome pumpkin pie $8.99
Katz GF creme cakes $4.99
Katz creme filled cupcakes $4.49
Katz mini fruit pies $3.49
365 ice cream 1pint $3
Straus organic ice cream 1qt $6.99
Dolcezza gelato $5.49
Coolhaus ice cream sandwiches $3.99
Note: Will add ethnic grocery stores as quick as I can on Friday.
These are decent deals, but if you found a better deal while out there - share it and I'll add it to the list.
Saving trick: If a store runs out of a certain product that was on sale, ask for a rain check. You can use the rain check within 20 to 30 days and still get the discounted price on those items.
TL;DR - Food stuff.
submitted by Dezkin to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

Weekly Grocery Saver 10/8 thru 10/15

This is a snippet of available grocery stores and their prices which seem to be good or better than average deals. They're not all generic brand. The goal is to show that quality products can be found at reasonable prices.
Each store will have their own in-store specials and if you want to add any product you see as a deal, comment away and I'll add it in below. Also note, some stores like Smith's will have regional pricing (so I discovered that not all deals are the same at every store. So far Albertsons seems to be the most consistent on all Vegas store prices.)
Listing products by category first. Categories would go: Meats (fresh/canned), Produce (fresh/canned), Breakfast/Grains/Pasta/Bread, Beverages, Frozen food/treats, Misc.


## Get a free grocery item every Friday through their app.
## Note possible regional store pricing. Ask for a price match. These prices are pulled from their Craig location.
## Hint: On the Mix&Match 5x, your total quantity of items in your purchase just needs to meet a 5x quantity and you will still receive the lower price for those items.

Boneless beef brisket $2.99/lb (Th/F/Sa/Su)
Oscar Mayer deli lunch meat $1.99 w dcpn (F/Sa)
Oscar Mayer bologna 99c (M&M5x)
Eckrich smoked sausage $1.99 (M&M5x)
Ckn drum/thighs/whole 67c/lb
Eggs 18ct 99c (Th/F/Sa/Su)

R.B.G grapes 87c/lb
Blackberries 6oz 99c (Th/F/Sa/Su)
R.O.Y. bell peppers 88c ea
Dannon greek yogurt 4ct $2.49 (M&M5x)
Kroger yogurt 3x $1
Fage/Simple Truth organic greek yogurt 5x $5
Chobani grek yogurt 88c (8+x)
Dannon Danimals 6pk 99c w dcpn (F/Sa)
Kraft singles $1.99 (M&M5x)
Quaker instant oatmeal $1.49 (M&M5x)
General Mills cereal $1.99 (M&M5x)
Velveeta shells & cheese $1.99 (M&M5x)
Barilla pasta 10x $10
Campbell's Chunky soup 99c (Th/F/Sa/Su)
Lunchables sm 10x $10
Planters peanuts $2.49 (M&M5x)
Clif/Luna/Larabar bars 88c (8+x)
Nature Valley bars $1.99 (M&M5x)
Kind healthy grains/breakfast bars $1.99 (M&M5x)
Cheetos/Fritos chips/dip $1.99 (M&M5x)
Snyders pretzels $1.99 (M&M5x)
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish 99c (M&M5x)
Hunt's pasta sauce 10x $10
Kraft salad dressing 99c (M&M5x)
Frank's red hot $1.99 (M&M5x)
McCormick Grill Mates seasonings 79c w dcpn (F/Sa)
Keebler cookies $1.49 (M&M5x)
Kellogg's pop tarts/rice krispy treats $1.49 (M&M5x)
Caramel apples 10x $10
Bakery pumpkin pie 8" $2.99 w dcpn (F/Sa)
Jell-O pudding/gelatin 4ct 99c w dcpn (F/Sa)
Almond Breeze $1.99 (M&M5x)
Powerade 32oz 59c
Birds Eye veggies 99c (M&M5x)
Kroger frzn veggies 10x $10
Kroger deli pizza 2x $10 (Th/F/Sa/Su)
Freschetta/Newman's Own pizza $3.99 (M&M5x)
Ben & Jerry's/Talenti gelato $2.99 (M&M5x)
Private selection ice cream $3.99 (M&M5x)
Kroger party pail $3.99 (M&M5x)
Beech-Nut/Simple Truth organic baby food pouches 10x $10
Colgate toothpaste 99c ea w dcpn (F/Sa)
Men's Speed Stick deodorant 99c (M&M5x)
Dial liquid hand soap 89c
JD/Tito's 750ml $15.99 (Th/F/Sa/Su)


*In-store hint:* Preload dcpns in their app.
Boneless Choice London Broil/Top Round Roast $2.47/lb
Bone-in pork loin back ribs/St louis style ribs $1.97
Hormel premium bacon 24oz $5 (F)
Ckn breasts/drum/thigh/Lg qtrs 97c/lb
Bumblebee tuna can/pouches M&M10x $10
Signature canned tuna M&M10x $10
Gala apples 99c/lb
Barlett pears 99c/lb
Lg Hass avocados 69c ea
Celery 99c
Mini carrots 99c
W.B. mushrooms $1.99
Red potatoes 99c/lb
Yellow onions 99c/lb
Del Monte canned veggies M&M10x $10
Chobani yogurt 88c
Siggi's M&M10x $10
Kita Hill M&M10x $10
Sargento shred cheese $1.67 w dcpn
Kellogg's cereal $1.49 (M&M3x) Lt2offer
Aunt Jemima pancake mix/syrup $1.49 (M&M3x) Lt2offer
Bakery cinnamon rolls 4ct $1
Rosarita canned beans M&M10x $10
Rice a Roni M&M10x $10
Barilla pasta M&M10x $10
Kraft mac&cheese M&M10x $10 or 10x $5 (F)
Campbell's soups M&M10x $10
Signature jams/jellies M&M10x $10
Lindsay olives M&M10x $10
Quaker chewy granola bars $1.49 (M&M3x) Lt2offer
Cheez-it/Wheat thins/Club/Townhouse/Chips Ahoy cookies $1.67 w dcpn Lt4
Ruffles/Tostitos/Cheetos/Fritos $1.77 (3x) Lt1offer
Doritos/Ruffles party size 2x $5 (Lt4) (F)
Jell-O M&M10x $10
Betty Crocker cake/brownie mix M&M10x $10
Hostess snacks 3x $5 (F)
International Delight creamers 32oz 64c w dcpn
Powerade 49c (15x)
Signature frzn waffles M&M10x $10
Green Giant frzn veggies M&M10x $10
Totino's party pizza M&M10x $10
Totino's pizza bites M&M10x $10
Puffs facial tissue M&M10x $10


Same sales as Albertsons

Smart & Final

In store hint: Each store does manager specials on products, look for them.
R.B. grapes 2lbs $1.98 ea
Hass avocados 69c Lt12
Knudsen sour cream 16oz $1.99
First Street bread $1.99
Cheez-it/Club crackers $1.79 (M&M4x)
Best Foods mayo 30oz $2.49 (3x)
Mother's/Keebler cookies $1.79 (M&M4x)
C&H cane sugar 4lb $1.99
Powerade 32oz 69c 15x


First Street heavy duty 8.75" plates 125ct $8.49


Store usually has dbl ad Weds and Fri/Sat/Sun specials.

OJs 98c/lb
Asparagus 98c/lb
Hass avocados 99c ea
Roma tomatoes 88c/lb
Siggi's yogurt/drinkables 5x $5
Kerrygold butter 8oz $2.99
Larabar 77c

Whole Foods'

If you have Amazon Prime, check app for deals.

Organic honeydew $3.99 ea
Organic cauliflower $2.79 ea
Organic grape tomatoes $2.50
Chobani yogurt $1
Maple Hill Creamery yogurt $1
Good Culture organic cottage cheese 16oz $3.50
Marin French Cheese petit breakfast brie 4oz $4.99
Angelo & Franco organic mozzarella coliegine 8oz $5.99
Manitoba Harvent Hemp Foods hemp hearts 7oz $9.99
Clio greek yogurt bar 99c
Siete Family Foods $5.99
Sambazon smoothie blends $4.99
Earth's Beast chicken nuggest 16oz $6.99
Quorn meatless foods $4.49
Dr. Praeger's Sensible Foods $3.99
Evol foods meals $3.99
Amy's Kitchen meals $3.99
Cappello's GF pasta $8.99

La Bonita

Beef sirloin tip steak $2.99/lb
Pork spare ribs $1.69/lb (F/Sa/Sun)
Pork picnis roast 99c/lb (Th)
Ckn drum 2lbs $1 (F/Sa/Sun)
Boneless chkn breasts 99c/lb
Shrimp headless, shell-on 36/40 $3.99/lb
Whole octopus $2.69/lb (Th)
Whole tilapia $1.49/lb
Pink lady apples 3lbs $1
Watermelon 4lbs $1
Pomegranate 2x $1
Limes 2lbs $1
Sm Hass avocado 4x $1
Green bell pepper 4x $1
Corn 2x $1
Collard greens 2x $1
Spinach 79c ea
Eggplant 2x $1
Chayote squash 4x $1
Carrots 1lb bag 3x $1
Radish 5x $1 (F/Sa/Sun)
R.W. potatoes 79c/lb
Tomatillo 2lbs $1
Green onion 5x $1 (F/Sa/Sun)
White onion 6lbs $1
Cilantro 4x $1
Pasilla peppers 2lbs $1 (F/Sa/Sun)
Habanero peppers 99c/lb
Springfield tomato sauce 8oz 4x $1
Corn dough for tamales 99c/lb
Corn husks for tamales 2x $5 (F/Sa/Sun)
Sm taco size corn tortillas 60ct 79c/lb
La Bonita corn tortillas 72ct (F/Sa/Sun)
La Bonita tortilla chips 3lbs 2x $3
Juanita's menudo/pozole 25oz 2x $5
San Marcos chipotle peppers 99c ea
Tropicana lemonades 52oz 2x $3
Powerade 79c
Soft drink 2Ltr 99c Lt8 (F/Sa/Sun)
Melody napkins 180ct 99c


Store usually has Wed/Thur and Fri/Sat/Sun specials.
Store special: Mariana's tacos 99c ea (W/Th)
Beef chuck roll plain/marinated $2.99/lb
Beef flap meat plain/marinated $5.49/lb (F/Sa/Su)
Beef short ribs plain/marinated $3.49/lb (F/Sa/Su)
Pork spareribs $1.69/lb
El Mexicano chorizo 99c ea
Ckn drum 79c/lb
Ckn breast 99c/lb
Eggs med 20ct 3x $5 Lt6 (F/Sa/Su)
Whole tilapia $1.99/lb
OJs 3lbs $1
Bananas 2lbs $1 or 4lbs $1 (F/Sa/Su)
Plantain 89c/lb
Papaya 89c/lb
Watermelon 3lbs $1 or 5lbs $1 (F/Sa/Su)
Lg Hass avocados 99c ea
Cucumbers 4x $1
Chayote 3x $1
Tomatoes 3lbs $1
Tomatillo 2lbs $1
Jalapenos 4lbs $1
Cilantro 3x $1
Yams 59c/lb
Russet potatoes 10lb bag 2x $5
Brown onions 6lbs $1
Hibiscus $2.99/lb
Rancho Grande cheese/cream 2x $5
Reynaldo's rice pudding cups 99c
Marianas water 24pk 2x $5
Powerade 59c
Lemi lemonade 16oz 99c


Store usually has specific day specials.
Beef shank $2.79/lb
Beef sirloin tip steak $2.89/lb
Pork neck bone $1.29/lb
Bar S franks 99c
Chorizo 99c
Shell on shrimp 41/50 $4.49/lb
Gala apples 2lbs 99c
Granny Smith apples 79c/lb
Valencia OJs 2lbs 99c
Bananas 2lbs 99c
Plantains 89c/lb
Bosc pear 79c/lb
Cantaloupe 59c/lb
Limes 2lbs 99c
XL avocado 4x $5 (F/Sa/Su)
Cucumbers 5x 99c
Spinach 99c ea
Iceburg 2x 99c
Mexican squash 2lbs 99c (F/Sa/Su)
Italian squash 69c/lb
Guava $1.99/lb
Pomegranate 99c ea
Castilla/Pumpkin 2lbs 99c
Kale/Celery 79c ea
Green bell pepper 3x 99c
Chayote 3x 99c
Tomato 89c/lb
Tomatillo 69c/lb
Cilantro/Radish 2x 99c
Russet potatoes 10lb bag 2x $3
Red potatoes 69c/lb
Serrano pepper 2lbs 99c
Pasilla peppers 99c/lb or 2lbs 99c (F/Sa/Su)
White onion 4lbs 99c (F/Sa/Su)
Red onion 69c/lb
La Costena canned jalapeno/beans 99c ea

Cacique cheese/cream $2.49
Maruchan instant lunch soup 3x $5
Dough for tortillas $1.19/lb
Sal Bahia iodized/sea salt 26oz 89c
Nestle sweetended condesed milk/evaporated milk/table cream 99c
Pompeian grapeseed oil 68oz $8.99 w cpn
Gold Medal AP flour 5lbs $2.49
Special Value cookies 8oz 99c
AZ tea 23oz 69c
Assrtd Jarritos 79c

Ranch 99

Pricing is good until 10/17

Live oyster in shell $9.99/dzn
Milk fish $1.99/lb
Salmon steak (cooked) $3.99/pk or (fresh) $4.99/lb
Ox & Palm canned corned beef 15oz $5.58
Organic fuji apple 99c/lb
Mazano banana 89c/lb
Hass avocado 69c ea
Organic king oyster mushroom 300g $1.69pk
Taiwan cabbage 49c/lb
Don qua 2lbs 88c
R.W. yam 69c/lb
Chinese lo bok 39c/lb
Peeled garlic 8oz pk $1.69
Brown onion 4lbs $1
Asian Taste dried seaweed 50g $1.98
99 jasmine rice 25lbs $18.98
Pagoda vermicelli $1.88
North Sea fish snack 2x $3
Filchips banana chips $1.08
Jin Jin coconut jelly in jar $3.98
Jufran banana sauce 2x $2.20
Flying Horse glutinous rice flour green/red 16oz 68c
WFY tapioca pearl org/color 250g $1.98
Lotte custard cream cakes $2.08
Taisun grass jelly drink $2.68/pk
Greenmax purple yam & black soybean $4.68/pk
Guadoe beverages 600ml 88c

168 market

Pricing is good until 10/17
Pork belly frzn $2.59/lb
Live oyster in shell $9.99/dzn
Salmon steak (cooked) $3.99/pk or (fresh) $4.99/lb
Organic fuji apple 99c/lb
Mazano banana 89c/lb
Hass avocado 69c ea
Organic king oyster mushroom 300g $1.69pk
Don qua 2lbs 88c
R.W. yam 69c/lb
Peeled garlic 8oz pk $1.69
Brown onion 4lbs $1
Sinbo dried black fungus $1.98
AGV pickled veggies 2x $3
GW tapioca/sweet potato powder 400g 2x $2.50
Greenmax nuts cereal w blk sesame $4.28
These are decent deals, but if you found a better deal while out there - share it and I'll add it to the list.
Saving trick: If a store runs out of a certain product that was on sale, ask for a rain check. You can use the rain check within 20 to 30 days and still get the discounted price on those items.
Note: Quick & Dirty listings. Will add more tomorrow. Go nab those deals at Smith's this week!
TL;DR - Food stuff.
submitted by Dezkin to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

Advice for health issues since becoming vegetarian.

I've been vegetarian for 2 months now and have noticed that I'm shedding a lot more hair than usual, having dizzy spells and feeling bloated with stomach pains regularly. I was a vegetarian for a couple of years in my teens and my hair fell out a lot then and I had the same problems. My mum is begging me to quit as my hair took a long time to get healthy again. I've started taking multivitamins daily and would say I have a varied, healthy diet. Any ideas?
Edit for people asking about my diet. I am unfortunately allergic to nuts so that's a no. I typically have bran flakes with.regular milk for breakfast, occasionally porridge with blueberries. Lunch is usually wholemeal pitta bread with tomatoe soup or a bagel with hummus or a bean wrap and regular evening meals are quorn curry with veg, veggie sausage casserole with fresh veg, veggie burger chips and veg, homemade pizza with spinach and veg etc. Also a lot of wraps with beans veg and falafel or quorn.
submitted by you-are-so-cool to Vegetarianism [link] [comments]

Weekly Grocery Saver 9/11 thru 9/19

This is a snippet of available grocery stores and their prices which seem to be good or better than average deals. They're not all generic brand. The goal is to show that quality products can be found at reasonable prices.
Each store will have their own in-store specials and if you want to add any product you see as a deal, comment away and I'll add it in below. Also note, some stores like Smith's will have regional pricing (so I discovered that not all deals are the same at every store. So far Albertsons seems to be the most consistent on all Vegas store prices.)
Listing products by category first. Categories would go: Meats (fresh/canned), Produce (fresh/canned), Breakfast/Grains/Pasta/Bread, Beverages, Frozen food/treats, Misc.


## Get a free grocery item every Friday through their app.
## Note possible regional store pricing. Ask for a price match. These prices are pulled from their Craig location.
Angus ground beef 85% 3lb pkg $2.99/lb
Ground beef patties 80% 10x $8 (Th/F/Sa/Su)
Boneless pork sirloin roast 99c/lb
Jimmy Dean cook breakfast sausage 2x $5
Oscar Mayer naturals lunch meat $2.99 w dcpn
Bar S bologna 10x $10
Whole ckn 59c/lb
Cooked shrimp 61/70ct 2lb bag $4.97/lb (Th/F/Sa/Su)

Lg avocados 88c ea
Personal watermelons 99c ea (Th/F/Sa/Su)
KrogeDole salad blends 2x $5
Simple truth organic grape tomatoes 2x $5
Pumpkins Md/Lg 2x $8
Del Monte canned veggies 4x $4 w dcpn
Chobani 10x $8 w dcpn
Yoplait yogurt 10x $5 w dcpn
Noosa yoghurt 3x $5
Kroger cheese 2x $3 (Th/F/Sa/Su)
Kroger cheese slices $1.99
Kraft singles $3.99 w dcpn
Post cereal $1.49 w dcpn
Jimmy Dean simple scrambles 2x $5
Minute rice 4pk 99c w dcpn
Sabra hummus 2x $5
Hormel natural choice snacks $1.49 w dcpn
Lunchables sm 10x $10
Betty Crocker fruit snacks $1.49 w dcpn
Keebler town house/Club crackers 2x $5 w dcpn
Stacy's pita chips 2x $5
Lays/Fritos chips/dip $1.79 w dcpn
Cheetos/Smartfood popcorn $1.88 w dcpn
Ruffles/Doritos $1.88 (2x)
Chex mix/Gardettos/Bugles 10x $10
Pringles 99c w dcpn
Kraft BBQ sauces 99c w dcpn
Hostess snack cakes 2x $5
ButterfingeNestle Crunch bars 35c ea w dcpn (Lt5x) (F/Sa)
Kroger water 24pk $1.99 (Th/F/Sa/Su)
Almond Breeze $1.99 w dcpn
MinMaid fruit drink 52oz 99c w dcpn
Powerade 32oz 49c
Powerade 8pk $3.99 w dcpn
Premier Protein shake 14oz 99c w dcpn (Lt5x) (F/Sa)
Coke/7up 12pk 3x $10
Pepsi 20pk $4.77 w dcpn (F/Sa)
Stouffer's Lg family size entree $8.99 w dcpn
Screamin' Sicilian Pizza $2.99 (F/Sa)
Totino's part pizza 3x $3 w dcpn
Breyer's/Haagen-Daz/Outshine $2.49 w dcpn
Breyer's gelato $3.99 w dcpn
Bud light/Miller lite/Coors light 30pk $19.99 (Th/F/Sa/Su)
Dos Equis/Sol/Heineken 12pk $9.99 w dcpn
Keystone/Natural light 15pk $7.99 w dcpn


*In-store hint:* Preload dcpns in their app.
Bone-in T-bone/NY steaks $4.97/lb
Farmland bacon 12oz $2.99 (M&M5x)
Ckn whole/Leg qtrs 67c/lb
Starkist tuna pouches 88c
Gala apples 19c/lb w dcpn (Lt1offer)
R./Y/O bell peppers 99c ea
Brussels sprouts 16oz $1.99
Acorn/Butternut/Spaghetti squash 99c/lb
Signature farms mini carrots 32oz $1.99
Signature farms russet potatoes 5lb bag $1.99
Signature canned water chestnuts 88c
Del monte canned corn 88c
Chobani 88c
Lucerne chunk/shredded cheese 32oz $5.77 w dcpn Lt4
Crystal farm chunk/shredded cheese $1.49 (M&M5x)
Rice a roni 88c
Knorr rice pkg 88c
VanCamp's pork and beans/baked beans 88c
Rosarita refried beans 88c
Signature long grain brown rice 88c
Signature pinto beans dry 88c
Signature pasta 88c
Signature mac&cheese cups 88c
Progresso soup 99c (M&M5x)
Signature select ckn broth 32oz 99c (M&M5x)
Hunt's canned tomato/pasta sauce 88c
Ro-tel's canned tomatoes 88c
Manwich 88c
Jif PB $1.49 (M&M5x)
Signature select fruit preserves $1.49 (M&M5x)
Kellogg's Special K bars $2.49 (M&M5x)
Kind bars 88c
Clif/Luna variety bars pk 2x $10
Open Nature bars 88c
Pepperidge farm cookies $2.49 (M&M5x)
Snack pack pudding 4pk 88c
Doritos/Lays/Simply Naturals $1.77 (3x) (Lt1offer)
Cheetos/Fritos 3x $5 Lt1offer (F)
Post/Kellogg's cereal/Pop tarts $1.67 (3x) (Lt2offer)
Ritz/Wheat thins/Saltines $1.88 (3x) (Lt1offer)
Signature powdered sugar 88c
Signature marshmallows 88c
Mars/Skittles/Starburst 2x $1
AZ tea/juice 128oz 3x $5 Lt1offer (F)
Powerade 32oz 49c Lt15 w dcpn
Marie Callender's entrees/bowl/pot pie $1.99 (M&M5x)
Healthy choice steamers $1.99 (M&M5x)
Red baron pizza $1.99 Lt4 w dcpn
Signature select frzn veggies 99c (M&M5x)
Dreyer's/Haagen-Daz/Nestle $2.88 Lt4 w dcpn
Signature select Halloween paper towels/napkins/party plates 10x $10
Fiora TP/PT 6-12roll $2.99 Lt4 w dcpn
Miller highlife 12pk/Sol cerveza 6pk $5 First4 (F)
Halloween Hot Wheels $1 ea


Same sales as Albertsons

Smart & Final

In store hint: Each store does manager specials on products, look for them.
Boneless skinless ckn breasts $1.57/lb Lt4pkgs
Cantaloupe 15c/lb Lt15lbs
Iceburg 99c ea
First Street shredded cheese 2lb $5.99
Post cereal $1.79
First Street pasta 2lb $1.79
First Street long grain rice 10lb $4.69
Maruchan instant lunch noodles 12ct $3.49
First Street party size chips $2.88
First Street sugar 4lb/flour 5lb $1.79
First Street water 24pk 2x $5
Powerade 32oz 39c Lt8 w $25 min purchase

Stouffer's/Lean cuisine meals $1.99
El Monterey burritos/chimichangas 8ct 2x $7
First Street potatoes $1.99
First Street ice cream 48oz 2x $6

First Street 13gal drawstring tall kitchen bags 200ct $13.99


Store usually has dbl ad Weds and Fri/Sat/Sun specials.
Thick sliced bacon $3.99/lb (F/Sa/Su)

Rave apples 98c/lb
Y peaches/nectarines 98c/lb
Cuties mandarins 2lbs bag $1.98 (F/Sa/Su)
Seedless whole watermelon $1.98 ea Lt2 (F/Sa/Su)
Avocados 2x $1
R./Y/O bell peppers 88c ea
Cauliflower 98c/lb
Sunset snacking tomatoes 2x $5
Vine tomatoes 98c/lb
Sprouts canned tomatoes 99c
Chobani 77c (F/Sa/Su)
Market corner string cheese 12ct 2x $6 (F/Sa/Su)
Larabar 69c ea (F/Sa/Su)
Sprouts kettle chips 99c (F/Sa/Su)
Chocolate covered almonds bulk $3.99/lb (F/Sa/Su)
Sprouts cookies 2x $3
Sprouts beef sticks 5x $5
Sprounts organic rice cakes 5x $5
Sprouts coconut water 99c (F/Sa/Su)
Sprouts organic frzn veggies 16oz 2x $4
Garden of Life multivitamens/protein powders 50% off (F/Sa/Su)

Whole Foods'

If you have Amazon Prime, check app for deals. Some pricing listed here assume you have Prime.
Weelshire dry rubbed bacon 12oz $4.99

Organic bunched carrots 2x $3
Organic spaghetti squash 99c/lb
Fage yogurt $1
Horizon organic cheese singles 8oz $3.99
Good culture organic cottage cheese 5.3oz $1.69
Norseland Snofrisk spreadable cream cheese 4.4oz $3.99
Roth horseradish havarti 6oz $3.99
Cowgirl creamery cheese $26.99/lb
Fromageries papillon blue roquefort papillon $22.99/lb
Bakery on Main instant oatmeal $3.99
Ocean ranch organic granola $5.99
Paleonola granola $8.49
Lundberg organic rice 8oz $2.50
Whole Foods Market plain/wheat french baguettes 4ct 40% off
Annie's pastas $1
Justin's nut butters $3.99-$9.99
Larabar 16pk $13.49
Luna/Clif bars $1
Cedars hummus $2.99
Honest lemonades 32oz $1
Odwella smoothies $2
Applegate breakfast sausage links BOGOF
Van's GF/Vareity waffles $2.50
Australis frzn barramundi $5.99
Rising moon frzn pastas $3.99
Cascadian farm riced cauliflower blend 12oz $2.50
Tres latin foods $4.49
Field Roast mini corn dogs 10oz $5.99
Dr. Praeger's sensible foods $2.50
Quorn meatless ckn nuggets $4.49
Quorn products $4.49
Brazi bites $4.99
Fruffalo wings $5.99
Sambazon puree/fruit packs $4.99
Smart Harvest smoothie blends $3.99
Halo 1pint $3.99
Nadamoo! dairy-free ice cream 16oz $4.99
Julie's organic vanilla ice cream sandwiches $4.99
Goodpop $3.99

La Bonita

T-bone steak $2.99/lb (Th)
Beef chuck roll plain/marinated $2.99/lb
Beef top round steak $2.79/lb (Th)
Lean ground beef $2.99/lb
Pork spare ribs $1.69/lb (F/Sa/Su)
La Bonita style chorizo 2lbs $5 (F/Sa/Su)
Bulk bacon $2.49/lb (Th)
Pork head/neckbones/feet $1.29/lb
Asstd goat meat $2.69/lb (Th)
Boneless skinless chicken breast 99c/lb
Chicken nuggets $1.99/lb (Th)
Md eggs 60ct $4.69
Shrimp shell on headless 26/30 $3.99/lb
Shrimp shell on head 40/50 $3.99/lb
Shrimp shelless headless 41/50 $4.99/lb
Whole octopus/stingray/blue crab/smelts $2.99/lb
Gala apples 2lbs $1 (W)
Bananas 2lbs $1
Asian pear 2x $1
Nectarines 3lbs $1 (W)
Grapefruit 4lbs $1 (W)
Blueberries 6oz 99c (W)
Green cactus pears 10x $1 (W)
Pineapples 99c ea
Lg avocado 89c ea (F/Sa/Su)
Florida avocado $1.99 ea
Corn 4x $1
Mushrooms 2x $3
Whole cactus leaves 3lbs $1
Napa cabbage 2lbs $1
Kale 3x $1
Mexican squash 2lbs $1
Celery 2x $1
Roma tomatoes 2lbs $1 (F/Sa/Su)
Tomatillo 4lbs $1 (W)
Cilantro 4x $1
Russet potatoes 10lb bag 2x $4
Taro 99c/lb
Green onions 4z $1
Brown onions 4lbs $1
Serrano 4lbs $1
Yoplait drinkable yogurt 7oz 2x $1
Bulk rice 2lbs 89c
La Bonita chips 1lb 2x $5 (F/Sa/Su)
Takis indv bag 99c ea
La Castenita canned refried/black beans 99c
Tropicana lemonades 52oz 3x $5

Ranch 99

Pricing is good until 9/12

Pork belly frzn $2.59/lb
Green papaya 59c/lb
Ju ju be 99c/lb
Chinese lo bok 59c/lb
Long napa 79c/lb
Potato 59c/lb
Mogami Panko crumbs 7oz 98c
Asian Taste jasmine rice 25lbs $18.98
Asian Taste brown rice $8.98
LKK mabo tofu 2.5oz 2x $2
UFC canton noodles 10oz $1.98
HS CPP Coconut cookies/cream crackers/sugar crackers/asst biscuits $1.38 ea
I MEI cream wafers $1.08
Filchips banana chips $1.08
LKK Supreme seasoning soy sauce 500ml $2.98
Vita individual lemon teas 500ml 98c
Chamisul soju 2x $7
Sapporo premium black 22oz 2x $5

168 market

Pricing is good until 9/12
Pork belly w rib $2.59/lb
Whole mackerel 99c/lb
Green papaya 59c/lb
Hami melon 69c/lb
Long napa 79c/lb
Red/White yam 69c/lb
Ju Ju Be 99c/lb
VE Wong chinese mixed porridge 98c
Pickled/spicy veggies pouch 98c
Peacock biscuit 98c
Mogani peanut oil 64oz $6.98
Jin Jin coconut/lychee jelly $3.98
Taisun grass jelly drink 88c
These are decent deals, but if you found a better deal while out there - share it and I'll add it to the list.
Saving trick: If a store runs out of a certain product that was on sale, ask for a rain check. You can use the rain check within 20 to 30 days and still get the discounted price on those items.
TL;DR - Food stuff.
submitted by Dezkin to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

I'm starting to wish the veil hadn't been lifted. I stopped eating meat and diary completely around 2 months ago but I'm struggling.

Im struggling with full time work, a wife in full time work and in the beginning of a masters degree, two kids, one is 4 years old, the other is 10 months old. The 10 month old does not sleep, screams all the time and is ridiculously time consuming, life is so much effort at the minute.
To top it all off we have all been unwell this week with sickness and diarrhea. Also this week our fridge freezer broke down and we lost lots of food, fresh and frozen.
Finding the time to eat well and healthy and be prepared for the working week is becoming a massive ball ache. Life was easier before.
I've lost weight, half a stone, seem to get headaches most days now and generally feel weaker.
Before I got the sickness bug I was eating lost of stir frys, pastas, sweet potatoes, chick peas, sweetcorn, beans, porridge, the odd meals with quorn products like mince and sausages.
I've been eating lots of bananas, nuts, blueberries, raspberries and such. Also use fortified milks like soya and almond for anything that requires milk.
I've started taking b12 supplements, vitamin d and vitamin c.
I add omega 3 seeds, turkey tail mushroom powder, hemp seeds and chia seeds to quiet a few dishes.
I feel like I'm rambling and the situation may seem worse due to me feeling like crap but I don't remember feeling too great before it, especially with the weight loss.
I could juat really really do without this extra task at this point in my life.
I'm just someome thats trying and i'm reahing out.
I saw this today... https://www.vegansociety.com/resources/lifestyle/shopping/vegan-meal-plan
My next plan is to follow this mewl plan as right now I need it laid it to me on plate.
If you got this far thanks for reading.
submitted by Gazalar85 to vegan [link] [comments]

Cebolla the Onion MIL and the Pumpkin Pie.

I'm taking a break from the main story right now to talk about what transpired last Thanksgiving. Inspired by lucialg's recent post When you started dating you SO, were there any early signs that your MiL was a NOMiL?. I have two words for you; pumpkin pie.
I love to bake and cook large meals for my friends and family. I'm pescetarian and SO is a vegetarian, and has been since he was 17. It's a big part of his life, and I enjoy finding ways to make traditional meals vegetarian friendly. For example, I make some mean vegetarian "bangers and mash" (sausages and mashed potatoes. We're American but "sausages and mashed potatoes" doesn't really have the same ring to it).
So, SO will have been together for three years in two weeks. Since the dawn of our relationship, I've made enough pumpkin pies every Thanksgiving to feed a very small army. I use this recipe, and please believe me when I say it is the very best pumpkin pie recipe out there. Depending on how I feel, I may actually procure a sugar pumpkin and make it that way, or I'll go to Earth Fare or some shit and buy the fresh puree if I'm feeling lazy. Sometimes I add a teaspoon of Black Seal rum. I make whipped cream from scratch. You bet your sweet ass it's delicious.
I don't make my own crust though, because I just can't get the hang of that cute crimped crust and I don't like ugly pies. It's Thanksgiving. No ugly pies.
So, if you can believe it, the first two years of mine and Cebolla's relationship were perfectly fine. I had no reason to believe she disliked me, and in fact, she always asked about me sweetly, always sent me gifts, and after that first Thanksgiving, always asked for my homemade pumpkin pie.
Last year during Thanksgiving, I had just moved into her and SFIL's home. We had misplaced our mixer in the movie, and Cebolla offered up her mixer wand for me to use. It had dust on it. This thing really was not ideal for mixing anything other than like, tomatoes, if you wanted to make tomato soup from scratch. Maybe dashed hopes and dreams with a pinch of cayenne. Anyway, it wasn't ideal. Now, Cebolla is a very persnickety and odd woman. She rails on about "Frankenfood" and "healthy eats" and "all organic", but... she doesn't cook. Like, at all. Guys, she legit bought some fresh salmon from Kroger one day, and threw it in the MICROWAVE WITH SOME LEMON AND BUTTER AND ATE IT THAT WAY. I have never heard of anything so vile and criminal. What a glorious waste of that delicious salmon!
I have to admit, though, at least she as eating that instead of the pre-sealed salmon bits (like tuna in a can) that she eats right out of the bag with her salad. All the while, she crowed and crooned about how healthy and delicious it was. And this woman never deviates from anything. Every day for dinner, a salad with an avocado, a few slices of swiss, and a martini. Maybe a boiled egg if she's feeling adventurous. Sorry, did I say martini? I mean a tumbler full of vodka with some lemon slices in it. Maybe three or four glasses per dinner. Listen, I like a good cocktail, and I enjoy getting lit from time to time, but damn.
For breakfast, she has a protein shake with coffee added to it. Lunch is, if she's not dining out somewhere eating salad and drinking a few glasses of wine, leftovers from the previous day. And anything "out of place" makes her go nuts. She actually told SO that chairs that were not properly tucked in (and mind you, they were tucked in... just not "good enough" or "close enough" to the table. These chairs were so tucked in by the time she was done with them that they were leaning slightly backward) were a disruption to her environment that made it so she could not properly "work" in her study. The living room. With the TV either on Dr. Oz or Fox News. So I knew that baking pies, to her, sounded good in theory, but would be a proverbial Grenada in practice.
So, you'd think during the holidays, she would cook. She does not. Cooking stresses her out, apparently. She has a beautiful medium sized kitchen that she never uses, and cupboards full of cooking paraphernalia that hasn't been touched since it was pulled from its box. So, because she dislikes cooking and everything related to it, you can't enjoy that activity either. Because of this, I tried to take as many shortcuts as I could with the pie. Pumpkin puree from the store, a small carton of eggs, the tiny pints of whole milk, the works. She didn't have proper mixing bowls, and the MEASURING SPOONS HAD RUST IN THEM. It got messy in spite of myself, because the bowl I did find was so shallow that of COURSE things are going to splatter. But, I did do this while she was out "working" (read: grocery shopping and drinking wine at the local diner when she was done to congratulate herself), and even SFIL commented that that was a pretty slick idea.
The wand mixer does an okay job with the pie ingredients, but the damn thing dies when I'm stupidly trying to make whipped cream. Like, this thing was new in the 70s, I'm sure. It just stopped working. Poor thing just tuckered out. Anyway, I was a little frantic - she'd already had a meltdown of epic proportions on SO over the chairs not being properly tucked in. I call him up and have him buy an ACTUAL mixer that has a wand attachment to it as a replacement, and end up buying premade whipped cream from the store later. Because I was cranky at that point.
Did I mention that Cebolla dearest had specifically asked me if I was making pumpkin pies this year? In the previous year, she had raved about my pumpkin pie, and everyone lived it. All her friends, her MOTHER who told me it reminded me of her grandmother's pie, everyone. She kept saying, "I can't believe that it's being made in my kitchen this year! This is so exciting!". And Cebolla specifically asked me if I would be willing to add fresh lemon zest to one of my pumpkin pies this year (I usually make two), just like her grandmother used to make. Well, sure! Why not?! It's the holidays! So I specifically made fresh lemon zest for one of the fucking pies. Per. Her. Request.
When she gets home from "work", I inform her of her mixer wand's demise. Funerary arrangements are discussed, a quick prayer of thanks for his selfless service is uttered, and he is ceremoniously chunked. There was no mess in the kitchen, everything was cleaned (especially the rusty measuring spoons..), her new mixer (with a mixer wand attached) was placed in the cupboard. Cebolla insists it isn't a big deal, she only used that thing when she made spanakopita for SFIL. It was old anyway, don't you worry your pretty little head, Incarnata! All was well.
Or so I thought.
Remember how I said that Cebolla doesn't cook? That is apparently a recent development. SO frequently comments that during all the time he knew her, she always cooked. She was big on it. She was also working class. Then she marries SFIL who made six figures, and suddenly, such things are far beneath her. Now she has the money to buy healthy food that is premade, or not cook at all. As previously mentioned, the holidays do not provide even a slight deviation from the norm. No exceptions. She wants to go to the Country Club. We did that nonsense for two years in a row, guys. SO stated that he thinks she just likes being waited on (a complete and utter IRONY if you've been reading my posts), and that it makes her feel fancy and high society.
This is a southern Country Club. Which means that "vegetarian" or "pescetarian" translates into "what d'ya mean ya don't eat meat? Vegetarian? Izzit sum kinna shorthand for a sleeper cell organization?" in southern peach dialect. The green beans have sausage in them, the potatoes have bacon in them (I do like vegetarian bacon and cheese in some mashed potatoes, though), etc. She knows SO is a vegetarian. He has been one since he was 17. Years. YEARS. She is well aware. She insists that we're going to the Country Club, and we'll come home for coffee and pie later.
Knowing this, SO and I planned ahead. We usually go with a Quorn roast, but last year, I found a fucking vegetarian "turkey". Like, they legit made a turkey mold and made a "turk'y".. This thing is a novelty, and it's overpriced. But it's fun! And it's Thanksgiving! You can't quash my holiday spirit! We order it and have it delivered, and Cebolla intercepts the package. The first thing out of her mouth is, "Did she have to get something so big? They have food at the Country Club anyway". Mind you, Cebolla only eats prepackaged anything, so the idea of something bigger than an avocado or a prepackaged salad is a hassle to her. We made our little fake turk'y (spoiler: it wasn't amazing. We're sticking to what we know this year), some vegetarian gravy (SFIL called the Country Club to request bacon free potatoes!), and we head out to the Country Club.
We're sitting at dinner. Cebolla is three glasses of wine in, cavorting with her friends and talking about how this is her favorite Thanksgiving tradition. Isn't this just wonderful? No mess, no fuss. Thanksgiving in a safe environment, too! They don't have to compete with anyone for a table or parking in this place (read: only well to do white people and their families, no working class people in questionable neighborhoods [readread: neighborhoods where there might be someone other than an ambiguous shade of beige living there]). SO and myself have found food we can eat, and we're enjoying our little meal. Suddenly, Cebolla begins to tell everyone about my pumpkin pie ordeal.
Being that she's a few drinks in, she's going on and on about the drama, the fact that I made poor SO go to the store after working all day so close to the holiday to buy another one when I was the one who broke her mixer! And she'd had that thing for so long, too! They just don't make electronics like they used to, but she'll have to make do with the new one she has. Oh well, she quips, taking another gulp of wine, acrylic nails tapping against her glass. Next year, we'll just buy a pie from the store.
I sit there in shock. I must have looked like a deer in headlights. SO puts his hand on my thigh, and gives me a gentle, reassuring squeeze. When I don't respond, and instead put down my napkin and finish my wine, he leans in after a moment to ask, "You wanna get out of here, kitten?" to which I nod quietly. SO informs the table that we are heading home, and that we'll catch them later. We collect our items, and whisk out the door with Cebolla proclaiming that this is awfully sudden, where are we even going? It's Thanksgiving, kids, this holiday is about family!
As SO drives us home, I'm sitting in the car dumbfounded and crying, asking him what the hell her problem is, and why the fuck would she do that? She assured me that it wasn't a problem! I went out of my way to make one of my pies to her requests! She was deliberately shaming me in front of her friends for reasons best known to herself. When we got home, I was ready to go to bed. But SO told me to put on something cute, because we were going to the local pub. We rang up a friend of ours and met there, drinking beer and lamenting that the holidays are often just an excuse for "family" to treat you like excrement underfoot so long as the day looked Hallmark perfect.
Months later, when SO confronted her on this little episode, she burst into tears, asking why on earth he was being so thoughtlessly cruel to her! She, of course, only meant that next year should be worry free! That's why they make premade pies! Well, I hope they'll add lemon zest to your fucking pies from Whole Foods, Cebolla, because not only are you not getting a pie from me this year, but you also won't be seeing us at all. And even if, for some reason, we all make up - you're still gonna have to buy a pie from the fucking store, you pickled old prune.
I ate basically all of the lemony pumpkin pie, not telling her which was which.
Edit: I specifically remember telling SO in the car that I had been so excited at the prospect of having an actual, normal family dynamic with them. No screaming matches during the holidays. None of mom's passive aggressive shit stirring for hours. No "be here by 4pm, dinner will be ready then" only to get there and dinner isn't started yet (she'd tell me that so that I would get there on her schedule so I could "spend time with her". I ended up telling her I'd come in about two hours after whatever time she gave me, and it'd often be so late that she'd have to start cooking on time). No shitty comments and clever barbs. But, I told him, as it turns out, there's just another nasty old bitch here too, so I guess I'll never know what it's like to have a family dynamic that could be construed as happy. I'm no longer upset about this... like I said in a previous installment, SO is more than enough family for me.
submitted by incarnata to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2018: Year of the Vegetarian

Hey! I'm new to this sub as a friend linked me when I publicly announced I'm going vegetarian from tomorrow. I'm from the UK and currently ordering ASDA which is mostly consisting of various Quorn products - sausages, burgers, chicken nuggets, mince. I'm just wondering if anyone has advice in terms of a healthy lifestyle and vegetarian meals / recipes / snacks? Thanks :)
submitted by Kittymuz to vegetarian [link] [comments]

Slimming world progress and eating plan.

Hello everyone, how are we all getting on?
I was wondering if anyone else is using the slimming world eating plan as their weight loss foundation?
I've been on slimming world for two weeks and have lost 5lbs. I'm hoping to achieve my half stone award next week. I do zero excersize and eat a massive variety of foods. I do not count calories.
Slimming world works to a three tier model based on a low fat, high protein diet. The first tier of food intake is know as your 'free foods'. You can eat as much of this in a day AS YOU WANT, it is unlimited and your free foods include:
Pasta, veg, fruit, rice, eggs, pulses (beans, lentils, peas) all fresh fish and seafood, chicken, Turkey, steak, bacon, 5% or less fat mince. All meat is free food so long as all visible fat is removed. This means you can have a steak, with homemade oven chips with fried eggs if you like, every day. To fry food, you can use as much fry light cooking spray as you need. There are lots more free foods but that's just the basics.
The second tier consists of your 'healthy extras'. You have a healthy extra A & B option and you should eat one from each option every day. Healthy extra A foods include a set portion of milk OR cheese for the day. For example 175mls of whole milk with breakfast OR 40gs of grated cheddar on your free food spaghetti bolognaise.
Healthy extra B is your cereals OR bread. Have a portion of porridge oats for breakfast, or put a whole meal bread roll on your free food home made burger.
Finally, your last tier is your syns. Syns are all the stuff you want to eat, but in most diets, you can't. It works on a points basis, and you are allocated 15 syn points per day. Or you can save up your syn points all week and blow 105 on a nice takeaway and couple of beers at the weekend. I use my syns on a daily basis rather than saving them up. It helps me get through the sugar cravings. Some examples of syn points:
One Maryland chocolate chip cookie - 3 syns. Mars bar - 11.5 syns One piece of KFC chicken - 6 syns. Meringue nest - 2.5 syns (topped with a banana and fat free toffee yoghurt, and a sprinkle of cinnamon is my go to desert, love it) One tablespoon of mayo - 3.5 syns or extra light for 1 syn. Parma ham - 0.5 syns per sheet.
You get the idea, but everything that isn't either free foods or healthy extras will have a syn value. But yes, you could eat 105 syn points worth of KFC in a week if you like - and still lose weight. Obviously the more syns you use, the slower the weight loss, but they are great for when you just need to get that binge or sweet tooth out of your system. I aim for less than 40 syns a week. I had 4 cookies with my coffee last week, delicious. The following day I had half a Cadburys dairy milk bar for 6 syns.
Don't forget that you syns are included on top of your free foods, so eat as much pasta, meat, fruit etc as you like. I rarely feel hungry.
I'm not a slimming world rep by the way lol, I've only been doing this for two weeks and I can't believe the volume and variety of foods I can eat. not one salad has passed my lips in a fortnight. It's the most depressing and repetitive diet food going. I refuse to eat it. I use my cooked veg to supplement the lack of cold veg.
I've made some amazing meals that just don't taste like diet food such as - loaded potato skins with bacon, low fat cream cheese, spring onion, garlic and mushrooms. Bacon and lentil soup, creamy chicken pasta, steak dinners. I had a bqq last week and stuffed my face with chicken or prawn and veg kebabs, more steak, home made burgers, slimming world sausages and homemade oven fries. I've made free food hummus, slaw, salmon steak linguine, and a full English breakfast with everything using Quorn sausages.
submitted by BabyJo32 to loseit [link] [comments]

inquiring minds (aka me) want to know what your favorite Facon is.

So, I know, it isn't the same. It never will be, but I hear some of these make good blt's and I'm experimenting with fake meat choices over the break before my internship so I can really get some healthy and quick lunch choices down. I hear amazing things about quorn and gardein for other fake meats, I've tried one kind of tofurkey sausages, and I've actually been eating morningstar maple patties instead of pork ones for years because they're just healthier than all that pork fat, but the one thing I've avoided because I don't want to waste my money searching with no light is Bacon. HELP
TL;DR Tell me your favorite fakin' bacon punks! And preferably why/what makes it so awesome or any pitfalls you've noticed, so I can guage what kinda things I'm lookin' at. Thanks in advance!
submitted by super_soprano13 to vegetarian [link] [comments]

is quorn sausages healthy video

Quorn Foods USA - YouTube Perfect Sausage Casserole 🔥  Jamie Oliver - YouTube Alternative Meat Co product Review Meatless Monday-Sausage Jambalaya (Vegan) Quorn Summer BBQ TV Advert 2013 Vegan Sausage Casserole Recipe Quorn Meatless & Soy-Free Shepherd's Pie

Nutritionally, Quorn is considered really healthy since it’s low in saturated fat, high in protein and a good source of fibre. However, you should check the labels on ready-made Quorn meals to make sure you are happy with the overall nutritional profile. I know it will take more time for you to prepare a veggie burger than it will to buy and cook the Quorn sausages, but is it really something that should be considered healthy? The selling point Not only it’s vegetarian, which people automatically assume is healthy, but it is also high in protein, low in fat and on top of that it can help you lower cholesterol! 05/07/2019. Bartosz LuczakGetty Images. With Mo Farah on the adverts, it’s natural to think that as a vegetarian protein source, Quorn is a good choice for runners. Quorn vegetarian Sausages are a healthier, low in saturated fat option, perfect for a hearty sausage & mash or toad in the hole. Click here to find out how. Quorn Menu Love sausages but looking for a healthy alternative? Quorn Sausages could be the answer! When we asked over a hundred Netmums to put Quorn Sausages to the test, we discovered that not only did they love the taste and think they'd be a great choice for family meals, but many meat-eaters were converted after tasting them, too! Quorn products are a delicious, healthy meat alternative. My family and I have never had a bad reaction. I don’t feel this product should be banned any more than peanuts should be banned. However, a warning label explaining that some people may experience an allergic reaction does seem warranted. Quorn has been sold in the United Kingdom since the 1990s and has also been sold in continental Europe. Quorn products have been marketed in the United States since 2002 and in Scandinavia, Australia, and New Zealand more recently. The chunks of imitation meat are nutritious, but the prepared foods in which they are used may be high in fat or salt. Depending on the Quorn product you buy, the fibre content will range from around 5g-10g per 100g. What is a healthy portion size of Quorn? If you are buying a Quorn burger, for example, then one burger would be one portion size, Quorn mince is then 75g per portion, sausages would be 2 sausages, and 30g or a couple of slices of vegetarian chicken slices is one portion. Quorn’s meat-free products can be used in ANY recipe as a meat-substitute. For example, I’ve used their tasty vegan Cumberland sausages in a classic sausage ‘n’ mash dinner, a full English vegan fry-up and I’ve made a classic Toad in the hole with them too. Despite a portion of two sausages being slightly higher in sugar, they boast a huge 17.0g of protein and far less saturated fat ...

is quorn sausages healthy top

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Quorn Foods USA - YouTube

At Quorn we are on a mission. A mission to get more people into delicious meat free meals. A mission to provide healthy food for people and the planet. A mission to bring people together and ... How To Grow Oyster Mushrooms From Used Coffee Grounds Cheap And Easy - Part 1 - Duration: 11:19. SleestaksRule Recommended for you Sausage-140 cal Quorn Chicken-90 cal Green and Yellow Bell Peppers-8 cal Celery-4 cal Roma Tomatoes-18 cal Meal Options-White Rice w/ Sausage-337 cal per serving Brown Rice w/ Sausage-344 cal per ... Please share and like my videos if you enjoy them. Follow me on Instagram @AaronCalderVegan Subscribe to my YouTube channel, new videos every week. https://w... Quorn Chicken and Apple Sausage Couscous - Duration: 0:38. ... Chilli Con Carne Recipe with Quorn Mince – A Healthy Protein - Duration: 0:53. Quorn Foods 14,249 views. 0:53. Headquartered in the United Kingdom, Quorn Foods is a brand of high quality meat alternative products. At Quorn we like to look at things differently. We kno... Cumberland sausages with sage and nutmeg skewered on rosemary and roasted over a rich squash and bean ragu. Packed with hearty and healthy ingredients this ... If you're trying to lose weight, Quorn's new tastier sausages are the perfect option, as they contain 60% less fat than traditional sausages. Discover Quorn's delicious summer meal ideas here http ... A quick and easy family dinner recipe; Sausage & Butterbean Casserole, cooked on the hob in less than 30 minutes!*****Hello! I'm Ciara a food blogger at My F...

is quorn sausages healthy

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