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Steven universe episode 3: not my diamond problem/ read the note



Episode three: Not my diamond problem

Note:the episode volly ball is canon in this rewrite. It is the second episode here and I consider it a decent episode of future.

With spinel being the pink diamond replacement, you’d think that having 2 gems acting has pink diamond would help things out. Well… as far as homeworld was concerned, there was still 1 pink diamond, the other…. Was just a clown who had an agate rank. This made the era 3 enforcement…. Difficult
Spinel: For the last time:STOP! BUILDING! WEAPONS!
Agate cut345: or what, your just a jester gem
Spinel: and this jester gem beat up 3 war veterans. What makes you think you're gonna be any safer.
Agate: You aren’t my diamond!
Spinel: according to the diamonds, I am!
Agate: but this isn’t a weapon, it just creates a beam of light that focuses in a certain area that parts the particles in that targe- i mean, selected area.
Agate: well FINE! Come on, this clow rock said we have to stop protecting the homeworld from threats.
Back at the diamond palace. Spinel walked in looking very defeated, she had tried everything in the book, dressed like a high rank. And had even extended her entire body, well the last one she stopped because she just looked very stretched out. But the gems would seem to find any excuse to not follow rules, and sometimes spinel would have to get a diamond because homeworld gems didn’t want to listen, and rebel gems still resented them for corrupting them 6000 years ago. Well rebel gems weren’t much of the problem any way. But the homeworld gems were
Yellow diamond: Oh hello spinel! You seem tired
Spinel: i just don’t get it, why am the only one who the gems don't listen to. Aren’t i wanna of you guys now
Yellow diamond: yes of course
Spinel: then why won't they listen to me
Yellow diamond: well…. Um
Spinel: it's useless, i’ll think i'll just quit this all together. There’s no point in having a job you can’t even do right!
Yellow Diamond:..... Maybe there's something I can do to fix this. Follow me.
Yellow led spinel to her room, where yellow pearl was.
Yellow pearl: hello my diamond, is there anything i can do for you today, at least 1 thing!
Yellow diamond: Has a matter of fact there is. Could you please let me demonstrate something on you
Yellow pearl: OF course my diamond
Spinel: what is this
Yellow diamond: you’ll see
Spinel then watched her use her diamond powers to change yellow pears size from pearl sized to sugilite sized.
Spinel: WOAH!
Yellow diamond: pretty impressive, instead of destroying forms, I can change them, their size, their body proportions, anything.
Spinel: cool! But how does this solve my problem?
Yellow diamond: if homeworld wont see you has a diamond, i'll just alter you shape to be like a diamond
Blue diamond: HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!
Blue diamond walked up to yellow: yellow, don't you think you should make home world respect spinel has a diamond, instead of “fixing spinel”
Yellow diamond: but this is what spinel wants, right?
Spinel was unsure. On one hand, the gems were not gonna respect her as a diamond if she did look like a spinel, on the other hand why should she have to change just to get some respect out of these gems, but on the other other hand, being shaped like a diamond did sound pretty cool.
Spinel: WELP! I'm out of hands
Blue diamond: what?
Spinel: I mean, I agree with yellow.
Blue diamond: but… well fine, it's your choice spinel.
Five minutes later
Yellow diamond: DONE! What do you think
Spinel: i look….. Like a diamond!
And spinel sure did. She had a dress akin to that of blue’s, a shirt akin to yellows, and she even had a cape.
Spinel: jee im so happy that i could sing! in fact- iiiiiiiiiIIIIIIiiiiii, i can-
Blue diamond: sorry spinel, but the person writing this doesn’t have a song in the budget!
Spinel: Aw what!?
Yellow: anyway don’t you still have work to do
Spinel: oh ya!
Has spinel ran off to finally get respected has a diamond, blue turned to yellow with angry face
Blue: if this fails like last time. I will crack you
Yellow: don't worry, what's the worst that can happen.
Soon home world had a harder time defying spinel’s orders, because now she was truly a diamond, at least, diamond seized. At first, life seemed good, the gems no longer bothered (as much) to argue with her. But she realised that being diamond sized had its problems, for one, not every place is made for diamonds, some were at most built for someone opal sized. Sometimes spinel would just unexpectedly hit her head on things she’d normally slip right under. And then on her 7th day of being diamond sized, she discovered another problem.
There was a hike that was meant to be led by steven but he was busy with other problems (will be covered in episode 4) so they needed some other gem to do it, spinel offered to go lead it, despite pearl’s protest, she still allowed her to go. This would be where a major problem would occur.
Spinel: now walk very carefully, you don't want to fall and crack your gem
Nephrite: ok…. Hey do you hear that cherry
Cherry quartz: what
Nephrite: sounds like cracking
Pearl: amethyst
Amethyst: don't worry its not my gem,
Nephrite: no more like, rocks crumpling
Spinel: probably no-
She was gonna say nothing, but then the sounds location was revealed, the rocks spinel was standing on collapse and spinel fell down the mountain. Is now a bad time to say this mountain was on a floating base in the sky?
Pearl: oh that's what I was afraid of. When spinels size change it multiplied her weight every square meter, this increased her weight which made the rocks collapse
Amethyst: why do you think i ordered the group to stay 15 feet away, i knew DUH!
Pearl:....well wonder’s we’ll never see.
Amethyst: Now let's go save spinel! Peridot, float me after her.
Has spinel was falling down the mountain, peridot manege to float near to her and amethyst carefully lassonde it around her foot
Amethyst:now stop this thing
Peridot: I'M TRYING! But i’ve slowed us down to only 18 mph less
Amethyst: we need more power! Wait, I got it! If magnets can be created or have their strength increased by using electricity, Then….
Amethyst pulled out battery: TA DA!..... Peri why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost? Is it so surprising that i like to read every once in a while.
Peridot: but how is that gonna work
Amethyst: oh i'm just gonna clamp these prongs onto you.
Peridot: OOoooh- WAIT WHAT
Amethyst: just trust me
Amethyst clapped the prongs onto peridot and everything stopped. Then spinel went up. Apparently the wip now acted has a bungee cord, and spinel was now going up
Peridot: wait, if i was trying to pull this plate up and spinel is going up, doesn’t that mean- ! AMETHYST LET GO BE- to late
Amethyst was now flying up with spinel, up over the mountain peak and back down of the spire. Into a lake.
Spinel: OW! Me entire body hurts
Amethyst: well at least you not cracked, hey what's that weird pink rock thats all long and jaggy
Spinel then glitched out and amethyst then connected the dots.
Amethyst: OOOOOOOooooooooooohhhhhhhh…….
Needless to say, blue was not happy, the last time yellow did this, the gem had nearly been shattered. Yellow managed to fix her gem. But blue was still angry.
Blue:I said this would happen. Yellow change her back right now
Spinel: but then i can’t enforce era 3 rules, and that was the whole point
Yellow: right?
Blue: but this is ridiculous! Think about it, spinel, you had to alter your form for what, because people wouldn’t listen to you? You shouldn’t have to change yourself just because of others!
Spinel was gonna retort back with something but then thought about it. Blue was right, she had changed herself because the gems didn’t listen to her. And when she thought about this more, it actually hadn’t solved the problem, they weren’t listening to her, they were listening to diamond her, and that hadn’t really been the spinel she wanted to be, not the jokester, always smiling, happy spinel, but the strict, straight face, monotone spinel that everyone expected of a diamond.
Spinel: I guess you're right. I shouldn't have tried to change myself to suit others.
Blue: good, now let's go back to how things were.
Spinel: actually, i have a suggestion
So spinel got a chance to now look more like a jester, wacky hair, one side of her face normal, the other painted in a pink and black plaid color scheme. Sure gems didn’t listen to her as much but at least she was just her.
THE END oh wait there's more
Back at the mysterious space station. The gems there seemed to be working overtime to complete their project.
Mystery gem: so we have the rendering of her look. Now we just edit it to fix one of her problems. Any ways hows our spy going.
Kyanite: oh its going great, its who the’ll least suspect.
The screen would light up has one of the gems were talking to them, they said: thanks for helping me out, volleyball
To be continued
submitted by ZenithRedditor12 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

let me think about that

so, sapphires are gems that can look into the future, right?
that also means that garnet looks into the future because she's a fusion between ruby and sapphire, correct?
so what about when garnet fuses? that means that the other fusions containing sapphire can see through the future.
does this mean fusions like alexandrite, sardonyx, and sugilite can see into the future?]
because I dont really want to live in a world where sugilite can predict the future.
submitted by Samihos to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

The Identity of Fusions

I’ve been making tier lists of my fav gems in the show and came at a conclusion that Alexandrite is my favorite. But that left me confused as to if she counts as her own gem or as just a fusion of her components. I know there’s has been explanations and what-not, but when we look at all the other gems like Bismuth or even someone like Jasper, they have gone through their own story and development. Even though they aren’t the main CG’s you can’t see SUF Jasper like you saw her in Season 1. I mean Opal was the first “Fusion” we were introduced to and yet 160 episodes , a movie, and a spin-off later we still don’t know much about her other than her incredible singing ability. We’ve gotten stories about how “Gems” like Sardonyx affects Pearls and Garnets relationship and stuff but that was only for her components she wasn’t there for those conversations and it didn’t really affect her outside of how Pearl and Garnet felt about each other. We got a glimpse of this type of conversation in Know Your Fusion with Smokey, but that was only for her and it was one episode. I love the original crystal gems but I really want to know who is Opal, who is Sugilite, who is Alexandrite.
submitted by rfurlow67 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Simulating loss through a perma-fusion.

Okay, here's a crazy thought: When it comes to RQ turning into Steven, the feeling of loss that the characters feel is not shared with the audience. We're told she was great, and we're told that it sucked losing her, but we never feel that.
In a similar way, we never have to deal with getting to know R&S because they basically form Garnet right away and stay that way as often as possible.
However, what if it happened to characters that the audience has known for a while?
Shipping aside, let's take a brief look at the cast. Garnet is taken, Pearl is... not ready yet for that sort of thing, so that leaves Amethyst, Lapis, Peridot, Bismuth and maybe Jasper as the 'singles'. These are all characters we've known for a while, and if any of them formed a "permanent' fusion like Garnet, that'd be a very effective way of triggering a hurricane of emotions in the audience. It causes sadness that the character is mostly gone, but also wonder and curiosity. It'd also make for a great drama side-story, with each character dealing with this new personality in their own way, be it prefering it, or missing the old individual gems.
Not only that, but this is a form of changing up the cast. I don't think SU will even kill-off any gems, hell Lars was already a huge stretch. But I think it'd be very interesting to see Steven having to learn acceptance that his old friend(s) became someone else, just like everyone had to do with RQ becoming him. It mirrors it nicely, and cold be an interesting plot point once the current ruckus at HW dies down a bit.
As for whom would make a good candidate... that's a rough question. Everyone's got points for and against it.
Amethyst: Used to it, but she also seems very individualistic. She also doesn't have that much of a bond with the 'singles', to put it mildly.
Peridot: Seems the most interested in it, but it also seems equally as likely to avoid it.
Lapis: She's got the peridot thing going on for her, but she's also traumatized from her last permafusion.
Bismuth: Friendly and all, but also hasn't been around to know the others in an intimate way yet.
Jasper: Already wants to permafuse, but still a villain.
Going by route of least resistance, Peridot and Lapis or Amethyst seem the most likely, but regardless of the route, there would have to be a certain build-up to it. No characters are quite there yet. However, it is something I'd be very intrigued to see, as it'd change the status quo quite a bit.
submitted by Sharptrooper to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

The Backstory & Dropped Plot Thread List [VERY LONG]

While it began with a settled backstory, a direction in mind, and a lot of ideas, a lot of Steven Universe was left to grow while the show was being made. It seems to have taken a writer's playground approach to construction. While a lot of the ideas in the backstory were used, there were a ton of abandoned plot threads and elements. This is not a comprehensive list, but I cover a lot of them. Please chime in with your own!
Laser Light Cannon: How did Greg end up with the cannon? Why did Rose give it to him? What about that totem pole with gem-like figures on it? How about the golf clubs with roses embroidered on it? Concerning Greg and Rose's relationship, there's still a ton of things we never learned.
Cheeseburger Backpack: We never did find out the significance of the Lunar Sea Spire. I suppose the statue is supposed to resemble Blue Diamond... but it doesn't, really. There's a lot of ancient gem culture that's still a mystery. (The LSS was revisited, by the way, in Attack The Light.)
Together Breakfast: One of the biggies: what is up with the Crystal Heart, which we're given to understand is the core of the Temple. (And, why is it a "temple?" What do gems worship? I can understand Cartoon Network being standoffish about depictions of religion in this political climate, even if they're fictional, but c'mon, this is a show that fearlessly showed animation's first lesbian wedding.) Also, what was the scroll that Garnet was burning, which got into Steven's breakfast?
Frybo: Everything about Peedee.
Cat Fingers: The Gem Sloop is shown one other time in the series, in storage in Pearl's head.
Bubble Buddies: A lot of other things about the Crystal Temple (name assumed) are left mysterious, like how it was made and some things about the nature of its extradimensional space. It's crumbling now (and puts Connie in danger in the process). We also see a gigantic stone sword out in the ocean--since the Temple figure is of Obsidian, we presume that's a representation of her sword. We never see the temple in its original form throughout the whole series, not even in flashback.
Serious Steven: The whole thing about the Ziggurat, and the event depicted on its mural, remains unknown. It shows Rose, but the gem she's fighting we don't know. It looks kind of like White, but her gem is in the wrong place. Also, what are those black figures in the background, and what are those hands coming up from below? Does that represent the Cluster? The way the pedestal turns when Steven shows up to collect the gem at its core seems significant, but what was the gem? Why was it waiting for Steven?
Tiger Millionaire: Why is that Beach City warehouse used for civic functions despite the big hole in its side? There's also a lot of wrestling characters who don't show up again (except in its sequel, Tiger Philanthropist).
Steven's Lion: The Desert Glass is never brought up again. It appears there's a whole class of gem that's not sentient, but still has limited intelligence. These are not revisited later, even in Future.
Arcade Mania: A big one IMO, what was going on with Sapphire when Garnet was playing Meat Beat Mania? This is a heavy hint that Garnet was a fusion, of course (and before Giant Woman!), but what was happening to her is never explained.
Giant Woman: It was nice to see the Heaven and Earth Beetles uncorrupted in Future (they're still called beetles though). The contents of the Little Beetle Bedroom are weird though, seeing as how they implied that the Heaven Beetle, at least, had some of her mind intact. And a little beetle backpack, and Sega Genesis, as well. (We can probably presume that this was an artist joke, though.) Also: we never see where the Earth Beetle was hanging out. Also, the two are never bubbled but put into a terrarium. And we never find out about the sensory powers of Garnet's visor, that allowed her to find them.
So Many Birthdays: We see a grown-up form of Steven that doesn't match what we see in Future, but we can presume that Steven's physical form is fluid enough to explain that.
Lars and the Cool Kids: Rose's experiments, or whatever they were, with plant life are not hearkened back to much, although the pink gems that appear when the moss blooms do show up later, in Rising Tides Crashing Skies.
Onion Trade: Pearl seems upset when Garnet breaks her duplicating wand; what was it? Where did she get it? Was it one of the trinkets available for accessorizing Pearls at The Reef? Also: why was Amethyst annoyed that Pearl's stuff keeps falling down into her room (also mentioned in Cheeseburger Backpack) when Pearl keeps stuff in her head? Was Pearl's storage system a bit "leaky" before?
Steven the Sword Fighter: We find out the sky arena was a platform Blue Diamond used to help oversee the colony's construction, but the significance of the statues is still not known.
Lion 2: The Movie: Rose's Armory has a ton of things in it (some of them named in Rose's Scabbard) that are never referred to again. That giant penny, in addition to being an excellent reference to Batman, kind of implies that Rose tried her hand as being a superhero for a while.
Beach Party: Not too much unexplained, although the gem's making new clothes for themselves is something that rarely comes up again.
Rose's Room: Why does the whale in Rose's Room speak with Rose's voice? At this point, Steven has never heard it before. Also, why is the room's existence set and definite, unlike Sardonyx's room? Maybe the rules are different for fusion rooms.
Coach Steven: It's a shame that Sugilite only got a speaking role in this one episode, probably because of the expense of getting Nikki Minaj again. This is an interesting episode for demonstrating that fusing can be dangerous too (which is called back upon when we get to Malachite). Also, the Communications Tower, which shows up again in Cry For Help, is interesting as an example of old gem tech.
Joking Victim: What was up with that giant ice cream cone Mayor Dewey was unveiling? ("It melted, Gary!")
An Indirect Kiss: The area around Rose's Fountain is interesting. Who built all this, Crystal Gems during the war? Where did they get so many of Rose's tears from? We also get an indication that Rose's animate plants, without her, were directionless. We can presume that Rose controlled them while she was around, while Steven's are more self-motivated, perhaps as an evolution of his powers.
Mirror Gem/Ocean Gem: Lapis is crazy strong! Like, could possibly terraform a planet by herself strong! She can even travel in space under her own power! This is referred to later, in Future, but not explained. Another thing is the practice of gems putting other gems into object, which seems torturous. I hope that practice died out.
House Guest: Man, that Geode seems ominous. I guess that's some heavy-duty duct tape Greg used, as it's still holding up. Maybe the gems, or even the Diamonds, found another way to fix it themselves.
Space Race: Pearl is pretty amazing, even if her ship didn't make it out of Earth's gravity well. At the time we were left to assume that the ship's controls were an example of gem technology, but now it seems likely that they were her creation, perhaps adapted from Earth objects. Also, this is our introduction to The Barn, and the portrait of Greg's uncle and aunt, who we never find out much about, despite their picture appearing as late as Future.
Island Adventure: The origin of the geodes on the island, and the mask fish, are unknown, although we do know the site ended up being the home of the Watermelon Stevens. Did they ever uncorrupt the invisible gem monster?
Keep Beach City Weird: I guess we can presume that the gem from Horror Club was still in the lighthouse back then.
Fusion Cuisine: The restaurant doesn't show up again, except possibly as a site for one of Steven's photos of Connie on his phone.
Lion 3 Straight to Video: We still don't know the full nature of the extradimensional space that Lion connects to (and later Lars). We can suspect that part of it is similar to whatever gem technology produced the interior of the Crystal Temple, but not how it was able to bridge distances in space; gems usually used warp pads for that, not extradimensional spaces. There's trees in there, and grass, and a sun, but no breathable air. It seems to be connected with one of Pink Diamond's still-mysterious powers, which may explain why she didn't tell the other gems about it.
Alone Together: The warehouse shows up again.
Warp Tour: The nature of Warp Space is interesting. How robonoids are made is left up in the air, but we do know that Pearl experimented with one, and Peridot eventually got more when relations with Homeworld thawed.
Horror Club: They never returned to the huge gem that Steven saves in the lighthouse, and we never return to Ronaldo and Lars' relationship.
Maximum Capacity: Greg's stuff is still in Amethyst's room at the end of this episode, where I presume it's victim to the whims of her nebulous storage system. Now that Greg's rich, presumably he could find a place for all of it. Speaking of rich... Greg mentions his uncle has a mansion, and he has the deed somewhere!
Marble Madness: The gem mutants subplot just sort of went away. Presumably there's still some forced fusions hanging around Earth. Maybe Yellow Diamond will spend some time hunting them up in order to try to repair them.
Rose's Scabbard: What's the origins of the floating islands hanging over the Strawberry Battlefield?
Open Book: Implies that Rose's Room has some kind of innate intelligence.
Story for Steven: There's a ton of implied backstory in these flashback episodes, from Greg and Rose's relationship to the gem-influenced history of Beach City to the citizens' relationship with the gems, that we never find out more about. I feel like there's more than enough for a Steven Universe Past series, someday.
Political Power: Mayor Dewey notes that the population of Beach City need their electronic distractions to avoid thinking about the fact that disasters keep happening, which is interesting. Ocean Town being somehow even worse off than Beach City is a hilarious joke, but it's also difficult to imagine how that could be so unless there's some huge, undetected gem threat lurking there.
The Return/Jailbreak: The hand ship is interesting--it's not one of the Diamond's ships, it's green, and also not a whole arm. Why do gems build ships in the shape of body parts?
Joy Ride: The fluid in Peridot's escape pod is interesting; Steven can breathe it, but it never comes up again.
Reformed: The Slinker escapes and never comes up again (although it may be the monster the gems fight in the short where Steven unboxes his hot dog bag).
Sworn to the Sword: Connie's swordfighting, while awesome, didn't actually turn out to be as important as her empathy, and her willingness to tell off gigantic gem matriarchs. Pearl mentions underwater and low-gravity training, which sound awesome, but we never got to see.
Keystone Motel: Greg reveals that he knows Garnet's a fusion here.
Onion Friend: There's a lot about Onion that's mysterious, although I think most of it was added as a huge joke on the audience, a gigantic red herring.
Historical Friction: Helps fill in the blanks about the early history of Beach City (which appears to be the founding site for the US, like Plymouth Rock, in Steven Universe's alternate version of Earth).
Friend Ship: The whole ship is interesting. It's implied that it was one of the first colony ships from Homeworld, which means Pearl and Pink Diamond may have ridden in one of them.
There's more in later episodes, but they decrease in number as the show's focus narrows and the plot takes a stronger role. The Moon Base, the Jungle Moon and the shattered planet it orbits, the Star Incinerator, Emerald, what we see of Homeworld, and other things I'm sure, all hint to the larger picture around the show. What have you always wondered about?
submitted by johnwharris to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Might be late on this, but all the Crystal Gems have a polar opposite, but with one unifying characteristic.

First Sapphire and Amethyst. Both of them have seem to have serious trust issues. Sapphire was a Homeworld elite. She came out knowing everything. She is calculating and calm. Amethyst was a Homeworld reject. She came out knowing nothing and she's totally impulsive. I was thinking about Sugilite and realised that, for no reason, Sugilite didn't seem to have future vision like every other Sapphire fusion, nor did she have Amethyst's insecurities. The two gems seem to cancel one another out in a lot of ways.
Then, pretty obviously, we have Ruby and Pearl. Yes, they were both servants, but for totally different purposes. Rubies are all about protection and fighting, but ours became more of a companion. Pearls are supposed to more like companions with their service, but ours became a fighter. Ruby is aggressive and rash. Pearl is protective and cautious. Sardonyx doesn't seem to have many of the defining characteristics of Ruby or Pearl, as though they, again, cancel one another out, in a way.
Next is Rose and Bismuth. Both were totally committed to taking down the diamonds and freeing the Earth. But they had totally different attitudes about it. Bismuth was all about strength. Do whatever it takes. She seemed to be doing it more out of hate and anger than anything else. Rose, on the other hand, was fighting because she loved humans and the Earth, and did not condone Bismuth's "any means necessary" attitude. Would've liked to see a Rose Quartz/Bismuth fusion, but whatever. Anyway, opposites.
Now, Peridot and Lapis Lazuli. I know my Lapidot shippers are gonna be mad, here. So, both Lapis and Peri are originally from Homeworld and hated the CGs. But in pretty much every other way, they're totally different. Lapis is epically strong. Peridot is ... well, a Peridot. Lapis is more about emotion. Peridot is more about math, engineering, and calculations. One controls metal and the other controls water. And, on the topic of fusion: part of Lapis's entire character was centered around fusion. Fusing as Malachite was a serious personality altering event for her. Peridot is ace and, presumably, will never fuse.
Finally, we have Connie and Steven. Of course, both are loving and selfless. Both are very unusual. But there are some key differences here, too. Steven has the shield, all about protection and love. Connie ended up with the sword, defiant and brave. Connie struggled with anxiety. Steven had anger management problems. Connie's basically a gem in a human's body, personality-wise, where Steven is probably the most human character in the show, yet he has the diamond. There's also that cool parallel with the kisses. Steven healed her eyes with "An Indirect Kiss". She healed him in the finale with a direct kiss. I could also talk about the more shallow stuff (black and white, male and female, etc), but that isn't really all that significant.
All of this led me to conclusion that this was all types of deliberate. Rebecca seems to be trying to make the point that our differences don't mean that we can't love each other and be friends. Everyone here was on the same side. Many of these pairs have fused together, in one form or another. Anyway, I thought this was kinda cool.
PS. Please don't attack me, saying Pearl's opposite should've been Amethyst or something else like that.
submitted by siri8902 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

I love love love su and obviously it's flawed but does it bug anyone else how ruby or sapphires personalities are barely like garnets?

like I know the whole "fusions are greater than the sum of their parts" but I mean when we look at sugilite or sardonyx or smoky, you can see how the gems make up the fusions personality
submitted by peachy-ghost to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Steven Universe Season 1 Retrospective and Review

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22 Episodes 23-24 Episodes 25-26 Episodes 27-28 Episodes 29-30 Episodes 31-32 Episodes 33-34 Episodes 35-36 Episodes 37-38 Episodes 39-40 Episodes 41-42 Episodes 43-44 Episodes 45-46 Episodes 47-48 Episodes 49-50 Episodes 51-52

Season 1 Retrospective and Review

Okay, guys, this is my summative review of all of season 1! I’m going to start by giving a review of everything on my top ten list, followed by a (probably awkward) discussion of season 1 as a whole, and then I’m going to end with my thoughts on where season 2 might go with the show. I’ve watched all of these episodes once again, and listened to all of the music, to give myself a better sense of them. After revisiting these, and after thinking about how I decided to review these, I’ve moved a few things around, so this list might look a little different than how it looked after the finale reaction. On a side note, I have absolutely no idea how long this post is going to be, so please forgive it for its length or brevity!

BGM Discussion-

I’ve included a link to each song so that you can refresh your memory of it if you don’t remember how it sounds.

10. Watermelon Steven

I love this song. It gives me such a wonderful Legend of Zelda vibe. It’s got the chiptune/guitar aspect that a lot of the topdown Zelda’s have, especially Link Between Worlds, which I’ve played an absolutely absurd amount of. It’s simple, short, and full of heart, and I absolutely adore every second of it!

9. Love like you(The Ocean Returns)

What a sweet and heartfelt rendition of the ending theme. It’s genuinely beautiful to hear this song, and especially its incredible intro. It reminds me of a Pixar song. Maybe it’s only because I’ve recently rewatched Finding Nemo, but I keep thinking of Nemo Egg when I listen to this song. What a beautiful moment this song creates.

8. The Hill/Rose’s Fountain

What an astonishing song. It feels like I’m getting hit in the face everytime I listen to this song, because it carries such incredible raw emotion with it. It has a wonderful and sweet intro, and also a deliciously funky little bassline in the second half. I would love to hear more of this soft and ambient music. It’s not quite Rose’s theme, because this is how Steven thinks of Rose, and I think that it’s incredible beautiful for it.

7. The Cave

What an ambience this song has. It’s a little exploratory, a little sad, and quite wonderfully emotional. Something quick that I noticed is that this song and ‘Be Cool at the Club’ are the only songs that make us of the echoing clap.. This song has a lot of small accentuations that really make it feel vibrant. Little bits of instruments come and go, supporting this constant theme of exploration, and the second half of the song is incredibly beautiful to listen to. It’s wonderful.

6. Alone Together

What a jazzy, upbeat song! I love it’s use of echoes to fill space. It has this constant beat that suggests movement, giving it this fantastic dance vibe that really stands out among the other songs in the show. Like everything in this episode, it feels like it has a slightly sound to the rest of the show, the beginnings of a self-exploratory sound that just resonates perfectly with what Steven and Connie feel together.

5. Night Drive.

As usual, the top of my BGM list is dominated by subtlety and ambience, and this song is no exception. It encapsulates the feeling of, well, a Night Drive. It’s got a sleepy vibe to it, with a lazy guitar and quiet bass. It’s fun, but it doesn’t need to try for it. It’s quiet, simple, and nostalgic to hear. What a fantastic song.

4. Twilight Run

What I consider a sequel to Alone Together, Twilight Run takes the emotions starting in Alone Together and absolutely runs with them, documenting the feeling of discovering yourself perfectly. The piano at the end of the song absolutely breaks my heart every time I hear it. It’s got such a sound of completion. This song is amazing.

3. Lapis Tower.

Wow. This song takes ambience to the next level. My favorite aspect of this song is its expert use of space. It’s unafraid to have long moments of quietness, accentuated by echoing, otherworldy sounds. It’s recreation of ‘Lapis Lazuli’ struck me as powerful, too. We had never heard a song quite like this before in Steven Universe, and it really stuck. It absolutely encompassed the emotions of Steven and Lapis’ conversation perfectly.

2. Glitch City.

If any one song could try to encapsulate the quietness of nighttime in the city, this is the one to do it. We hear echoes of events far in the distance, the sounds of 1,000 little ticks and oddities, and yet we never learn more about them. They come into our consciousness and leave just as quickly. It has this sense of aimlessness to it that really strikes me as powerful. I love it with a passion. There’s only one god damn song that could take the number one spot from this one...

1. I’m Still Here

Fuck me, this song is good. My absolute favorite part of the entire song is the opening. We hear the song come in, but it’s already been playing before the song starts. The song has always been there, and we just never heard it. It’s an incredible motif for the relationship between Steven, Pearl, and Rose. Without a doubt, this is the best song in the show. It carried the entire ending of Rose’s Scabbard, for god’s sake!

Vocal Track Discussion-

Similar to the BGM discussion, I’ve included a link to each of these songs.

5. Just a Comet

What a fucking wonderful 80’s hair rocker song! This is probably the only song so far where I love Greg’s voice because he’s destined to be a rocker. I love the subtle layering on this song, and it’s got some great guitar work. It’s a wonderful little pastiche of the absurdity of the 80’s. I like this song quite a bit. I’m going to also say that the “music video” for this song is amazing.

4. Be wherever you are

Steven really shows his great voice talent here. I love the tone of this song a lot, actually. The fiddle adds a ton of strength to the song, and the standup bass sounds fantastic. The song has a great sense of building, and really sounds like people just started jamming on a beat and key. I guess I just love a good ol’ fashioned hoedown! I’m also consistently impressed by Zach Callison’s voice throughout the entire song. We haven’t had much of a chance to hear his unfiltered voice, and I really like it. He has a surprisingly good range!

3. Strong in the Real Way

Fuck, Deedee Magno has a voice. This is probably the most creatively written song in the entire show, actually. The rhyming is genuinely impressive, and I love the way it’s put together. I also love the dichotomy of the phrase, ‘Strong in the Real Way’. Steven and Pearl use identical lyrics to mean completely opposite ideas, and it comes through in this powerful song. The nice part of the song is that both characters are reacting off of Sugilite, and yet neither character ever directly references her. This song is absolutely wonderful, and I hope to hear more like it.

2. On the Run

This song has an incredibly good sense of wanderlust throughout. It perfectly encapsulates the desire to just go. It’s got a real indie-folk sound to it, and actually reminds me a lot of The Lumineers. It’s a quiet little song with a lot of emotions behind it. I like that you can hear an arc throughout the song, in terms of the music. It starts out with an excited ‘preparing to go’ tone, moves into a ‘in the process of traveling’ tone, and ends with a quiet ‘end of an adventure’ tone. It’s really subtle, but it’s absolutely wonderful to hear.

1. Stronger Than You

This song is fucking badass. I could end this right here, I think, but I’ll talk about the song. Estelle has a great voice, and the song has a wonderful tone to it. I think that the electronica vibe combined with Estelle’s vocals/humming really makes this song stick in my mind. It also has a lot of really fun lyrics, with some great rhyming, and a really good backing track with some small, but interesting, accentuations. It really encapsulates who Garnet is. She’s badass, and she’s fun, and she’s got a powerful voice, and the lyrics really add to this sense of who she is. As the fusion of Ruby and Sapphire, she is literally a being made entirely of love, and you get this sense that she’s happy just being herself in this song. It’s fucking good, okay?

Episode Discussion-

So, I’ve rewatched all of these episodes to get a better sense of them, and I’m also going to include some of my favorite moments in each episode after the discussion.

10. Laser Light Cannon

An absolute treat of an episode, this one definitely deserves my number 10 spot. The episode is fascinating because it writes the characters in such a way that you don’t need to understand what’s happening. It rides exclusively on the emotions of the cast, and makes a fantastic, FLCL-esque episode out of it. Some of my favorite moments are-

10. Mirror Gem

What a great and horrifying episode. The slow descent into madness really made this episode special, I think. Watching Steven go from playing with a mirror to what might as well have been Unspeakable Evil was an absolute treat. Watching the gems react to this whole situation was equally wonderful. The best part of this episode, though, was undoubtedly the reveal of Lapis, and the ‘Shit is going down what the fuck’ experience. This was the first episode where we stepped outside of the realm of our character development episodes, and it hit like a real brick. Some of my favorite moments are-

9. An Indirect Kiss

Our first harcore Connieverse-shipping episode, this episode was also equally about Steven’s relationship to Rose, and a little Amethyst in there. We also got the first hints of Pearl’s relationship with Rose here. The music in this episode was absolutely beautiful, and especially at Rose’s Fountain. The scene where Steven talks about how he can’t cry because he never knew his mom was wonderful. Some of my favorite moments are-

8. Jailbreak.

What an end to a season! Full of drama, revelations, and badass lesbians beating the shit out of space rocks! Seriously, this whole episode was just great. Ruby and Sapphire were a treat, and I hope we see more of them, and learning that Garnet was a fusion was great, especially considering that I had already been thinking about it. Seeing Garnet fight against Jasper was especially awesome, and Estelle’s song was just wonderful. This whole episode was just fucking awesome! Some of my favorite moments are-

7. Winter Forecast

What started out as an average episode that probably wouldn’t have made my top ten list at all changed dramatically during the last 20 seconds with one of the best endings to any episode, ever. I didn’t realize until the end of this episode, but this is a straight up sequel to Alone Together, documenting the character changes that both Steven and Connie went through after their experience together, and watching these two characters together was an absolute treat. Without a doubt, though, the scene at the end, where they watch the snow with no dialogue or music, was incredible. Some of my favorite moments are-

6. Coach Steven

Coach Steven was an unexpected rollercoaster of a ride. At the time, the only fusion that we had seen was Opal, who was such an incredible and positive character, so seeing Sugilite being such a powerfully negative force was an absolute shock. The music was great, the animation was great, and Nicki Minaj was great, but the absolute winner of this episode was Deedee Magno. Seriously, her perfect delivery, and singing talent, made this episode incredible. Watching her battle with Sugilite, her insecurities, and her issues with the past were incredible. It doesn’t hurt that Strong in the Real Way is such a fantastic song with multiple, complex meanings, and that Pearl has an equally complicated relationship with Steven, Sugilite, and, now that we know this, Rose. Some of my favorite moments are-

5. Ocean Gem

What a wonderful end to a season(ish)! It really was a culmination of everything we’d seen until then. Seriously, 24 episodes of character development were used perfectly here, creating one of the most exciting episodes of the show. Seeing all of our characters together, on screen, ready for some big fight, was one of my favorite moments from the show. The mirror battle was absolutely wonderful, and had some wonderful excitement. Seriously, though, what brought this episode so high was the two minute scene at the end between Steven and Lapis. What a beautifully animated location! Their quiet discussion had huge impact after the massive climax of the mirror battle, and there was a really sense of space in the dialogue. Long periods of little happening created this serene sense of wonder. Honestly, what a great way to end the season. Not with a bang, but with an infinitely more powerful silence. What a fun episode! Some of my favorite moments are-

4. Lion 3: Straight to Video

I loved this episode. It was a simple episode with soul wrenching emotion that left me devastated. We take our first look at Rose nearly 35 episodes in, and as a result, feel very similar to Steven. Rose doesn’t need to be some badass motherfucking warrior, although I’m sure that she is, because Steven wants to know about her. The emotions of the episode soared for me when we first see Rose’s tree. Clearly, everything there is important to her. The photo of Rose, along with the t-shirt that Greg gave her, are important mementos, and something about the visuals absolutely destroyed me. The tape that Rose left Steven was an absolute wash of emotions. I could barely stop to pause it because it had such a heavy sense of unadulterated love. It genuinely felt like I was drowning in it when I first watched the episode. The subplot with Sadie’s mom was also incredibly well done, and probably had less than 20 seconds of time dedicated to it, and yet it ended up being one of the biggest emotional punches of the episode. Some of my favorite moments are-

3. On the Run

This episode was a big surprise to me when I saw it. What started out as a wonderful episode that encapsulated the feeling of wanderlust in a stunning way quickly became a dark introspective look into Amethyst’s character. It was a big tonal shift that reminded me that these episodes could become deadly serious at any moment, something that certainly keeps me more interested in some of the smaller episodes of the show. The climax between Amethyst and Pearl was powerful, dramatic, and full of raw emotion. It introduced to us one of the eeriest locations on television, and began to make us realize that the gems might not be as perfect as we thought that they would be. Some of my favorite moments are-

2. Rose’s Scabbard.

Man, what an episode. This one really takes the cake, or at least in terms of Steven Universe. Its absolutely stunning animation and incredible music already put it near the top, but its beautiful depiction of Pearl’s relationship with Rose and Steven is incredible. Once again, this show manages to fuck me up with its queer relationships, and I absolutely cried for at least a third of this episode. This show took its time building up Pearl for an emotional moment, and when it happened, it was enormous. The visuals alone were heartbreaking, and the entire last minute and a half of the episode was positively beautiful. Watching Pearl struggle through her grief, only to come out a changed character, was powerful, mostly due to Deedee Magno’s incredible delivery. Seriously, though, the highlight of this episode is “I’m Still Here”, an incredible scene that manages to deliver a flurry of emotions through visuals and music alone. It’s honestly one of the best moments of the entire show, and rewatching it makes me cry every time. Without a doubt, this episode is one of the best episodes I’ve ever seen of any show, ever. It’s almost reached ‘Tales Of Ba Sing Se’ levels of incredible! Some of my favorite moments are-

1. Alone Together

Yes, I’m an animal. I put Alone Together back on top. What are you gonna do about it, huh? I could pretend like it had something to do with subtle changes in how I view the episode, but in all honesty, I just realized that it didn’t really make any sense to ignore how important this episode is to me. Yes, this is a great episode. It’s beautiful to look at, the music is wonderful, and it has extremely creative and fun writing. Yes, these things alone would have put this episode high on my list. What really made this episode unique, not only for Steven Universe but for all of animation, was its incredible messages about identity, sexuality, adolescence and consent. This may be the most important episode of any animated show I’ve ever seen. Its strong message of inclusivity and understanding are powerful beyond words to children growing up without positive reinforcement of their sexuality or gender. I was genuinely shocked by how much this episode spoke to me, and I’ve already gone through my discovery of my own sexuality. I can’t even imagine what an incredible boon this must be for teens still in confusion about what their sexuality means. I was genuinely in tears in this episode, because it hit me like a fucking truck, and I was just blown away. Hell, writing this mockup’s making me a little emotional. I’ve never seen any episode like this one before. If I was rating these out of 10, this episode would make the number score meaningless, because its themes of identity and individuality transcend beyond the quality of an episode and become instead emotional catharsis. Fuck. This episode should be required viewing in school. Some of my favorite moments are-

Season 1 Roundup

What a fantastic first season of a show. Seriously, this was an incredible first step, and I can’t wait to see where this goes. I loved everything about this show. It had wonderfully clever characters, fantastic animation, incredible themes, beautiful music, astonishingly good continuity, and extremely funny humor. I started this series a few weeks ago knowing that I would probably only be able to get one or two reactions a week out, and yet we all saw where that plan went. Seriously, this first season was incredible, and there’s so much that we still don’t know! I’ve been told that Season 2 is where the show starts to get into Maximum Overdrive, so I can’t wait to see what comes up next. We've seen that Peridot escaped, and that ArmsLegs is somewhere in the ocean, and we haven't seen the Pearl/Garnet fusion yet, so I'm guessing we'll be spending most of season 2 exploring those. Steven Universe, you’re a-fucking-okay!
On a side note, I may be slowing down these reactions a little going into season 2 for a bit. I’d say keep an eye out for a reaction about every 2 days until the end of next week, when school ends. Then it’s going to be a mad dash to the end! Thank you guys so much for sticking with me this far. I never expected this to be anywhere this big, and everyday I see you guys and smile. You guys are so incredibly positive, and I feel lucky to be in this incredible community. Thank you guys so much! Finally, a question-
Until Next Time!
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Blind Reaction to Steven Universe Episodes 62-63

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22 Episodes 23-24 Episodes 25-26 Episodes 27-28 Episodes 29-30 Episodes 31-32 Episodes 33-34 Episodes 35-36 Episodes 37-38 Episodes 39-40 Episodes 41-42 Episodes 43-44 Episodes 45-46 Episodes 47-48 Episodes 49-50 Episodes 51-52 Episodes 53-54 Episodes 55-56 Episodes 57+misc Episodes 58-59 Episodes 60-61
Time for another reaction! Yinz know the rules, keep spoiler free and keep the hype low, and let’s get into the episodes!

Episode 62- Chille Tid

Steven and the Crystal Gems try to relax with a slumber party.
Written and Storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Lauren Zuke

Closing Thoughts-

This was a really great episode. First off, learning Malachite’s name was really cool, and the way we learned it was even better. Everything in that scene was pretty amazing. The animation was especially fantastic there, I think. The way Lapis and Jasper looked absolutely exhausted and defeated was really great, and their expressive emotions were really well animated. Most of the early stuff was really fun, especially anything with Pearl, and so hitting the dark stuff with Lapis was really unexpected and carried a lot of weight. I thought this would be a lighter episode, but it turns out that there’s no such thing in Steven Universe! I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes, so let’s get into the next episode.

Episode 63- Cry For Help

Steven's favorite TV show gets interrupted by a magical disturbance.
Written and Storyboarded by Joe Johnston and Jeff Liu
Alexia Khamide, huh? She really nailed it here. Good Jorb, Alexia!
Oh, I see. Sardonx, consciously or unconsciously, left the place unbroken so that she could be in the limelight again.

Closing Thoughts-

This was a powerful episode. We met Sardonyx, who’s a manipulative, attention-seeking bully, and we learned that Pearl’s willing to lie to people to feel better. We also learned that Amethyst blames herself for Sugilite’s behavior exclusively, and we got some really tense drama between all of the characters. This is probably the worst we’ve seen the gems be to one another and themselves. This episode was really interesting to watch because it does a complete 180 on where it seems to be going about two thirds of the way through the episode. There’s so much to talk about with this episode, but I want to hold onto it for awhile until I have a better sense of what’s going to happen. Still, this was a great episode, and I really enjoyed it. On to my episode list-

Top Ten Episodes

  1. Alone Together
  2. Rose’s Scabbard.
  3. We Need to Talk
  4. Keeping it Together
  5. Sworn to the Sword
  6. On the Run
  7. Lion 3: Straight to Video
  8. Winter Forecast
  9. Cry For Help
  10. Coach Steven
10. Laser Light Cannon
I rearranged a couple episodes after rewatching some of the older stuff, so this might not be exactly the same as it was before.
Next up, my vocal tracks-

Top Five Vocal Tracks-

  1. Do it for her
  2. Stronger Than You
  3. On the Run
  4. Strong in the real way
  5. Let yourself be wherever you are
After the next song, I plan on extending vocal tracks to top ten so look out for that. Finally, my BGM’s-

Top Ten BGM's

  1. I’m Still Here
  2. Theme from an Endless Romance
  3. Glitch City
  4. Lapis' Tower
  5. Night Drive
  6. Twilight Run
  7. Alone Together
  8. The Cave
  9. The Hill/Rose’s Fountain
  10. Love like you(The Ocean Returns)
Thanks so much for reading, guys! As usual, keep your comments spoiler free and keep the hype low. Finally, a question-
Until next time!
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Size is Inversely Related to Stability in Fusion

I've been thinking about this for a while. Garnet, Smokey Quartz, and Stevonnie are all fusions of two entities that came out to about the size of an adult human. On the other hand Opal and Malachite are also fusions of two entities that came out much larger. I don't think this is just a result of what kind of gems contributed to their formation; I think it has to do with their harmony.
We know that Garnet, Smokey, and Stevonnie are all fairly stable because of the relationships that they are built upon. Malachite on the other hand is they manifestation of an abusive relationship and Opal is formed by two people who usually get on each other's nerves. So size correlates to instability.
If this is true, it would correspond pretty well to how actual atomic stability (fusion and fission) works. For a nucleus to be stable, it has to have all of it's protons and neutrons contained inside a radius small enough that it can be held together by the strong nuclear force. When a nucleus becomes energized (perhaps by gamma radiation) those protons and neutrons move into elevated states where the strong nuclear force doesn't have as tight of a grip and the nucleus becomes unstable. If the nucleus is large enough and unstable enough it causes fission.
It would also give credence to what Pearl says when she sings 'Strong in the Real Way' that "A power that big comes with a bigger expense." Initially I interpreted her meaning as Sugilite's emotional volatility, but since we didn't see that from Alexandrite or Obsidian who are larger and more powerful, I'm thinking she meant the stability of the fusion.
What do you all think? Any counter examples you can think of?
submitted by miketbrand0 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

How do you think fusions feel about components?

I mean, even though fusions take parts from both Gens, they are still their own individual person with their own unique personality. They aren’t bound by the thoughts and feelings of their components (as demonstrated by Sugilite).
For example, what does Sardonyx think of Garnet and Pearl? What are Opal’s opinions on Pearl and Amethyst?
Can a fusion like, dislike, or even hate the Gems that make them up?
submitted by DragonBat362 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Fusion Power Tier List as of 1-28-19

So this is an idea I have been thinking about since CYM. (Note: Fusions who have had no or very low combat or have only appeared briefly will NOT be counted in this list, examples: Fluorite, Jade, Rainbow Quartz, etc. Also same gems fusions like Topaz and Triple Ruby are not included.) This a tier list based on combat effectiveness and raw power, not strength in the real way. This list is entirely my opinion and by no means are you forced to agree or respect it. This is also my first tier list on this so expect a LOT of mistakes.

Garnet is a rather weak fusion, probably because Sapphire hinders the fusion because she is not made for fighting while Ruby is. Garnet may be a weak fusion but she is still incredibly powerful, but it's shocking for a gem as massive and powerful as Malachite is also only 2 gems. Garnet is exceptionally difficult to unfuse however.

Opal is probably slightly more powerful than Garnet. The bow is a very powerful and versatile weapon, but Opal is probably not very durable, being somewhat of a glass cannon. I don't have much to say about her, she seems quite powerful, but her lack of screentime limits my understanding of what she can do. Again, still incredibly strong, but still kind of weak for a fusion.

Sugilite is the weakest mid tier fusion, while her raw power and mighty flail are no joke, she's cocky, unstable and rather stupid. She easily underestimates her foes and charges in headfirst, probably believing herself to be invincible. But she was able to be unfused with just one hit of her own weapon. We can probably add clumsy to the list. But despite all these negative traits, she can easily destroy the gem communication tower, which is a feat only shared by Sardonyx. A lack of stability hinders her even more, making her fusion unreliable.

Alexandrite is a powerhouse with a no-nonsense attitude on taking down any threat to earth, with access to all crystal gem weapons except the shield, this means she should be at the top of the list right? Well not quite. You see with great power comes great responsibility, meaning that Alexandrite cannot maintain her form for long, exhausting the crystal gems. Maintaining this form requires immense concentration and can be split apart by Pearl just not wanting to eat breadsticks. Keep in mind Alexandrite was only able to beat Malachite because of the Watermelon Steven army, distracting Malachite. Alexandrite also has no special resistance to Blue Diamond's emotion powers or Aquamarine's wand.

Sunstone already shows blistering power with her strength holding up the diamond mech's foot. Her strength and calm attitude makes it so she can stay fused for a long time (probably indefinitely). Her access to 2 very useful weapons, the shield and gauntlets place her higher on the list. Although her combined weapon is rather weak being suction cups. There is also a limit to her durability as she was unfused in one hit from the diamond mech. I think I speak for everyone when I hope to see more Sunstone in the future.

Smoky Quartz has one of the best weapons on the list: The Yo-Yo. They even get three of these monsters. Smoky was able to defeat Jasper effortlessly, even when she became the corrupted fusion. Although Garnet was able to defeat Jasper, it took a lot of effort. Smoky's versatility in their weapon can range from long range attacks, grappling hook or even creating a tornado strong enough to lift a corrupted fusion. Smoky also shows notable acrobatic feats rivaling or surpassing Garnet's.

Sardonyx has it all. Class, wits and power. A very stable and reliable fusion, so much so that even the crystal gems probably know she's one of the best fusions. As seen when Garnet and Pearl fuse into Sardonyx in "Back to the moon" Amethyst does not fuse, hinting at it being more reliable than Alexandrite (Although they probably did this because it was faster to fuse Sardonyx than Alexandrite). Also seen in "Back to the moon" Sardonyx was able to unfuse the quintuple Ruby fusion in just one hit. Also the classiness automatically makes her High Tier.

Malachite is stupidly strong, control over water means that anywhere that's close to water gives her an overpowering advantage, she was able to easily defeat Alexandrite before the Watermelon Stevens intervened. She also retains the ability fly from Lapis and the crushing strength of Jasper. All of this while only a 2 gem fusion, yet she's as large and mighty as a 3 or 4 gem fusion.

Okay we all called it, Obsidian holds 1st place on the list. Having access to the shield, spear, gauntlets, whip, bow, flail, yo-yo, suction cups, umbrella and hammer, and her unique greatsword, strong enough to slice through diamond warships, whereas Opal's bow couldn't even scratch a hand ship. She also probably has pyrokinesis what with the lava and all. Also holding together surprisingly well for a 5 gem fusion. Even the very little we've seen of her I can already tell she's the most powerful fusion (yet).

So that was my (probably very inaccurate list) on the fusions. This was done purely for fun and I hope you have a nice day.

submitted by GoldenBrine to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond (Post StevenBomb 4 UPDATE)

Edited 05/08: Now that The Truth Is Out, I wrote a formal version compiling foreshadowing on The Geekiary here!

Original Masterpost

Hello lovelies! I've been dragging my feet about updating this post, but here I am, finally doing it. I have decided to redo the post entirely, since there is all sorts of new context for the theory, and I thought it might be fun to preserve the "original" theory for posterity.

THEORY: Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond, former member of the Diamond Authority

Note: There are many variations on this theory. Rose + Bismuth = Pink Diamond, Rose mutilated her Gem to be Pink Diamond, all Diamonds are secret Fusions and Rose is only a component--etc. To make it easier for myself, I'm still presenting the potential evidence that supports Rose (and now Steven) being a literal Diamond, but please note that this evidence can be applied to most theories if you tweak the interpretation. Quite honestly, much of this evidence can also support Rose being a high-ranking member of Pink Diamond's court. Only time will tell!
Here is an excellent summary of the post-SB4 misdirection of the theory by tumblr user oathkeeper-of-tarth.
1) The Diamond Authority symbols from various episodes seem to indicate there once was a pink component, but now there is not. In rough chronological (in terms of Gem history) order:
2) The mural in Serious Steven.
3) Real life rose quartz gemstones are lighter than pink diamonds.
4) (Pink) diamonds are rare and very hard, like Rose's shield.
5) In the original pilot, Steven's Gem has a gold ring around it.
6) Several pieces of clothing have pink diamonds on them
7) Royalty foreshadowing
8) The sparklies at the warp pad are pink diamonds in Rose's Scabbard.
9) There are pink diamonds on the shields at the Strawberry Fields.
10) Rebecca Sugar packed these pins for SDCC this year
11) Greg's van has a diamond window. The lighthouse has a diamond designs as well.
12) The pink stuff all over the space ships in Friend Ship
13) Pearl calls Rose "one of a kind" in the Guide to the Crystal Gems
14) Rose doesn't have much in common with the other confirmed quartz types, Jasper and Amethyst
if Rose is a quartz, why is that she's much more friendly looking, and has protection/healing powers if she's built to fight? Ian Jones-Quartey: quartz soldiers are intended for armies, meaning some of them need defensive powers as well. they can't all be tanks.
Does this mean that Rose is definitely a quartz? Ian Jones-Quartey: Yo her name is Rose QUARTZ
15) It Could've Been Great
16) There exists a famous diamond named "Pink Star Diamond") ty, u/noordleoordle
17) You can hear Blue Diamond-like tones in Rose's music
I. Skinny mural legs! Other Diamonds have a kite cut! No one recognized her during The Answer! She's way smaller than Blue or Yellow Diamond! Jasper said: "You have the Power of Rose Quartz!"
II. The Guide lists Steven's Gem type as "Quartz"
III. Peridot calls Steven "some kind of quartz" in When It Rains
IV. Wouldn't an actual Rose Quartz Gem exist?
V. I don't get it. Why would Rose change her name/form at all?
VI. Ugh, I hate hidden royalty cliches. It seems too obvious
Question: Is it disheartening to the crewniverse if a fan theory predicts events in the show?
Matt's response: No. What fun is a mystery if audience isn't given the clues to figure it out themselves?
My concluding point: Not only is there a lot of evidence, (some undoubtedly more convincing than others), there is a good narrative value to this theory. This show is about Steven Quartz Universe--whoever his mother was has to impact him directly. But think about it--Steven coming into his "magical destiny" as the son of an ancient alien ruler and some primitive primate joe schmo, one of a kind in a species in the whole universe, the bridge between magical and mundane, made from love <3
submitted by LadyRavenEye to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Blind Reaction to Steven Universe Episodes 64-65

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22 Episodes 23-24 Episodes 25-26 Episodes 27-28 Episodes 29-30 Episodes 31-32 Episodes 33-34 Episodes 35-36 Episodes 37-38 Episodes 39-40 Episodes 41-42 Episodes 43-44 Episodes 45-46 Episodes 47-48 Episodes 49-50 Episodes 51-52 Episodes 53-54 Episodes 55-56 Episodes 57+misc Episodes 58-59 Episodes 60-61 Episodes 62-63
Alright, guys, we’re back with another reaction. Now, I know that a lot of people disagreed with my opinions on Sardonyx, and I feel like there might have been some miscommunication, so I’m going to spell out my current opinion on her and then move on.
Sardonyx is a bully. She used emotional manipulation to hurt Amethyst and make herself seem better. That said, Pearl and Garnet are not bullies. They’re both unaware of how they’re hurting Amethyst. Pearl is blinded by the sheer joy she felt being Sardonyx, and Garnet most likely didn’t realize that the words she directed towards Sugilite were hurting Amethyst instead. Sardonyx is just like any other person in that she can change, so if something happens that I think will change her character, or if we see her again and she’s different, my opinion on her will change.
I’m really surprised at how many people seemed upset by this interpretation. I don’t think I’ve had this negative a backlash on anything I’ve said, well…ever. I’ve responded to literally hundreds of comments about Sardonyx, which seems so strange to me because it was such a small part of my post, and I kind of feel like it took away the sense of friendly discussion in the comments. A lot of it was my fault, though. I think I just got tired of talking about Sardonyx, and started to get irritable, so I’m sorry if I came off strong on the subject. I think I’m about done talking about Sardonyx for now, so I’m sorry to tell you that I won’t be talking about her unless something new comes up.
Now that I’ve got that out of the way, let’s get into the episodes. You guys know the deal; keep spoiler free and keep the hype low.

Episode 64- Keystone Motel

Steven, Greg, and Garnet go on a road trip.
[Editor’s note from the future: These episode descriptions get more and more vague every time. What the hell is this crap?]
Written and Storyboarded by Raven M. Molisee, Paul Villeco and Rebecca Sugar
Maybe you're better off with her
I think she's better for you
I forgot how great it felt to be us
Guess I got carried away
I had to use you to make me feel strong
But I don't care about that now
I see a tower built out of my mistakes
And it all comes crashing down
Is there something I can do
Is there something I can do
Is there something I can do
Can I make it up to you?
How I feel so far with this Stevenbomb.
Oh, he’s talking about when he turned into an Akira cat monster. Gotcha.

Closing Thoughts-

This was a good episode. It was really nice to see Ruby and Sapphire again. It’s nice to see these characters, although I really don’t think we’ll be seeing much of them. I’d say that we’ll get to see them as a treat, but I can’t imagine many scenarios where we’d see Garnet unfused in a happy situation. Still, they’ve both got wonderful energy, and seeing them fight on their second appearance certainly wasn’t expected. Seeing Pearl try to make Garnet appreciate her was pretty sad. Actually, most of this episode was. There was just this growing sense of disappointment in the characters throughout this entire episode that really made me feel terrible. Not that that’s a bad thing, of course. The music was really lovely in this episode, and I enjoyed it a ton. Hopefully, we start to get some closure into this situation in the next few episodes. Onto the next one!

Episode 65- Onion Friend

Steven and Amethyst visit the strange world of Onion's house; Amethyst catches up with her old friend Vidalia.
Written and Storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Katie Mitroff

Closing Thoughts-

This was an interesting little episode. It seemed like we were going to learn more about Onion, but he remains an engima to us. No, we spent this episode exploring an old relationship Amethyst has with Vidalia, which is quite interesting. Of ourse Amethyst would be the one to make friends with a human! Hearing her talk about Garnet and Pearl was quite interesting, though. I really enjoy how much they’re impacting everyone around them. It gives the situation a lot of weight. I’m also glad that we’ve 3 episodes now without a resolution. This is a real issues that’s going to take time to solve, and so letting us experience that alongside the cast is a great choice. There wasn’t much going on in terms of animation or music, but the episode didn’t really need anything special to do its job, and it did it quite well. My current episode standings are-

Top Ten Episodes

  1. Alone Together
  2. Rose’s Scabbard
  3. We Need to Talk
  4. Keeping it Together
  5. Sworn to the Sword
  6. On the Run
  7. Lion 3: Straight to Video
  8. Winter Forecast
  9. Cry For Help
  10. Coach Steven
10. Laser Light Cannon
Next up, my vocal tracks-

Top Five Vocal Tracks-

  1. Do it for her
  2. Stronger Than You
  3. On the Run
  4. Strong in the real way
  5. Let yourself be wherever you are
Finally, my BGM’s-

Top Ten BGM's

  1. I’m Still Here
  2. Theme from an Endless Romance
  3. Glitch City
  4. Be Cool at the Nightclub
  5. Lapis' Tower
  6. Night Drive
  7. Twilight Run
  8. Alone Together
  9. The Cave
  10. The Hill/Rose’s Fountain
I'm planning on going back and listening to all of the BGM's again, since I've been a little lax here, so you'll probably see some changes in this list over the next few posts.
Thanks for reading, guys! As usual, keep spoiler free and keep the hype low. Finally, a question-
Until Next Time!
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Steven Universe: Harmony and The Plot of the Movie

Tl; Dr: The Movie plot could be about a rogue gem that escapes from eons of imprisonment and starts breaking havoc on Homeworld, as the Steven Universe: Harmony comics suggest.
After the bomb that was "Change your mind" and with the official confirmation on the upcoming movie airing sometime in fall, I think it's time for some rough speculation about everyone's favorite matter: the plot.
For those who didn't know, KaBOOM! Studios (the ones responsible for bringing SU to the good ol' fashioned format of comics) released a series of comics called Steven Universe: Harmony that is some kind of prequel to the movie. The last comic was published two(ish) months ago and, oddly enough, nobody is talking about it. So I decided to give it a go, speculate a bit of what the comic gives in terms of plot for the movie and the what it adds to whole show itself.
With so many things in mind, warnings are the best to avoid misconceptions and/or problems.
1) I'm, not a fluent English speaker. I say this because, even though I'm confident enough in my capabilities to make this post, I understand that seeing bad writing is... unpleasant (at least for me). So, please, for the sake of mastering my English skills, feel free to correct any typos and spelling errors that you can spot (and be patient).
2) About the canonicity of the comics. As far as I know, the comics are "half canon" or "level 2 cannon", that is to say, unless the show directly contradicts the comics, they are as canon as an official release can be.
3) Spoiler Warning (For the comics and the movie) I mean, my word is not any kind of official confirmation, but the whole batch of comics are intended to be a "prequel" of some sorts for the movie, so if you would rather like to see the movie (whenever it airs...) blind, and without any kind of expectations about its plot or would actually want to give the comics a go (they're actually pretty good), get out of here, NOW.
4) Supporting the show. If you can, buy the comics, the best way to support the show is by showing Cartoon Network our love, the best way of doing so is by buying the merch.
Well, without further ado, let's get started.

The Time period of the comics

First of all, unlike the other comics, these ones are pretty clear in the time period they are positioned. So, given the clues the comics present, they could be set between the aftermath of "Jungle Moon" and directly before"The Big Show". The evidence is the following:
Knowing that, we can get a pretty solid idea that the comics are actually made with care for the details that the continuity of each episode has, that makes me think that the adventure happening in the comics will be referenced in some point of the movie (I hope a callback, as some characters get some really good development in this short story), because it doesn't contradict anything that has happened in the show.

The Comics and The Story

Before moving on to the movie plot, lets talk of what the comics add to the overall story of the show:

The Harmony Cores

The comic introduces the "Harmony Chores", a piece of ancient gem technology (at least from before the war) which primarily function was to subdue planets before their colonization without threatening organic lifeforms by serving as an energy source to power centinels that would grow stronger the more time the cores would remain active. They are said to connect with each other through "warp-like" technology and work like this:
First, a "loyal Gem" would get inside it by touching it (this would make only the light form of such gem go inside of the harmony core, not its gemstone) to control it from the inside and harmonizes with another gem on the outside, thus getting the core started and functioning well.
Second, the cores would start harmonizing with each other (they all activate at the same time, but deactivate separately) and would begin to pulsate signals that trap inside it the consciousness of any living organism nearby (I assume they all eventually die from starvation, as only their consciousness is sent inside). The consciousness of those trapped inside the cores acts like an amplifier of a radio frequency, the more they are, the powerful the cores grow.
Third, the cores would start beating light-signals that power centinels, those sentinels would start colonizing the planet, making it ready for gem production.
Fourth and last, when the colony is finished, the gem inside the harmony core would get out through a failsafe and deactivate the core.
The problem with this is that, as Peridot mentions, such failsafe for the gem trapped inside the core was only used when a "useful" homeworld gem was being trapped, it's said that most of the gems that got trapped inside the core to make it work are still trapped and scattered alongside with each core in space (maybe this was a punishment for "malfunctioning", different or off-colors gems.
Another thing that gets mentioned in these comics is that the harmony chores weren't used for eons, they were never even intended to be in the earth in the first place because new and more efficient technology was being used already for the colonization. They were, though, a gift from Blue Diamond to Pink to please her. First, the zoo was created to help her with the preservation of the humans in the planet, then the harmony cores were given to her to "ensure the rest (of the organisms in the earth) a peaceful end". Tough, as Blue mentions, the cores on earth were never activated (One of the topazes activates one accidentally at the start of the comics and that sets off all of the cores in existence) before, because Pink was "shattered" first.

The Movie and The future of Steven Universe:

At the end of the last comic, Steven and co. finally, destroy all the cores in existence (after battling with a giant core-robot) and supposedly free all of the hundreds of gems inside the other cores. To make a good assumption of what the movie plot will be, let's break the situation of the story so far, apart:
The Harmony Cores side to side (Left, the teaser of the Movie, Right, comics):
That is the end of the "facts" we know for sure, but let me get inside some heavy theorizing:
Let's say that, after seeing she's not perfect, White decides to make some severe changes in the Homeworld society and starts by stopping the colonization of planets. Now, after Homeworld finally starts to take the steps to get better, things get bad. The connection I was talking about before? Well, I think the comic end and the movie teaser suggest that some not-so-friendly gem got out after who knows how many eons of getting trapped and is not feeling so swell about Homeworld. Let's say this rogue gem wakes up from her thousands of years imprisonment and begins to cause havoc amongst the planet/colonies, as some sort of revenge to the empire that trapped her.
And what If the threat is big enough, such as the diamonds can't handle it? Remember, if the Diamonds resort to trapping gems instead of directly shattering them (that could lead to potential problems later) that must be for a really good reason (Heck, it could even be an organic life-form that caused them some real problems). And what if their last resort is asking the CGs for help. That would make both, a good exploration of the ancient/new gem culture and a good scenario for battles to develop, mix everything up and you have yourself a good movie plot.
Many wonder about the future of the series (as most of the more "important" plot points got resolved with the last episode released) and some even act like there is nothing left for the show to explore, but if the Crewniverse knows how to do it?, they have tons of things to add to the Steven Universe story (Traveling through each of Homeworld's old colonies to find the lost gems?, that could be awesome!)
But that is what I think that could happen. Let me know what you think about all of this!
EDIT: As Timeline15 said, the gem that appears in the movie's teaser seems to have a heart shaped gem in its chest. That reminded me of something: at one point in the comics Garnet battles a sentinel/monster that has a Harmony Core in i'ts chest. We've seen quite little about gem-powered artifacts such as lapis's mirror or the gems in the walls of Homeworld, maybe this is related?
EDIT 2: After four months or so, a kind stranger gave me gold in this post during my cake-day. That's actually a really good gift, thank you very much whoever you are!!
submitted by CosmicBirb to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Homeworld may actually have a good reason for banning cross fusion.

I mean, aside from being unable to fulfill a certain purpose. If gems were allowed free reign with fusion, it could spell serious disaster because they could be unpredictable and uncontrollable. You really wouldn't want a Sugilite or Malachite situation occurring because then unpredictable fusions could destroy infrastructure and could potentially bring unwanted chaos.
submitted by PixieDustFairies to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Does this show hold up to its music?

I'm not sure if it's okay to post entire essays in these text posts, but there doesn't seem to be a word limit so...
I tried by best with the formatting, hope you all can read this.
Part 1: Introductions
About a month ago, I found Aivi and Surasshu on Soundcloud and fell in love. I mean, fell hard. "The Black Box" covers so many moods and styles while still feeling completely in control and intent in every track. As most of you here probably know, however, Aivi and Surasshu are not known mostly for The Black Box, but for the sountrack of Steven Universe. After searching the artist of The Black Box craving more music I was initially struck with the over 100 sounds and near 3 hours of content. Listening through though, I can safely say that almost every track is just as and usually more amazing than anything on The Black Box. I mean, talk about diversity in style! I could talk for hours about the many nuances of the Steven Universe Soundtrack. Actually yeah, let me do that. Skip this part if you already know how awesome this music is!
Part 2: Steven Universe Soundtrack musings
Listen along with me, it's free!
Initially, "Steven's Shield" was a quaint opening that had me expecting a nice and heartfelt yet playful setlist. A good song to be sure, but that mood was immediately overturned with "The Mother". The clean fast synth drums play so darkly off of the thick synths that I feel like I need to take a breath every time I hear it. This soundtrack clearly knows how to handle many different styles. If I go into every song I might be here all day, and I don't want to lose sleep. Here are a ""few"" notable examples of things I liked in the soundtrack.
Around here I realized that the music was really getting good. I wish I could comment on every track!
Okay, I should explain that at this point I didn't even really comprehend that this was a cartoon. I was listening to it like a long album! Even still, I could feel like I was rooting for the characters I didn't know existed. That's how good this soundtrack is! It paints such a vivid picture, and I want more! Okay, back to musing.
It seems we've reached the end of the soundtrack, and what an ending... I hope our heroes are okay!
Part 3: Steven Universe and me, and you!
As I've eluded to in Part 2, a lot of the songs in this soundtrack, especially a lot of the lyrical songs, have made me interested in watching Steven Universe. Now, I realize that going to a subreddit entitled "Steven Universe" to ask whether or not I should watch Steven Universe may be inquiring of the choir, but look at it from my perspective. I haven't watched TV in a long time, let alone cartoons. Even if the soundtrack is great, a cartoon may not pique my interest as much. So here's my question, does this show hold the same nuance as its music? I can listen to this music and analyse the many subtleties for hours, is the show like that? If it's just a straight forward show, I'm perfectly happy experiencing the story though the music. I'm absolutely not doubting that the show is "good", but there are plenty of "good" shows that I just can't get into, mostly because they have plots that I could see coming from a mile away and nothing to analyze. These are worlds I just can't get lost in. So, does it sound like even an old guy like me could enjoy this show? Thanks for your responses in advance!
submitted by notaiviandsurasshu to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

sugilite gem meaning video

3.5 Purple Gemstones Steven Universe Soundtrack ♫ - Synchronize/Sugilite - YouTube Explaining Fusion in Steven Universe - YouTube The Meaning/Primitive/Sugilite Records - YouTube Malachite The Greatest Fusion Gem Ever!? - Steven Universe ... SUGILITE 💜 - Crystal Healing Meaning, Uses and Properties ... Which Crystal 💎 is Most ⚡️Powerful ?? - YouTube Lapis Lazuli & Her Symbolism EXPLAINED! (Steven ... - YouTube

The Sugilite gem is good for distinguishing the true intentions people have when they come to you with business ideas. With this crystal and its energies, your intuition will be keener when it comes to identifying who is a good business partner, and who is trying to get rich off your ideas and talent. Sugilite is actually most akin - in look and feel - to Lapis, the key Voice stone. They're like purple and blue versions of each other. Of course that's a simplification, as Sugilite lacks the Calcite and Pyrite that give Lapis its white streaks and golden flecks. They are a sort of yin and yang for one another (Lapis and Sugilite). Sugilite is a fairly recent discovery in the realm of gemstones; discovered in 1944 by a Japanese scientist named Dr. K Sugi. Although the most significant find to date was in the Kalahari Desert of northern Africa in 1975. Sugilite is said to bring about the important realization of the connection between the well being of the physical body and ... Sugilite, or Sugalite as it is sometimes called, has been found in Japan, Canada and South Africa. The original discovery was in Japan and this crystal is named after Ken Sugi, who was the geologist who discovered it. It is within these mines that much of the worlds Sugilite is found. These sugilite pieces feature the deep purple tint that has become so popular among gem buyers. The majority of the sugilite removed from the deposit has the cloudy opaque coloration that is most common, but a few of the stones are translucent. These of course are the most highly prized and expensive pieces. Sugilite Meaning Sugilite looks like a purple jelly that will definitely grab your attention with ease. It is a rare and stunning gem which can be opaque, but usually, with a rare color. As a matter of fact, there are also Sugilite that are lavender, dark rose red, magenta, pale lilac pink, and reddish violet in color. Sugilite is considered one of the major love stones, bringing its purple ray energy to earth. It is good for confidence, creativity, courage and mental balance. It allows eccentricities to express themselves. Physical Energy Properties: Sugilite is good for whole body balance and the mind and body link in disease. sugilite This deeply purple gem is known for its connection to spirituality and mysticism. The wearer of sugilite is said to have vastly enhanced connections to their spirituality along with increased psychic ability. Sugilite Meaning and Spiritual Properties. Sugilite is considered one of the major love stones, bringing its purple ray energy to earth. It is good for confidence, creativity, courage and mental balance. It allows eccentricities to express themselves. Buy Sugilite Gemstones Online At Wholesale Prices. Sugulite (also sugilite) is a purple stone that is most often opaque, but occasionally translucent. Due to its rarity, the translucent Sugulite is more expensive. It was found and named in 1944 in Japan. It is also found in Canada and South Africa.

sugilite gem meaning top

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3.5" 205g Super Saturated Vivid Purple SUGILITE Gem Rough South Africa for sale

Malachite is my favorite Gem Fusion in the series for various reasons. With only her small amount of time on screen, she's brought so much to the fusion tabl... /// What does a Gem Fusion between Garnet and Amethyst look and sound like? Meet Sugilite in this sneak peek that premiered at the Steven Universe San Diego Comi... Please visit us at to see this and over 2,000 more fine mineral specimens. Steven Universe is a show that prides itself on its relationships, both through their interactions and through fusions. A fusion is the physical manifestatio... She’s a character who has led to controversy and split camps of fans into those who love her or hate her. I, of course, am talking about Lapis Lazuli. From h... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Here at, we use a wide variety of purple gemstones: amethyst, ametrine, purple diamonds, purple garnet, some colors of Tanzanite, sugilite ... Click over to for all the resources, photos, and related links referred to here in ... Garnet and Amethyst's fusion dance music and Sugilite's theme from "Coach Steven."Composed by Aivi Tran and Steven "Surasshu" Velema. Picture drawn by Paul V...

sugilite gem meaning

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